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15 Feb, 21:26

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12 Feb, 08:12

Scorecard: India vs England, third ODI, Ahmedabad

Scorecard from Ahmedabad as England look to avoid a 3-0 series defeat to India ahead of the ICC Champions Trophy from February 19.

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12 Feb, 08:11

England bowl first looking to avoid ODI whitewash vs India LIVE!

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12 Feb, 08:10

Hereford hosts competitive jumps card before Flat action from Southwell

There's something for everyone on Sky Sports Racing today, with all-weather action from Southwell following National Hunt fare from Hereford.

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12 Feb, 08:09

Meet the rookies: Who are the six new stars on F1's 2025 grid?

Formula 1's new-look grid for 2025 features six rookies, adding yet another exciting element to what promises to be an enthralling season.

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12 Feb, 08:08

Papers: Feyenoord to hand ex-Man Utd boss Ten Hag a lifeline

The top stories and transfer rumours from Wednesday's newspapers...

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12 Feb, 06:55

Suaalii Super Rugby's star as Lions tour to Australia looms over new season

Super Rugby Pacific returns to Sky Sports on Friday morning, raising the curtain on a southern hemisphere season in which the British and Irish Lions tour to Australia looms large.

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12 Feb, 06:54

Parker's warning for 'distracted' Dubois: 'It'll show on fight night'

Joseph Parker has warned Daniel Dubois against looking past him to a potential undisputed heavyweight title clash with Oleksandr Usyk later this year.

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12 Feb, 06:53

Carra: Liverpool win at Everton would extinguish Arsenal belief

If Liverpool win their game in hand over Arsenal at Everton on Wednesday they will strike a blow to their title rivals' belief and put themselves in a fantastic position to win the Premier League, says Jamie Carragher.

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12 Feb, 06:52

Nsemba ready to keep Wigan as 'top dogs' in 2025

In Wigan Warriors' dream 2024, they unearthed another prize alongside their incredible trophy haul: young star Junior Nsemba.

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12 Feb, 06:51

Starc out of Champions Trophy as Australia lose another key bowler

Mitchell Starc has withdrawn from Australia's squad for the ICC Champions
Trophy for personal reasons, leaving the squad without their first-choice pace attack from last year's World Cup victory.

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12 Feb, 00:07

Price beats Littler on way to Players Championship title in Wigan

Gerwyn Price secured his first PDC ranking title in over a year with a thrilling 8-7 victory over Chris Dobey in Tuesday's Players Championship Two final.

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11 Feb, 23:00

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11 Feb, 19:57

Bumrah ruled out of Champions Trophy due to a back injury

Jasprit Bumrah has been ruled out of the Champions Trophy due to a back injury.

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11 Feb, 19:56

Dubois ready for Usyk now: 'We've all got to grow up some time!'

Daniel Dubois believes that now he has the beating of Oleksandr Usyk.

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11 Feb, 17:13

Why one of F1's 'greatest seasons' awaits - but who's title favourite?

"It should be one of the greatest seasons in Formula 1 history."

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11 Feb, 17:12

Wiegman on Kelly omission from England squad: She needs to show what she's about

England manager Sarina Wiegman explains her decision not to include Chloe Kelly, how she will deal with key player injuries, and why she has re-introduced Nikkita Parris.

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11 Feb, 17:11

Former BHA chair Saumarez Smith dies aged 53

Former chair of the British Horseracing Authority (BHA) Joe Saumarez Smith has died aged 53.

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11 Feb, 17:10

Chelsea owner Boehly buys stake in Hundred side for close to £40m

Chelsea co-owner Todd Boehly has paid almost £40m for a 49 per cent stake in Hundred franchise Trent Rockets.

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11 Feb, 17:09

Littler appears to hit back at social critics after Players Championship defeat

Luke Littler has appeared to hit back at critics on social media after he lost in the third round of the opening Players Championship event on Monday.

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11 Feb, 17:08

Kelly still in frame for Euro 2025 despite England squad omission

England manager Sarina Wiegman says Chloe Kelly's hopes of playing at Euro 2025 are not over after the Arsenal loanee was left out of the latest Lionesses squad to face Portugal and Spain.

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31 Jan, 09:19

Damsgaard finally showing worth at Brentford after arthritis battle

He was the player who silenced Wembley on the week he turned 21. Mikkel Damsgaard's free-kick for Denmark in the Euro 2020 semi-final against England launched the midfielder to fame.

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31 Jan, 09:18

Smith reveals arthritis battle and insists: 'I'm not finished'

Former world darts champion Michael Smith has revealed he is suffering from arthritis in his right hand.

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31 Jan, 09:17

Eydon and Champagne Prince do battle in Winter Derby Trial

A Winter Derby Trial from Southwell headlines Friday's live action on Sky Sports Racing, with Andrew Balding's Eydon strongly fancied.

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31 Jan, 09:16

Five Years of Bruno! | Fernandes' greatest PL goals

To mark the fifth anniversary of Bruno Fernandes signing for Manchester United we take a look at his greatest Premier League goals.

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31 Jan, 09:15

Care: England have learned hard lessons and others must watch out

The rest of the Six Nations must "watch out" for an England side who have learned hard lessons under Steve Borthwick, according to Harlequins scrum-half Danny Care.

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31 Jan, 03:36

Women's Ashes updates: England resume with ball against Australia at MCG

Live updates and scorecard from the Test match between Australia and England at the MCG as part of the multi-format Women's Ashes.

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31 Jan, 02:00

Lowry follows McIlroy and hits SECOND ace of day at Pebble Beach Pro-Am!

Shane Lowry hits another hole-in-one at the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am after Rory McIlroy made one earlier in the day.

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31 Jan, 01:59

Live on Sky: Blackburn vs Preston

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31 Jan, 01:58

Europa League knockouts: Who could play who in play-offs and last 16?

The Europa League group stages are over - and we've got an idea of who will play who in the knockouts. What does the path look like for Manchester United, Tottenham Hotspur and Rangers?

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31 Jan, 01:57

Kelly joins Arsenal on loan from Man City on WSL Deadline Day

Chloe Kelly has joined Arsenal on loan until the end of the season from Manchester City after completing a dramatic move on WSL Deadline Day.

