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منشورات FrontEnd Development على Telegram

FrontEnd Development
Полезные ссылки иHTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, Mobile and more.

Admin: @andrey2019
29,918 مشترك
145 صورة
1 فيديو
آخر تحديث 11.03.2025 07:47

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أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة FrontEnd Development على Telegram

FrontEnd Development

25 Feb, 10:00


Building API Gateway in Node.js: Part II — Security, Authentication &…

Protecting Your Microservices - https://medium.com/@dmytro.misik/building-api-gateway-in-node-js-part-ii-security-authentication-authorization-ba87e53b023d

FrontEnd Development

25 Feb, 05:00


Backend for Frontend (BFF) Architecture

In modern software development, the shift towards… - https://levelup.gitconnected.com/backend-for-frontend-bff-architecture-64fa9f316a5a

FrontEnd Development

24 Feb, 15:00


Using CSS classes inside `innerHTML` in an Angular component without losing emulated encapsulation - https://medium.com/@yaronu/making-angular-component-css-classes-in-innerhtml-work-without-losing-emulated-encapsulation-350d63dbffad

FrontEnd Development

24 Feb, 10:00


Optimizing The Critical Rendering Path

Matt Zeunert outlines the role of the critical rendering path in user experience, and shows how you can shorten this path to display the most important content early. - https://www.debugbear.com/blog/optimizing-the-critical-rendering-path

FrontEnd Development

24 Feb, 05:00


How To Speed Up Your Vue App With Server Side Rendering

Vue is a framework built for client-side applications.
Learn how to optimize page load performance with server side rendering. - https://www.debugbear.com/blog/vue-ssr

FrontEnd Development

23 Feb, 15:00


5 missing Vue.js features

Alex made up his mind about five features which he would love to see available in Vue and how they can help. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3dxu0wNLDw

FrontEnd Development

23 Feb, 10:00


Unpic 1.0: A Toolkit for Displaying Images on the Web

A family of components and libraries for working with images on the Web, whether it’s through components for many different frameworks or working with images hosted on many different providers and CDNs. - https://unpic.pics/blog/unpic-1/

FrontEnd Development

23 Feb, 05:00


Fetch and HTTP/2 Support in Node, Bun and Deno - https://blog.disintegrator.dev/posts/http2-support-in-js-runtimes/

FrontEnd Development

20 Feb, 15:00


How Server-Sent Events (SSE) Work

Understanding the basics of SSE and its role in… - https://itnext.io/how-server-sent-events-sse-work-cf29e7409598

FrontEnd Development

20 Feb, 10:00


Pure CSS Mixin for Displaying Values of Custom Properties

Roman Komarov presents a native CSS mixin that will output various values as pseudo-elements. - https://kizu.dev/preview-mixin
