Link to buy exam oriented batch
منشورات CA Karan Sheth -Finalca IDT (GST/Customs/FTP) على Telegram
أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة CA Karan Sheth -Finalca IDT (GST/Customs/FTP) على Telegram
Link to buy exam oriented batch
Link to buy exam oriented batch Detailed video on EOB BATCH
Hello bacho due some technical issues we are shifting our launch till 9 pm so stay tuned
For all the students who want to order the books
Soon a pre-order link will be provided by PW
And for the rest who have ordered from our websites
You will shortly will be getting your tracking ids
Since we went out of stock
Soon a pre-order link will be provided by PW
And for the rest who have ordered from our websites
You will shortly will be getting your tracking ids
Since we went out of stock
Crazy CA final offers for May25 and onwards attempt
Any student who is currently living in hostel pls give reference,He is from NEPAL and is willing to move to India in any city where its affordable to live with the stipend money and manage his accomodation and food expenses pls dm +9779826992725