Welcome to واقع كئيب, a Telegram channel created by the username @eo3_3. This channel is dedicated to sharing deep and thought-provoking content in Arabic. The title, which translates to 'Gloomy Reality,' hints at the type of content you can expect to find here. From poetry to philosophical quotes, this channel offers a space for reflection and introspection. The description provided in the channel gives a glimpse into the kind of content shared, with a powerful quote about the pain of needing advice from someone unworthy and the humiliation of a noble standing at the door of a base person without being allowed in. If you're looking for content that goes beyond the surface and encourages deep thinking, then واقع كئيب is the perfect channel for you. Join us on this journey of exploring the complexities of life and the human experience.
19 Jan, 23:06
09 Jan, 21:54
08 Jan, 21:54
07 Jan, 21:52
21 Dec, 23:38
20 Dec, 23:41
19 Dec, 23:34
18 Dec, 23:32
30 Nov, 22:39
21 Nov, 21:44
19 Nov, 21:45
18 Nov, 21:41
18 Nov, 21:37
18 Nov, 21:36
07 Nov, 22:29
05 Nov, 23:06
05 Nov, 23:04
28 Oct, 22:45
21 Oct, 22:02
10 Oct, 22:16
18 Sep, 23:07
09 Sep, 22:03
02 Sep, 21:50
30 Aug, 23:30
30 Aug, 15:21
30 Aug, 15:19
29 Aug, 22:29
27 Aug, 22:12
23 Aug, 22:02
23 Aug, 21:55
18 Aug, 22:59
13 Aug, 21:52
13 Aug, 21:50
04 Aug, 22:13
04 Aug, 22:12