Introducing the official Telegram channel of Thorsten Polleit, renowned economist, investor, and author. Welcome to 'freemarketinmoney', where you can stay up-to-date with the latest insights, analysis, and opinions from one of the leading voices in the world of economics. Thorsten Polleit is known for his expertise in monetary policy, free-market economics, and the intersection of money and finance. With a background in academia, investment banking, and financial consulting, he brings a unique perspective to the discussion of current economic trends and developments. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply interested in expanding your knowledge of economics, this channel is the perfect platform to engage with thought-provoking content and interact with like-minded individuals. Join the 'freemarketinmoney' channel today and embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment with Thorsten Polleit as your guide.
21 Nov, 15:02
21 Nov, 09:25
20 Nov, 08:55
19 Nov, 13:44
19 Nov, 10:29
18 Nov, 16:04
18 Nov, 11:46