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30 Jan, 22:38

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30 Jan, 20:01

Spurs latest: Kane 'very complimentary' of Tel, reveals Redknapp

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30 Jan, 20:00

'Unbelievable...perfection!' - McIlroy hits STUNNING hole-in-one at Spyglass!

Rory McIlroy hit only his second-ever PGA Tour ace on the 15th hole on the Spyglass Hill Golf course at the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am!.

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30 Jan, 19:59

Gyabi on growing up at Man City and maturing at Plymouth

Darko Gyabi loved playing for Millwall.

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30 Jan, 19:58

Mayer sets Ryan rematch after paint attack drama

Mikaela Mayer will box Sandy Ryan in a rematch for the WBO welterweight world championship on March 29 (early hours March 30, UK time) in Las Vegas.

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30 Jan, 19:57

World Masters LIVE! Heta faces Smith with Humphries, Bunting to come

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30 Jan, 16:47

Prendergast starts as Ireland reveal side to face England

Defending champions Ireland have named the side that will face England in Saturday's eagerly-anticipated match on the opening weekend of this year's Six Nations, with Sam Prendergast starting at out-half.

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30 Jan, 16:46

Walsh & Girma signings show Chelsea are targeting first CL title

Sky Sports' Anton Toloui reports on Chelsea's deal with Barcelona for England midfielder Keira Walsh.

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30 Jan, 16:45

Why Walsh signing for Chelsea should concern Arsenal and others

Keira Walsh has long been linked with a return to the Women's Super League. Across the past three transfer windows her name has cropped up multiple times, but never in connection with Chelsea despite the club being known admirers. Arsenal always were the frontrunners, so what has changed?

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30 Jan, 16:44

England struggle again in battle to avoid Ashes whitewash

England's battle to avoid a Women's Ashes whitewash began in disappointing fashion as they were rolled for 170 on day one of the pink-ball Test against Australia in Melbourne.

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19 Jan, 08:07

Whyte: I've heard that AJ wants to fight me, so I'll retire him!

Dillian Whyte says Anthony Joshua would be the 'perfect' next fight but questioned whether his team would risk a rematch after a stunning knockout loss to Daniel Dubois.

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19 Jan, 06:28

Australian Open LIVE! British No 1 Draper a set down to Alcaraz in last 16

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19 Jan, 06:27

Sabalenka races through as Gauff battles into Australian Open quarter-finals

Defending champion Aryna Sabalenka raced into the Australian Open quarter-finals while Coco Gauff recovered from a set down to defeat Belinda Bencic.

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19 Jan, 06:26

Papers: Manchester United target Wolves left-back Ait-Nouri

The top stories and transfer rumours from Sunday's newspapers...

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19 Jan, 06:25

Celtic earn Scottish Cup win over Kilmarnock | Aberdeen, Hibs through

Celtic began their defence of the Scottish Gas Scottish Cup with a 2-1 fourth-round win over a spirited Kilmarnock side at Parkhead.

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19 Jan, 06:24

Liverpool's late show, Arsenal's implosion: Was Saturday the title race's defining day?

At 4.48pm on Saturdy, Arsenal had hope of catching Liverpool. By the end of the day, Arne Slot's men had one hand on the trophy. Was this the defining day in the title race?

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18 Jan, 20:52

Watkins dents Arsenal title hopes AGAIN after thrilling Villa comeback

Highlights from the Premier League clash between Arsenal and Aston Villa.

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18 Jan, 20:51

Defining moment in title race? VAR cancels out late Arsenal winner for handball

VAR rules Mikel Merino strike for handball against Kai Havertz.

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18 Jan, 20:50

'They're at it again!' | Watkins pulls Villa LEVEL at Arsenal!

Ollie Watkins pulls Aston Villa level at Arsenal in a thrilling clash

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18 Jan, 20:49

Hits & misses: Nunez delivers in Liverpool's hour of need, West Ham look lost

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18 Jan, 20:48

Frustrated Hatton hits tee marker with club in Dubai

Tyrrell Hatton was in trouble with the officials after smashing a tee marker in frustration at the Dubai Desert Classic.

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18 Jan, 18:02

Nunez the hero as Liverpool leave it late to beat Brentford

Darwin Nunez was the hero for Liverpool, scoring twice in stoppage time to seal a dramatic late win over Brentford to send the Reds seven points clear at the top of the Premier League table.

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18 Jan, 16:07

Lulamba lives up to Triumph hype with impressive Ascot success

Lulamba lived up to the hype when comfortably accounting for fellow French import Mondo Man in the BetMGM Juvenile Hurdle at Ascot.

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18 Jan, 16:06

Cardiff thump Swansea in ill-tempered derby | Cardiff 3-0 Swansea

Highlights of the Sky Bet Championship match between Cardiff and Swansea

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18 Jan, 14:15

'Raducanu must improve intensity levels to challenge top players'

Emma Raducanu must maintain her intensity levels for longer if she is to challenge top players, says Laura Robson.

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18 Jan, 14:14

Rookie sensation Daniels has Commanders dreaming of Super Bowl

The Washington Commanders are 60 minutes away from a first appearance in the NFC Championship game for 33 years, the same 1991 season in which the franchise secured their third Super Bowl.

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18 Jan, 14:13

Hoffman, Hoey share lead at The American Express

Charley Hoffman and Rico Hoey shot a pair of 63s to take the halfway lead at The American Express at La Quinta Country Club in California.

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18 Jan, 08:11

Draper set for 'great contest' against good friend Alcaraz at Australian Open

British No 1 Jack Draper says he is hoping for a "great contest" when he takes on his good friend Carlos Alcaraz in the fourth round of the Australian Open on Sunday.

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18 Jan, 08:10

Warren: Usyk won't make 'impossible' move back to cruiserweight

Oleksandr Usyk won’t move out of the heavyweight division to pursue more accolades at cruiserweight, insists Frank Warren.

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18 Jan, 08:09

Jonbon and Energumene clash in Clarence House showdown

What a day we have ahead! Champion Chase favourite Jonbon goes head-to-head with Willie Mullins' Energumene in what promises to be a pulsating BetMGM Clarence House Chase clash - live on Sky Sports Racing...

