ePro Dev Team @epro_dev_team Channel on Telegram

ePro Dev Team


Official Channel ePro Dev Team
All bug you can send message to fb.me/eprodevteam

If you think the app is helpful to you, you can treat me to a cup of coffee, thank you for your support!


ePro Dev Team (English)

Are you looking for a reliable source of information and updates on the latest developments in the world of app development? Look no further than the ePro Dev Team Telegram channel! This channel is the official channel of ePro Dev Team, where you can find all the latest news, updates, and announcements related to their projects and products. The ePro Dev Team is a group of dedicated developers who are passionate about creating innovative and user-friendly apps to enhance the digital experience of users. They are committed to providing top-notch services and solutions to their clients, ensuring that their apps are not only functional but also visually appealing and easy to use. If you encounter any bugs or issues with their apps, you can simply send them a message on their Facebook page at fb.me/eprodevteam, and they will be more than happy to assist you. Your feedback is valuable to them, and they are always working hard to improve their products based on user input. If you find their apps helpful and want to show your appreciation, you can treat the ePro Dev Team to a cup of coffee by donating through their PayPal link at https://paypal.me/YHQ. Your support means a lot to them and helps them continue to develop high-quality apps for you to enjoy. Join the ePro Dev Team Telegram channel today to stay updated on their latest projects, interact with fellow app enthusiasts, and be a part of a thriving community of developers and users. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and be at the forefront of the app development world!

ePro Dev Team

14 Dec, 16:40

Perihal ping yg besar, kita samakan dulu persepsi kita tentang ping dan tujuannya 😁..

Karena ping yang kita gunakan adalah HTTP PING bukan SEMI ICMP PING seperti versi sebelumnya, selama ping tidak timeout dan hanya warna merah saja maka hiraukan perihal tersebut....
krn tujuan ping bkn untuk mendapatkan response 200 ok dan warnanya hijau semua, tp lbh kepada troubleshooting untuk mengetahui rto gak-nya suatu koneksi, biar tidak idle (tidak adanya proses penerimaan atau permintaan dalam jangka waktu yg lama) sehingga sama system akan di kill/diputus koneksinya krn dianggap tidak dipakai sama sekali dan lain sebagainya..

Ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan ping merah, salah satunya backend yang ada disystem mereka sendiri..
karena default tujuan ping yg di h.c adalah google*com dengan sistem tingkat keamanan yg tinggi bagi noob seperti kami, setiap kali ping ke google*com maka akan ada filterisasi di system backend mereka sehingga akan memerlukan waktu yang sedikit lama utk mendapatkan response.

Silahkan ganti tujuan ping utk mendapatkan response HTTP PING sedikit lebih cepat dari pada defaultnya:
- www*google*com/generate_204 (disini meskipun sama2 google, tp path nya yang membedakan, path tsb hanya bertujuan men-generate langsung response 204 no content sehingga akan lebih cepat mendapatkan response)
- cp*cloudflare*com

- Koreksi jika kami salah, silahkan tambahkan jika kami kurang detail atas penjelasan kami.
- Mohon maaf sebesar²nya jika ada yang kurang berkenan dihati om 🙏

ePro Dev Team

05 Oct, 08:41

SSH CUSTOM v1.2.18(77)
- payload method enhanced
- fix issue expired date config
- support multiple hwid separated by semicolon (hwid1;hwid2)

- force ssl/sni connection if port 443 & sni not empty
- force as ssl/sni connection if proxy start with https://
- force as normal connection if proxy start with http:// or without scheme
- force as socks connection if proxy start with socks4:// or socks5://


ePro Dev Team

15 Sep, 07:13

v4.10.28(583) - Beta version

- option payload enhanced
- move "Enable DNS" to "More Options - Utility"

- join from playstore to get beta version
- tick enhanced if any some server provider stack on info SSH-2.0-dropbear_xxx or SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_xxx, etc.

