Welcome to 159fuckoff, the exclusive Telegram channel created for those who are looking for a place to vent, express themselves freely, and find like-minded individuals. The channel username @fuckofftg perfectly captures the essence of what this community is all about - letting off steam and sharing your thoughts without any judgment. Whether you need to rant about your day, share your opinions on current events, or simply connect with others who understand your frustrations, 159fuckoff is the perfect place for you. Our members are supportive, open-minded, and ready to lend an ear whenever you need it. Join us today and be a part of a community that values your voice and your emotions. Let's all say goodbye to negativity and hello to a safe space where you can truly be yourself. Come and experience the freedom of expression at 159fuckoff - we can't wait to welcome you with open arms!
06 Feb, 14:09
02 Feb, 19:25
29 Jan, 14:17
18 Jan, 10:33
13 Jan, 14:33
13 Jan, 14:30
02 Jan, 19:42
31 Dec, 11:42
25 Dec, 09:05
25 Dec, 09:05
16 Dec, 19:39
18 Nov, 20:45
17 Nov, 17:05
17 Nov, 15:13
15 Nov, 19:48
14 Nov, 18:32
11 Nov, 18:36
07 Nov, 19:52
07 Nov, 19:52
07 Nov, 17:33
24 Oct, 16:55
29 Sep, 20:45