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13 Jan, 19:37

Hearn: Eubank-Benn talks 'near the finish line'

Chris Eubank Jr's long-awaited grudge fight with Conor Benn is near the finish line and a 'stadium blockbuster awaits' in April, says promoter Eddie Hearn.

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13 Jan, 19:36

Nott'm Forest latest: Hennessey rejoins Forest on short-term deal

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13 Jan, 19:35

Cowboys part ways with head coach McCarthy

The Dallas Cowboys have parted ways with head coach Mike McCarthy following five seasons together.

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13 Jan, 19:34

'I wasn't looking to return' | Everton welcome Moyes back after almost 12 years

Newly-appointed Everton boss David Moyes is welcomed back to his old club - despite not expecting to have returned to Goodison Park.

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13 Jan, 15:48

New date for Merseyside derby confirmed

The Merseyside derby between Everton and Liverpool has been rearranged for Wednesday, February 12 after the original fixture at Goodison Park was postponed due to adverse weather conditions caused by Storm Darragh.

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13 Jan, 15:47

Fury announces retirement LIVE! Is it the right time for him to quit?

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13 Jan, 15:46

'Dick Turpin wore a mask' | Tyson Fury announces retirement with cryptic message

Tyson Fury sends out retirement video via Instagram, along with cryptic message.

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13 Jan, 14:40

Is Arteta to blame for Arsenal's striker issue?

Another succession of missed chances, a potentially serious injury to Gabriel Jesus, and a gruelling shootout loss at home to an ailing rival. Sunday's FA Cup tie against Manchester United could not have gone much worse for Mikel Arteta and Arsenal.

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13 Jan, 14:39

Kyrgios drops retirement hint after Australian Open loss to Britain's Fearnley

Nick Kyrgios says he "probably" played singles for the last time at the Australian Open after suffering a first-round defeat to Britain's Jacob Fearnley in Melbourne.

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13 Jan, 14:38

NFL fans will finally see game 'everybody has been waiting for'

NFL heavyweights will collide once again in a Game of the Year contender on Sunday as Josh Allen's Buffalo Bills and Lamar Jackson's Baltimore Ravens meet in the Divisional Round of the playoffs.

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13 Jan, 14:37

Draper's winning moment in first round of Australian Open!

Watch Jack Draper's winning moment in the opening round of the Australian Open against Mariano Navone to advance at Melbourne Park.

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13 Jan, 14:36

Milan expected to formally approach Man Utd for Rashford

AC Milan are expected to formally approach Manchester United over the signing of forward Marcus Rashford.

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13 Jan, 14:35

Watch FREE highlights of midweek Premier League games FIRST on Sky Sports

Watch free highlights of all of the midweek Premier League fixtures - including Arsenal vs Spurs and Nott'm Forest vs Liverpool - first on the Sky Sports app (

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13 Jan, 14:34

Djokovic survives Australian Open scare while Alcaraz coasts through

Novak Djokovic survived a first-round Australian Open scare against Grand Slam debutant Nishesh Basavareddy, fighting from a set down to win 4-6 6-3 6-4 6-2.

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13 Jan, 14:33

Crowd protests, Old Firm wins, European battle twist & what is live on Sky?

We take a look at wins for the Old Firm, Dundee United moving into third, Aberdeen dropping more points and St Johnstone's struggles - all ahead of Dundee vs Celtic and Rangers vs Aberdeen live on Sky Sports this week.

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13 Jan, 14:32

Draper 'proud of heart' after surviving five-set battle at Australian Open

Jack Draper came through a five-set battle in the first round of the Australian
Open for the second year in a row.

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13 Jan, 08:20

Last-gasp field goal lifts Commanders to stunning road win over Buccaneers

Highlights of the Washington Commanders against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Wild Card weekend of the NFL.

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13 Jan, 08:19

Daniels stars as Commanders snatch last-gasp win over Buccaneers

Zane Gonzalez kicked a dramatic 37-yard field goal off the post as time expired to see the Washington Commanders beat the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 23-20 in a thrilling NFL wild-card game.

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13 Jan, 08:18

Australian Open LIVE! Draper into decider with Djokovic, Alcaraz & Kyrgios in action

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13 Jan, 08:17

Dubois to Harper: 'Fight me. You'll lose but you'll get a big show'

Caroline Dubois has set her sights on world title unifications and has called for a bout with Terri Harper next.

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26 Dec, 08:21

England - Premier League Manchester City Vs Everton - 1:30PM
Over 0.5

England - League 1 Birmingham City Vs Burton Albion - 4:00PM

Wales - Cymru Premier Caernarfon Vs TNS - 3:30PM
Under 4.5

Wales - Cymru Premier Barry Town Vs Penybont - 1:30PM
Away Win

Egypt - Premier League Al Masry Vs Al Ahly - 7:00PM
(0:2) 2H

Wales - Cymru North Prestatyn Town FC Vs Llandudno FC - 3:00PM
Over 0.5

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25 Dec, 09:03

Tunisia - Ligue I Gafsa Vs Esperance - 2:00PM

Morocco - Botola Pro MAT Tetouan Vs FAR Rabat - 6:00PM
(2:0) 1H

Tanzania - Premier League Dodoma Jiji FC Vs Young Africans - 2:00PM

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24 Dec, 08:16

South africa - Premier League AmaZulu FC Vs Mamelodi Sundowns FC - 2:00PM
Away Win

Azerbaijan - 1st Division Mingechevir FK Vs Gabala FK - 11:00AM
Over 0.5

Israel - Liga Alef: North Baqa Al-Gharbiyye Vs Hapoel Bnei Musmus - 7:00PM
Over 0.5

Israel - Liga Alef: North MS Tira Vs Maccabi Ahi Nazareth - 7:00PM
Over 0.5

Cambodia - Cambodian Premier League National Police Commissary Vs Svay Rieng - 12:00PM

Egypt - Premier League ZED FC Vs ENPPI - 4:00PM
Over 0.5

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23 Dec, 08:51

India - Super League Hyderabad FC Vs Northeast United FC - 3:00PM
Away Win Either Half (Yes)

Romania - Liga 1 CSM Politehnica Iasi Vs FCSB - 7:00PM
Away Win

England - League 1 Crawley Town Vs Birmingham City - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

