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منشورات FrontEnd Development على Telegram

FrontEnd Development
Полезные ссылки иHTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, Mobile and more.

Admin: @andrey2019
29,918 مشترك
145 صورة
1 فيديو
آخر تحديث 11.03.2025 07:47

قنوات مشابهة

Artificial Intelligence
70,635 مشترك
Coding Dev Buddies
10,451 مشترك

أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة FrontEnd Development على Telegram

FrontEnd Development

04 Mar, 10:00


The State of React 2024 Survey Results

There’s too much to go into depth here, so enjoy having a browse through insights gleaned from almost 8,000 responses. We get to learn that forwardRef and memo are the two top ‘pain points’ among React devs, Redux continues to lead amongst state management libraries, and SPAs continue to make up the majority of React use cases for now. - https://2024.stateofreact.com/en-US/

FrontEnd Development

04 Mar, 05:00


How to Access Vue Refs Defined in Script Setup within Unit Tests*

In limited situations, you might need to read a component’s reactive data from within your unit tests. - https://vueschool.io/articles/vuejs-tutorials/how-to-access-vue-refs-defined-in-script-setup-within-unit-tests

FrontEnd Development

03 Mar, 15:00


Common Causes of Memory Leaks in JavaScript

Filled with basic examples oriented around V8-based runtimes like Node.js and Deno. - https://www.trevorlasn.com/blog/common-causes-of-memory-leaks-in-javascript

FrontEnd Development

03 Mar, 10:00


Transforming Your Application into Micro Frontends with Native Federation for…

Learn how to start structuring your application to… - https://medium.com/@erickzanetti/transforming-your-application-into-micro-frontends-with-native-federation-for-angular-part-1-791d159b09c8

FrontEnd Development

03 Mar, 05:00


How I Open-Sourced My Secret Access Tokens from GitHub, Slack, and NPM

A developer accidentally published API tokens to npm via a misconfigured CI pipeline. npm and Slack detected and revoked said tokens, though GitHub did not. The author shares his tale and some advice. - https://adminforth.dev/blog/how-i-opensourced-my-secret-tokens/

FrontEnd Development

02 Mar, 15:00


Improve Asynchronous State UX in React with useOptimistic

useOptimistic is a hook for optimistically updating the UI. - https://spin.atomicobject.com/useoptimistic-asynchronous-updates/

FrontEnd Development

02 Mar, 05:00


Compiling CSS With Vite and Lightning CSS

Ryan Trimble shows how, with a little configuration, you can compile partial CSS files without a Sass dependency. - https://css-tricks.com/compiling-css-with-vite-and-lightning-css

FrontEnd Development

01 Mar, 15:00


Patterns for Memory Efficient DOM Manipulation

Marc shares a solid look at the best practices to employ in order to avoid excess memory usage when managing/updating the DOM, all with a hope to make your apps faster. A good overview of the core principles behind DOM manipulation and optimization. - https://frontendmasters.com/blog/patterns-for-memory-efficient-dom-manipulation/

FrontEnd Development

01 Mar, 10:00


Troubles with Multipart Form Data and fetch in Node

One developer’s pain in debugging somethng that ‘should have just worked’ could be your relief if you run into issues where using fetch for multipart/form-data requests simply isn’t working - https://philna.sh/blog/2025/01/14/troubles-with-multipart-form-data-fetch-node-js/

FrontEnd Development

01 Mar, 05:00


Building a Semantic Movie Search Demo with pgvector and Next.js  - https://blog.6nok.org/building-a-semantic-movie-search-demo-with-pgvector-and-next.js/
