تو چقدر بايدی! ♥️
گِلاره | نور چشم is a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing inspiring and thought-provoking content in Persian. The title, which translates to 'Gilaareh | Light of the Eye', reflects the channel's aim to enlighten and engage its audience. Whether you're looking for insightful quotes, beautiful poetry, or motivational messages, this channel has something for everyone. The username '@gelaarre' is your gateway to a world of positivity and wisdom, delivered straight to your Telegram feed. Who is it for? Anyone who seeks a daily dose of inspiration, encouragement, and reflection. What is it? A virtual space where Persian speakers can come together to share and appreciate meaningful content that resonates with the soul. Join @gelaarre today and let the light of your eyes guide you towards a brighter, more enlightened future.
13 Jan, 19:59
11 Jan, 10:19
05 Jan, 00:01
17 Nov, 19:42
15 Nov, 21:03
13 Nov, 21:22
12 Nov, 21:35
10 Nov, 07:13
09 Nov, 18:29
07 Nov, 19:34
06 Nov, 21:51
21 Oct, 05:51
15 Oct, 06:55