Italy - Serie A Inter Vs Como 1907 - 8:45PM
Home Win

Cyprus - 1st Division Ethnikos Achnas Vs APOEL Nicosia - 6:00PM
Over 2.5

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22 Dec, 08:04

Portugal - Primeira Liga Gil Vicente Vs Sporting CP - 9:30PM
(0:2) 2H

Scotland - Premiership Dundee United Vs Celtic - 1:00PM
(0:2) 2H

England - Premier League Everton Vs Chelsea - 3:00PM
Away Win

Netherlands - Eredivisie PSV Eindhoven Vs Feyenoord - 2:30PM
Over 0.5

England - Premier League Manchester United Vs Bournemouth - 3:00PM
Over 0.5

Italy - Serie A Atalanta Vs Empoli - 6:00PM
Home Win

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21 Dec, 10:48

Scotland - Premiership Rangers Vs Dundee FC - 4:00PM
Over 0.5

Greece - Super League Olympiacos Vs Lamia - 6:00PM
Over 0.5

England - Premier League Crystal Palace Vs Arsenal - 6:30PM
Away Win

Netherlands - Eredivisie Heracles Vs FC Groningen - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

England - League 2 Notts County Vs Bradford City - 4:00PM
Over 0.5

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19 Dec, 08:15

Portugal - Primeira Liga Nacional Vs Benfica - 6:00PM
Under 3.5

Conference league - League Stage Larne Vs Gent - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

Azerbaijan - Premier League Shamakhi FK Vs Qarabag FK - 11:00AM
2X&Over 1.5

Conference league - League Stage FC Heidenheim Vs St. Gallen - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

Conference league - League Stage NK Celje Vs TNS - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

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18 Dec, 09:05

Serbia - Super Liga Jedinstvo Ub Vs FK Crvena Zvezda - 4:00PM
Over 2.5

England - EFL Cup: Quarter-Finals Southampton Vs Liverpool - 9:00PM
Away Win

England - EFL Cup: Quarter-Finals Arsenal Vs Crystal Palace - 8:30PM
Over 0.5

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17 Dec, 08:59

Malaysia - Super League Pahang Vs Johor Darul Ta'zim FC - 2:00PM
Over 0.5

England - EFL Trophy: Knockout Stage Peterborough United Vs Northampton Town - 8:00PM
Over 0.5

Netherlands - KNVB Beker: Round 2 RKC Waalwijk Vs Cambuur - 8:00PM
Over 0.5

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15 Dec, 11:30

Portugal - Primeira Liga AVS Futebol SAD Vs Benfica - 7:00PM
Over 0.5

England - Premier League Southampton Vs Tottenham Hotspur - 8:00PM
(2:0) 1H

Netherlands - Eredivisie Ajax Vs Almere City FC - 4:45PM
Over 0.5

Spain - LaLiga Barcelona Vs Leganes - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

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14 Dec, 10:16

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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14 Dec, 10:16

Germany - Bundesliga Augsburg Vs Bayer Leverkusen - 3:30PM
(2:0) 1H

Spain - LaLiga Rayo Vallecano Vs Real Madrid - 9:00PM
Away Win

Netherlands - Eredivisie SC Heerenveen Vs PSV Eindhoven - 6:45PM
Over 2.5

Germany - Bundesliga Mainz 05 Vs Bayern Munich - 3:30PM
Over 0.5

Portugal - Primeira Liga Sporting CP Vs Boavista - 9:30PM
Over 2.5

England - League 1 Peterborough United Vs Crawley Town - 4:00PM
Over 0.5

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13 Dec, 09:26

Malaysia - Malaysia Cup Kuala Lumpur City FC Vs Johor Darul Ta'zim FC - 2:00PM
Over 0.5

Germany - Frauen-Bundesliga Carl Zeiss Jena W Vs Eintracht Frankfurt W - 6:30PM
Away Win

Netherlands - Eerste Divisie De Graafschap Vs Cambuur - 8:00PM
Over 0.5

Netherlands - Eerste Divisie Excelsior Vs FC Volendam - 8:00PM
Over 0.5

France - Premiere Ligue Femenine Saint Etienne W Vs Paris Saint-Germain W - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

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12 Dec, 08:48

Conference league - League Stage FC Astana Vs Chelsea - 4:30PM
Over 0.5

Conference league - League Stage TNS Vs Panathinaikos - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

Conference league - League Stage CS Petrocub Vs Real Betis - 6:45PM
Away Win

Conference league - League Stage Legia Warszawa Vs Lugano - 6:45PM
Over 0.5

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11 Dec, 08:32

Uefa women's champions league - Group B Celtic W Vs Real Madrid W - 9:00PM

Uefa women's champions league - Group A Galatasaray W Vs Lyon W - 6:45PM

Uefa women's champions league - Group B Chelsea W Vs FC Twente W - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

Champions league - League Stage Atletico Madrid Vs Slovan Bratislava - 6:45PM
Over 0.5

Champions league - League Stage AC Milan Vs FK Crvena Zvezda - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

Champions league - League Stage Arsenal Vs AS Monaco - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

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10 Dec, 11:50

Champions league - League Stage Shakhtar Donetsk Vs Bayern Munich - 9:00PM
(0:2) 2H

Champions league - League Stage Girona Vs Liverpool - 6:45PM
Over 0.5

Champions league - League Stage Brest Vs PSV Eindhoven - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

Champions league - League Stage Club Brugge Vs Sporting CP - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

Champions league - League Stage RB Salzburg Vs Paris Saint-Germain - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

Champions league - League Stage Bayer Leverkusen Vs Inter - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

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09 Dec, 08:28

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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09 Dec, 08:28

Germany - Frauen-Bundesliga Eintracht Frankfurt W Vs RB Leipzig W - 6:00PM
Over 2.5

Malaysia - Super League Negeri Sembilan Vs Selangor - 1:30PM
Over 0.5

Asia - ASEAN Championship: Group B Laos Vs Vietnam - 2:00PM
Over 0.5

Netherlands - Eerste Divisie Jong PSV Vs Roda JC Kerkrade - 8:00PM
Over 0.5

Netherlands - Eerste Divisie Jong FC Utrecht Vs FC Eindhoven - 8:00PM
Over 0.5

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03 Dec, 09:16

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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03 Dec, 09:16