Report all issue https://fb.me/eprodevteam

ePro Dev Team

12 Sep, 04:41

HTTP Custom v4.10.25(575)

- improve security gg

Report all issue https://fb.me/eprodevteam

ePro Dev Team

05 May, 02:53

HTTP Custom v4.6.14(529)

- new udp custom only compatible with new auto installer udp-custom
- fix vc (voice/video call) udp custom (must install badvpn in server side)
- improve performance ping

Report all issue https://fb.me/eprodevteam

ePro Dev Team

05 May, 02:51

## New installer udp-custom, only compatible with H.C v4.6.14(529) ##

- add new user: useradd -M change_me -s /bin/false -e 2023-12-31 && passwd change_me
- only supports x64 bit

wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1S3IE25v_fyUfCLslnujFBSBMNunDHDk2' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1S3IE25v_fyUfCLslnujFBSBMNunDHDk2" -O install-udp && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt && chmod +x install-udp && ./install-udp [optional port exclude separated by coma, ex. 53,5300]

ePro Dev Team

26 Apr, 05:07

Free account UDP Custom


ePro Dev Team

25 Apr, 10:37

U can create free account udp custom from


ePro Dev Team

25 Apr, 01:47

UDP Tweak Settings

ePro Dev Team

24 Apr, 22:57

- udp custom (custom tx and rx if u get slow speed from UDP Tweak Settings)
- move "WakeLock" to menu more options (3 dost) "Utility"
- option save config include menu more options (3 dots)

## installer udp-custom server side already tested on ubuntu 20.04-x64 ##

wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1CCEp3uoQ5E4LxkydfzcM7yD6elos6Ufh' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1CCEp3uoQ5E4LxkydfzcM7yD6elos6Ufh" -O install-udp && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt && chmod +x install-udp && ./install-udp [optional port exclude separated by coma, ex. 7300,1194]

- use optional port exclude when port udp between 1-65535 already use by other udp tunnel, like badvpn, ovpn udp and other.
- edit path config /root/udp/config.json, after change it then reboot

- gunakan opsional pengecualian port jika port antara 1-65535 sudah digunakan oleh tool udp lainnya, seperti badvpn, ovpn udp dan lain-lain.
- lokasi utk merubah konfigurasi /root/udp/config.json, setelah dirubah kemudian reboot

ePro Dev Team

03 Apr, 13:55

- untuk versi 500 keatas jika ada kendala dengan ping, anda bisa merubah default "Destination Ping" di manu titik 3 paling bawah no. 3

- for version 500 and above if there are problems with ping, you can change the default "Destination Ping" in More Options (3 dost), number 3 from bottom

ePro Dev Team

12 Mar, 07:55

HTTP Custom v4.4.22(491)
- fix force close some device

Tested: Galaxy A13 Android OS 13

ePro Dev Team

09 Dec, 11:03

xray server (x64)

replace path:

ePro Dev Team

09 Dec, 06:29

v2ray server (x64)

replace path:

ePro Dev Team

09 Dec, 06:23




ePro Dev Team

09 Dec, 06:18


ePro Dev Team

09 Dec, 06:17


ePro Dev Team

07 Sep, 09:26

*Multi SSH di HTTP Custom*
Ketika anda menggunakan v3.10.19(462), host pada payload gunakan fungsi rotate dan sesuaikan dgn domain ssh v2ray

HEAD / HTTP/1.1[crlf]Host: [rotate=sgx1.mainssh.com;sgx2.mainssh.com][crlf]Upgrade: websocket[crlf][crlf]

*Multi SSH on HTTP Custom*
When you using v3.10.19(462), the host on the payload uses the rotate function to match the v2ray ssh domain, for example:

HEAD / HTTP/1.1[crlf]Host: [rotate=sgx1.mainssh.com;sgx2.mainssh.com][crlf]Upgrade: websocket[crlf][crlf]

Template json:
"inbounds": [],
"outbounds": [
"mux": {
"enabled": true
"domainStrategy": "PreferIPv4",
"protocol": "ssh",
"settings": {
"address": "sgx1.mainssh.com",
"password": "eprodev",
"port": 443,
"user": "eprodev"
"streamSettings": {},
"tag": "SSH_1"
"mux": {
"enabled": true
"domainStrategy": "PreferIPv4",
"protocol": "ssh",
"settings": {
"address": "sgx2.mainssh.com",
"password": "eprdvteam",
"port": 443,
"user": "eprdvteam"
"streamSettings": {},
"tag": "SSH_2"
"policy": {
"levels": {
"8": {
"connIdle": 300,
"downlinkOnly": 1,
"handshake": 4,
"uplinkOnly": 1
"routing": {
"balancers": [
"tag": "lb",
"selector": [
"rules": [
"type": "field",
"network": "tcp,udp",
"balancerTag": "lb"