【法国素材】旅游/生活/美食套图全选/朋友圈装饰/高清大图精选 @faguo_taotu_sucai Channel on Telegram



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套图【亚洲男】 https://t.me/taotu_yazhou
套图【欧美男】 https://t.me/taotu_renshe1i
套图【欧美女】 https://t.me/taotu_oumei
套图【私密女】 https://t.me/taotu_168
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客服 @taotu1688zcm

【法国素材】旅游/生活/美食套图全选/朋友圈装饰/高清大图精选 (Chinese)

Are you interested in exploring the beauty of France through stunning visuals? Look no further than our Telegram channel - 【法国素材】旅游/生活/美食套图全选/朋友圈装饰/高清大图精选! This channel is dedicated to providing a collection of travel, lifestyle, and food images from France, perfect for decorating your social media feeds or simply admiring the high-quality photos. Who is it for? This channel is perfect for travel enthusiasts, foodies, and anyone who appreciates the charm of French culture and landscapes. Whether you're planning a trip to France or simply want to immerse yourself in the beauty of this country, our channel has something for everyone. What is it? 【法国素材】旅游/生活/美食套图全选/朋友圈装饰/高清大图精选 is a treasure trove of visual content that showcases the best of France. From picturesque landscapes to mouth-watering cuisine, our collection is sure to captivate your senses and transport you to the enchanting world of French beauty. Join us on this visual journey and get ready to be mesmerized by the sights and flavors of France. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enrich your feed with the exquisite images from 【法国素材】旅游/生活/美食套图全选/朋友圈装饰/高清大图精选! Follow us on Telegram today and start exploring the wonders of France. Bon voyage!


13 Nov, 13:53

嫌疑人樊某(男,62 岁,离异)被当场控制,其驾车逃跑时被公安民警控制,且在车上持刀自残被制止送医救治后昏迷。初步查明案件系樊某对离婚后财产分割结果不满引发。


#珠海市体育中心 #珠海的现场视频

此次事件致 35 人死亡、43 人受伤住院

国家主席习大大都亲自下通报了 严惩


13 Nov, 13:53

#国内重大事件: 2024 年 11 月 11 日 19 时 48 分许,珠海市体育中心发生犯罪嫌疑人驾车冲撞锻炼市民的重大恶性案件,致 35 人死亡、43 人受伤住院(暂无生命危险)。


06 Nov, 10:50

素材和做图软件已更新 套图客服

点击进入对应分类频道 👇👇👇👇

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➡️ @sucai666666666


06 Nov, 10:50

#法国 🇫🇷 #巴黎 商店 #烘焙用品
东西挺全且专业:louis françois、大包装巧克力、果泥、坚果、果干、淡奶油、起酥用黄油、香草荚、各种油、酱料、蜂蜜、栗子泥…

店名:G. Detou Paris
📍 58 Rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris

🎬素材总库 🚀银图生成


06 Nov, 10:49

#卢浮宫 #法国