Spain - LaLiga Mallorca Vs Barcelona - 7:00PM
Away Win

England - League 1 Charlton Athletic Vs Crawley Town - 8:45PM
Over 0.5

England - League 2 Salford City Vs Harrogate Town - 8:45PM
Over 0.5

Asia - AFC Champions League Elite: West Al Hilal Vs Al-Gharafa - 7:00PM
Over 2.5

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29 Nov, 07:19

Bangladesh - Premier League Bashundhara Kings Vs Abahani Ltd. Chittagong - 12:30PM
Home Win

Netherlands - Eredivisie SC Heerenveen Vs RKC Waalwijk - 8:00PM
Over 0.5

England - Premier League Brighton Vs Southampton - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

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28 Nov, 10:32

Asia - AFC Champions League Two: Group H Jeonbuk FC Vs Cebu FC - 11:00AM
Home Win

Europa league - League Stage Slavia Prague Vs Fenerbahce - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

Conference league - League Stage TNS Vs Djurgaarden - 6:45PM
Over 0.5

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25 Nov, 08:03

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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25 Nov, 08:03

England - Premier League Newcastle United Vs West Ham United - 9:00PM
Home Scores In Either Half (Yes)

Cyprus - 1st Division AEK Larnaca Vs Karmiotissa Pano Polemidion - 6:00PM
Home Win

Asia - AFC Champions League Elite: West Al-Gharafa Vs Al Nassr - 5:00PM
Away Win Either Half (Yes)

United arab emirates - Division 1 Dibba Al Fujairah Vs Emirates Club - 1:45PM
Over 2.5

Denmark - Superliga FC Midtjylland Vs Silkeborg - 7:00PM
Over 2.5

Netherlands - Eerste Divisie FC Volendam Vs Jong Ajax - 8:00PM
Over 0.5

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24 Nov, 09:08

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24 Nov, 09:08

England - Premier League Southampton Vs Liverpool - 3:00PM
Over 2.5

Spain - LaLiga Leganes Vs Real Madrid - 6:30PM
Away Win Either Half (Yes)

England - Premier League Ipswich Town Vs Manchester United - 5:30PM
Away Win

Germany - Oberliga: Bremen TV Eiche Horn Bremen Vs SV Hemelingen - 1:30PM
Over 0.5

Germany - Bundesliga Borussia M'gladbach Vs St. Pauli - 5:30PM
Home Win

Germany - Bundesliga Holstein Kiel Vs Mainz 05 - 3:30PM
Over 0.5

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23 Nov, 07:51

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23 Nov, 07:51

Germany - Oberliga: Bremen TuRa Bremen Vs Geestemuende - 2:00PM
Over 0.5

Norway - Eliteserien Odds Ballklubb Vs Bodoe/Glimt - 5:00PM
Over 0.5

Netherlands - Eredivisie PSV Eindhoven Vs FC Groningen - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

Germany - Bundesliga Borussia Dortmund Vs Freiburg - 3:30PM
(2:0) 1H

Turkiye - Süper Lig Bodrum FK Vs Galatasaray - 5:00PM
Away Scores In Either Half (Yes)

Singapore - Premier League Young Lions Vs Albirex Niigata FC - 11:00AM
Over 0.5

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22 Nov, 09:38

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22 Nov, 09:38

France - Ligue 1 AS Monaco Vs Brest - 7:00PM
Home Scores In Either Half (Yes)

France - Ligue 1 Paris Saint-Germain Vs Toulouse - 9:00PM
Home Scores In Either Half (Yes)

Germany - Bundesliga Bayern Munich Vs Augsburg - 8:30PM
Over 0.5

England - Championship Plymouth Argyle Vs Watford - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

Singapore - Premier League Tampines Rovers FC Vs Tanjong Pagar United FC - 12:45PM
Home Win

Thailand - Thai League Buriram United Vs Sukhothai FC - 12:00PM
Home Win

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21 Nov, 08:22

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21 Nov, 08:22

Iran - Hazfi Cup Persepolis Vs Mes Sungun - 3:30PM
Home Win

Armenia - Premier League Pyunik Vs West Armenia - 4:00PM
Home Win

Uefa women's champions league - Group C Vaalerenga W Vs Bayern Munich W - 6:45PM
Over 2.5

Uefa women's champions league - Group D SKN St. Poelten W Vs Barcelona W - 9:00PM
Over 2.5

Jamaica - Premier League Dunbeholden Vs Tivoli Gardens - 9:00PM
Over 0.5

Bolivia - Primera División: Clausura Always Ready Vs Royal Pari - 10:00PM
Over 0.5

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20 Nov, 09:49

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20 Nov, 09:49

Uefa women's champions league - Group A Lyon W Vs Roma W - 9:00PM
Over 2.5

Serbia - Prva Liga FK Dubocica Vs Macva Sabac - 1:00PM

Uefa women's champions league - Group B FC Twente W Vs Real Madrid W - 6:45PM
Over 2.5

England - Premier League Cup: Group G Reading U21 Vs Brighton U23 - 8:00PM
Away Scores In Either Half (Yes)

Uefa women's champions league - Group A Wolfsburg W Vs Galatasaray W - 6:45PM
Over 2.5

Uefa women's champions league - Group B Chelsea W Vs Celtic W - 9:00PM
Over 2.5

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19 Nov, 07:11

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19 Nov, 07:11

England - National League: North Leamington Vs Chester FC - 8:45PM
(0:2) 2H

Uefa nations league - League B: Group 4 Montenegro Vs Turkiye - 8:45PM

World cup qualification - AFC Qualification: 3rd Round: Group A Kyrgyzstan Vs Iran - 3:00PM

Africa cup of nations qualification - Qualification: Group K South Africa Vs South Sudan - 5:00PM
Home Win

Uefa nations league - League A: Group 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina Vs Netherlands - 8:45PM
Away Win

Uefa nations league - League C: Group 1 Sweden Vs Azerbaijan - 8:45PM
Home Scores In Either Half (Yes)

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18 Nov, 08:17

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18 Nov, 08:17

England - Professional Development League: South Bristol City U21 Vs Charlton Athletic U21 - 2:00PM
(2:0) 1H

Africa cup of nations qualification - Qualification: Group B Morocco Vs Lesotho - 8:00PM
Home Win

