FullPurp's Art History


Art channel for FullPurp / ThePurp. Mostly NSFW! Linktree: https://linktr.ee/fullpurp

FullPurp's Art History

22 Oct, 21:08

theres little bits of characterization here and there that ive been sitting on since i made the OG four years ago but the main one i have to draw attention to is that it took me until after posting it to realize that a furry laying outside and sun-tanning makes no sense so im real happy with the save on that— jared's the kind of influencerthat follows dubious health trends he finds on social media

FullPurp's Art History

22 Oct, 15:41

like the gentle-gator he is, Tank takes the time to introduce himself at every formal social event

FullPurp's Art History

07 Oct, 15:29

Sooo, we're back. Schedules a bit more freed up now and the next four pages WILL NOT be taking a month and a half. Page count is locked at 40 pages, all written up and kind of metered out into those 4-page intervals. Super excited to tear into this.

Still wrestling with text size btw. In spite of last time, I've downsized the font a bit here to match some of the other inspirations I mentioned— just got a lotta writing to fit into some pages, so I'm trying to give myself some breathing room/rewriting to cut it down some more. I figured since *no one* thought it was an issue at all at the previous size, I might as well push my luck since it never seems to come up for any of those other comics.

FullPurp's Art History

07 Oct, 15:20

when you give a gator a burger, well, you've made yourself a friend

FullPurp's Art History

13 Sep, 17:22

Sneak preview of page 1— specifically, I'm hoping for a bit of feedback on text legibility. The page/text size I've been using for the longest time is directly based off some of Meesh and Catsudon's HD comic pages, with the font / font size being matched by a couple other artists I respect. *However*, there's plenty of others that go smaller, with the only issue being that *some* of them really leave me having to squint/zoom in.

My top priority is keeping things legible without people needing to zoom— I like a smooth, easy read, BUT I also really want the erotica to have room to breath. So just, general vibe check, on whatever device you're viewing this on, is it easy to read? Could I go a bit smaller on pages with more? Is is a tough read as is or does the text seem overly huge?

FullPurp's Art History

07 Sep, 01:25

i dont do vore but if i did itd probably go a little something like this

(why haven't i drawn otters sooner kev is so damn fun to draw and emote with)

FullPurp's Art History

22 Aug, 19:01

Sooo yeah— this is an unusually spur of the moment idea for me, but it's kind of crystalized more and more over the past week so I think I wanna go for it.

Basically, my schedules looking pretty packed in the near future, polished-comics are gonna take a little longer than usual, and I could also just use a bit of a break from my established sets of characters.

I've been *gradually* trying to expand out into more long-form stories, but the next arc for the butlers is something I'm still kind of undecided on, and I want to try my hand at something outside of the twitter-formatted "four pages and nothing more" short series that I always tend to do. The script's still very tentative but it's looking like this is gonna be like, thirty to forty pages, but I'm aiming to make these pages *fast*, like, black and white, no finished lineart, no detailed backgrounds— I wanna see how much I can push out into more manga-shorthand stylings to get the idea of the scene across. And I want a sex scene that lasts longer than two pages! Tank is gonna take his *time* with these two.

A lot of you might not recognize these characters— dig back about four years on any of my gallery sites and you'll find a series of images featuring a nameless gator and otter in a hot-tub. Not giving too much away, but this will be a re-work of the original 'story', setting a proper scene and progression of events that carries *past* the point where the original left off. Unlike most of the comics I make, this was *never* planned and I am *not* giving myself much time to draft out this story, so we're just gonna hit the ground running and see how people feel about the end product. (Releasing sets of three or four pages at a time over god knows how long.)

FullPurp's Art History

22 Aug, 18:52

Sudden urge to revisit a trio of old OCs from an old image series...

Tentative plans to re-make that series into more of a longform-but-sketchy comic. Look, they've got names now! How far we've come. 😭

FullPurp's Art History

18 Aug, 17:52

(Apologies for the delay work has been truly crazy lately)

FullPurp's Art History

18 Aug, 17:51

On the weekends, while most of the butlers relax at home with their respective hobbies, one teammate remains-- seems like his position is a bit more 'full time' than the rest of them.