Africa cup of nations qualification - Qualification: Group D Libya Vs Benin - 5:00PM

Africa cup of nations qualification - Qualification: Group A Comoros Vs Madagascar - 8:00PM

Uefa nations league - League C: Group 2 Romania Vs Cyprus - 8:45PM
Home Scores In Either Half (Yes)

Uefa nations league - League A: Group 4 Spain Vs Switzerland - 8:45PM
Home Scores In Either Half (Yes

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17 Nov, 07:39

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17 Nov, 07:39

Egypt - 2. Division A Montakhab Suez Vs Al Mokawloon Al Arab - 1:30PM
(0:2) 2H

Uefa nations league - League A: Group 2 Israel Vs Belgium - 8:45PM
Away Win

Africa cup of nations qualification - Qualification: Group E Algeria Vs Liberia - 5:00PM

Uefa nations league - League B: Group 2 England Vs Ireland - 6:00PM
Over 2.5

Africa cup of nations qualification - Qualification: Group E Togo Vs Equatorial Guinea - 5:00PM

Uefa nations league - League C: Group 4 North Macedonia Vs Faroe Islands - 3:00PM
Home Win Either Half (Yes)

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16 Nov, 08:04

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16 Nov, 08:04

Netherlands - Tweede Divisie SVV Scheveningen Vs Spakenburg - 2:30PM
Over 1.5

Northern ireland - Premiership Carrick Rangers Vs Crusaders - 4:00PM
(2:0) 1H

Bosnia and herzegovina - Kup FK Laktasi Vs Borac Banja Luka - 2:00PM

Northern ireland - Premiership Cliftonville Vs Ballymena United - 4:00PM
(0:2) 2H

Wales - Welsh Cup Cardiff Met University Vs TNS - 3:00PM
Over 2.5

Northern ireland - Premiership Loughgall Vs Coleraine - 4:00PM
Away Win

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15 Nov, 07:20

Concacaf nations league - League B: Group 1 Bonaire Vs El Salvador - 2:00AM

Concacaf nations league - Play-In Cayman Islands Vs Guadeloupe - 9:00PM
Away Win

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13 Nov, 10:27

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13 Nov, 10:23

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13 Nov, 10:23

Chile - Super Cup Huachipato Vs Colo Colo - 9:30PM
Over 1.5

Africa cup of nations qualification - Qualification: Group J Namibia Vs Cameroon - 2:00PM
(0:2) 2H

Belgium - Women's Super League Anderlecht W Vs SV Zulte Waregem W - 8:00PM
Over 2.5

Bosnia and herzegovina - 1st League: RS FK BSK Banja Luka Vs Sloboda Mrkonjic Grad - 1:00PM
Home Win

Africa cup of nations qualification - Qualification: Group E Liberia Vs Togo - 5:00PM
Home Win

Uefa women's champions league - Group B Real Madrid W Vs FC Twente W - 6:45PM
(2:0) 1H

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12 Nov, 08:32

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12 Nov, 08:32

Uefa women's champions league - Group C Bayern Munich W Vs Vaalerenga W - 9:00PM
Over 2.5

Uefa women's champions league - Group D Barcelona W Vs SKN St. Poelten W - 6:45PM
Home Win

Uefa women's champions league - Group D Manchester City W Vs Hammarby IF W - 9:00PM
1X&Over 2.5

Uefa women's champions league - Group C Juventus W Vs Arsenal W - 6:45PM
Over 2.5

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11 Nov, 12:01

Cambodia - Cambodian Premier League Royal Cambodian Armed Forces FA Vs Svay Rieng - 12:00PM
Over 2.5

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10 Nov, 08:44

Hungary - NB I Kecskemeti TE Vs Ferencvaros - 6:00PM
Away Win

Scotland - Premiership Kilmarnock Vs Celtic - 4:00PM
Away Win

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09 Nov, 13:22

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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09 Nov, 13:22

Germany - Bundesliga St. Pauli Vs Bayern Munich - 3:30PM
Away Win

Netherlands - Eredivisie NAC Breda Vs PSV Eindhoven - 8:00PM
Away Win

Germany - Bundesliga VfL Bochum Vs Bayer Leverkusen - 3:30PM
Over 2.5

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08 Nov, 08:24

Wales - Cymru North Denbigh Town Vs Airbus UK Broughton - 8:45PM
Away Win

Germany - Oberliga: Hamburg Hamburger SV III Vs Altonaer FC 93 - 8:00PM
Over 2.5

France - Premiere Ligue Femenine Guingamp W Vs Lyon W - 9:00PM
Away Win

Saudi arabia - Saudi Professional League Al Hilal Vs Al Ettifaq - 3:45PM
Home Win

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08 Nov, 08:24

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07 Nov, 09:09

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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07 Nov, 09:09

Armenia - Premier League Gandzasar Vs Pyunik - 4:00PM
Away Win

Bulgaria - Parva Liga CSKA 1948 Vs PFC CSKA-Sofia - 4:30PM
(2:0) 1H

Europa league - League Stage Ajax Vs Maccabi Tel Aviv - 9:00PM
(2:0) 1H

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06 Nov, 08:00

Champions league - League Stage FK Crvena Zvezda Vs Barcelona - 9:00PM

Champions league - League Stage Shakhtar Donetsk Vs Young Boys - 6:45PM
(2:0) 1H

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05 Nov, 11:59

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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05 Nov, 11:59

Champions league - League Stage Borussia Dortmund Vs Sturm Graz - 9:00PM
Over 2.5

Israel - Liga Alef: South FC Tzeirey Tira Vs FC Holon Yermiyahu - 1:45PM
Away Win

Champions league - League Stage Real Madrid Vs AC Milan - 9:00PM

Champions league - League Stage Slovan Bratislava Vs Dinamo Zagreb - 6:45PM
(0:2) 2H

England - Championship QPR Vs Middlesbrough - 8:45PM
(0:2) 2H

Israel - Premier League Bnei Sakhnin Vs Beitar Jerusalem - 6:30PM
Away Win

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03 Nov, 08:02

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03 Nov, 07:55

Singapore - Premier League Geylang International FC Vs Young Lions - 11:00AM
Over 2.5

Germany - Bundesliga Freiburg Vs Mainz 05 - 3:30PM
Over 2.5

Greece - Super League Lamia Vs PAOK FC - 7:30PM
Away Win

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02 Nov, 08:20

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02 Nov, 08:20

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02 Nov, 08:20

England - Premier League Bournemouth Vs Manchester City - 4:00PM
(2:0) 1H

England - Premier League Liverpool Vs Brighton - 4:00PM
Over 2.5

Singapore - Premier League Tampines Rovers FC Vs Balestier Khalsa FC - 11:00AM
Over 1.5

Singapore - Premier League Albirex Niigata FC Vs Brunei DPMM - 11:00AM
Over 1.5

Germany - Bundesliga Bayern Munich Vs Union Berlin - 3:30PM
1&Over 1.5

England - Premier League Newcastle United Vs Arsenal - 1:30PM
Away Win

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01 Nov, 08:15

Germany - Bundesliga Bayer Leverkusen Vs VfB Stuttgart - 8:30PM
(0:2) 2H

Portugal - Primeira Liga Sporting CP Vs CF Estrela da Amadora - 9:15PM
Home Win

Croatia - HNL Sibenik Vs Dinamo Zagreb - 6:00PM
Under 3.5

Switzerland - Challenge League Stade Nyonnais Vs Thun - 8:15PM
Away Win

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31 Oct, 07:26

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31 Oct, 07:25

Netherlands - KNVB Beker: Round 1 USV Hercules Vs Sparta Rotterdam - 6:45PM
Over 2.5

Estonia - Estonian Cup Talinna Kalev Vs TJK Legion - 6:00PM
Over 2.5

Estonia - Estonian Cup Harju Jalgpallikool Vs Narva Trans - 6:00PM
Over 2.5

Switzerland - Super League Grasshopper Vs Lugano - 8:30PM
Away Win

Iran - Persian Gulf Pro League Esteghlal Vs Tractor FC - 3:15PM

Netherlands - KNVB Beker: Round 1 DOVO Vs FC Volendam - 8:00PM
Over 2.5

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30 Oct, 07:56

Italy - Serie A Venezia Vs Udinese - 6:30PM
Under 4.5

England - EFL Cup: Round 4 Aston Villa Vs Crystal Palace - 8:45PM
Over 0.5

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29 Oct, 12:04

To enjoy 200% bonus on your first deposit with 1xbet, and the availablity of all games we recommend you to register an account with the link below


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28 Oct, 08:31

Turkiye - Süper Lig Galatasaray Vs Besiktas - 6:00PM
Home Win

Armenia - Premier League Ararat Armenia Vs FC Noah - 4:00PM
Over 1.5

Portugal - Primeira Liga AVS Futebol SAD Vs FC Porto - 9:15PM
Away Win

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27 Oct, 11:18

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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27 Oct, 11:18

Greece - Super League Asteras Tripolis Vs Olympiacos - 4:00PM
Away Win

India - Super League Mumbai City FC Vs Odisha FC - 3:00PM
Over 2.5

England - Premier League Arsenal Vs Liverpool - 5:30PM

Greece - Super League PAOK FC Vs OFI Crete - 8:00PM
Home Win

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26 Oct, 06:50

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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26 Oct, 06:50

Netherlands - Eredivisie PSV Eindhoven Vs PEC Zwolle - 5:45PM
Over 0.5

England - Premier League Manchester City Vs Southampton - 3:00PM
Over 0.5

England - National League: North King's Lynn Town Vs Leamington - 3:00PM
(2:0) 1H

England - Championship Sunderland Vs Oxford United - 3:00PM
(2:0) 1H

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25 Oct, 06:57

Kazakhstan - 1st Division Kaspyi Aktau Vs Arys - 10:00AM
Home Win

France - Ligue 2 Metz Vs Guingamp - 7:00PM
(2:0) 1H

Kazakhstan - 1st Division Okzhetpes Kokshetau Vs Kaisar Kyzylorda Reserves - 10:00AM
Home Win

Kazakhstan - 1st Division Ulytau Vs SD Family - 10:00AM
Home Win

Netherlands - Eredivisie Almere City FC Vs NEC Nijmegen - 7:00PM
(0:2) 2H

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25 Oct, 06:57

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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24 Oct, 08:11

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24 Oct, 08:11

Europa league - League Stage Eintracht Frankfurt Vs RFS - 5:45PM
Home Win

Europa league - League Stage PAOK FC Vs Viktoria Plzen - 5:45PM
(2:0) 1H

Europa league - League Stage Fenerbahce Vs Manchester United - 8:00PM

Europa league - League Stage Roma Vs Dynamo Kyiv - 5:45PM
Home Win

Estonia - Esiliiga Tartu JK Welco Vs Tabasalu JK - 4:00PM
Over 2.5

Europa league - League Stage Maccabi Tel Aviv Vs Real Sociedad - 5:45PM
(0:2) 2H

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22 Oct, 07:56

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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22 Oct, 07:56

Champions league - League Stage Sturm Graz Vs Sporting CP - 8:00PM
Over 2.5

Champions league - League Stage AS Monaco Vs FK Crvena Zvezda - 5:45PM

Champions league - League Stage Girona Vs Slovan Bratislava - 8:00PM
Home Win

India - Super League Odisha FC Vs East Bengal Club - 3:00PM
Home Win

Champions league - League Stage Juventus Vs VfB Stuttgart - 8:00PM
Home Win

Champions league - League Stage Paris Saint-Germain Vs PSV Eindhoven - 8:00PM
Over 2.5

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21 Oct, 08:21

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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21 Oct, 08:21

Armenia - Premier League West Armenia Vs Urartu FC - 4:00PM
Over 2.5

Sweden - Allsvenskan Hammarby IF Vs Djurgaarden - 1:00PM

Malta - Malta Premier Marsaxlokk FC Vs Floriana - 7:15PM
Away Win Either Half (Yes)

Latvia - Virsliga Auda Vs FK Jelgava - 4:00PM
Over 2.5

Thailand - Thai League Rayong FC Vs Nong Bua Pitchaya FC - 1:00PM
Home Win

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19 Oct, 07:48

Netherlands - Eredivisie AZ Alkmaar Vs PSV Eindhoven - 5:45PM
Over 2.5

Austria - Bundesliga Sturm Graz Vs Grazer AK - 4:00PM
Under 2.5

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18 Oct, 10:56

Serbia - Super Liga FK Crvena Zvezda Vs Radnicki Nis - 3:00PM
Over 0.5

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17 Oct, 07:52

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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17 Oct, 07:52

Uefa women's champions league - Group B FC Twente W Vs Chelsea W - 8:00PM
Over 0.5

Uefa women's champions league - Group B Real Madrid W Vs Celtic W - 5:45PM
Over 0.5

Uefa women's champions league - Group A Galatasaray W Vs Roma W - 5:45PM
Over 0.5

Uefa women's champions league - Group A Wolfsburg W Vs Lyon W - 8:00PM
Away Win

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16 Oct, 07:44

Uefa women's champions league - Group D Barcelona W Vs Hammarby IF W - 8:00PM
Home Win

Uefa women's champions league - Group C Arsenal W Vs Vaalerenga W - 8:00PM
Home Win

Germany - Regionalliga Nord Eintracht Norderstedt Vs Hamburger SV II - 6:00PM

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14 Oct, 14:06

Uefa nations league - League A: Group 2 Italy Vs Israel - 7:45PM
Over 0.5

Germany - Frauen-Bundesliga Eintracht Frankfurt W Vs SC Freiburg W - 5:00PM
Over 0.5

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13 Oct, 07:27

Spain - Liga F Barcelona W Vs Espanyol W - 4:30PM
Over 0.5

Portugal - Liga Portugal 2 Academico Viseu Vs Maritimo - 3:30PM

Portugal - Women's Campeonato Nacional Damaiense Women Vs Sporting CP Women - 3:00PM

FREE ANALYSIS 𖣔ꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋ ɬ์์์์์ััััััััััุุุุุุุุ ɬ์์์์์ััััััััััุุุุุุุุุุุุุ

12 Oct, 07:12

Euro u19 qualification - Qualification: Group 4 Poland U19 Vs Gibraltar U19 - 5:00PM

Home Win Either Half (Yes)

Euro u19 qualification - Qualification: Group 4 Turkiye U19 Vs Malta U19 - 11:00AM

Home Win Either Half (Yes)

FREE ANALYSIS 𖣔ꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋ ɬ์์์์์ััััััััััุุุุุุุุ ɬ์์์์์ััััััััััุุุุุุุุุุุุุ

11 Oct, 09:21

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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11 Oct, 09:20

Euro u21 2025 - Qualification: Group G Faroe Islands U21 Vs Portugal U21 - 4:00PM
Over 0.5

Euro u21 2025 - Qualification: Group D Germany U21 Vs Bulgaria U21 - 5:00PM
Over 0.5

Euro u21 2025 - Qualification: Group D Kosovo U21 Vs Poland U21 - 6:00PM
Over 0.5

Euro u21 2025 - Qualification: Group H Cyprus U21 Vs France U21 - 5:30PM

Euro u21 2025 - Qualification: Group G Croatia U21 Vs Andorra U21 - 5:00PM

FREE ANALYSIS 𖣔ꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋ ɬ์์์์์ััััััััััุุุุุุุุ ɬ์์์์์ััััััััััุุุุุุุุุุุุุ

10 Oct, 14:53

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10 Oct, 08:28

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10 Oct, 08:28

Sweden - Svenska Cupen: Qualification FC Jaerfaella Vs Djurgaarden - 6:00PM
Over 0.5

World cup qualification - AFC Qualification: 3rd Round: Group A Qatar Vs Kyrgyzstan - 5:00PM
Home Win

Euro u21 2025 - Qualification: Group B Spain U21 Vs Kazakhstan U21 - 7:30PM
Over 0.5

Euro u21 2025 - Qualification: Group B Hungary U21 Vs Malta U21 - 7:00PM
Home Win

World cup qualification - CONMEBOL Qualification Venezuela Vs Argentina - 10:00PM

Africa cup of nations qualification - Qualification: Group E Algeria Vs Togo - 8:00PM
Home Win

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09 Oct, 08:25

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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09 Oct, 08:25

Uefa women's champions league - Group D Manchester City W Vs Barcelona W - 8:00PM
Away Win

Euro u19 qualification - Qualification: Group 4 Turkiye U19 Vs Gibraltar U19 - 11:00AM
Home Win

Czech republic - Divize B N. Byskovice Vs SK Slany - 3:00PM
Home Win Either Half (Yes)

Euro u19 qualification - Qualification: Group 6 Czechia U19 Vs San Marino U19 - 11:00AM
Over 0.5

Denmark - Kvinde LP Oesterbro IF W Vs Broendby W - 6:00PM
Over 0.5

Euro u19 qualification - Qualification: Group 12 Slovakia U19 Vs Luxembourg U19 - 5:00PM
Home Win

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08 Oct, 08:45

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome

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08 Oct, 08:44

Egypt - 2. Division A La Viena FC Vs Ghazl Kafr EL Dawar - 2:00PM
Home Win

Belgium - Women's Super League Anderlecht Women Vs Club Brugge Women - 7:00PM

Uefa women's champions league - Group A Lyon W Vs Galatasaray W - 5:45PM
Home Win

Argentina - Primera C: Clausura Leandro N. Alem Vs Berazategui - 7:00PM
2X&Under 4.5

England - EFL Trophy North: Group D Bolton Wanderers Vs Aston Villa U21 - 7:45PM
(2:0) 1H

England - EFL Trophy North: Group B Wrexham Vs Wolves U21 - 7:30PM
Over 1.5

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07 Oct, 12:58

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07 Oct, 12:58

Armenia - Premier League West Armenia Vs Gandzasar - 4:00PM
Home Win

Portugal - Women's Campeonato Nacional Estoril Praia Women Vs SC Braga Women - 7:00PM
Away Win

Argentina - Primera Division Barracas Central Vs Independiente Rivadavia - 7:00PM
2X&Under 4.5

Germany - Frauen-Bundesliga Bayer Leverkusen W Vs Carl Zeiss Jena W - 5:00PM
Home Win Either Half (Yes)

England - League 2 Bradford City Vs Newport County - 8:00PM

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06 Oct, 09:22

You are advised to combine 2 or 3 games in a ticket to get favourable outcome