English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary @englishwithdev Channel on Telegram

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary


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English with Dev (Hindi)

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English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

08 Feb, 13:44

At a rate of knots - If someone does something at a rate of knots, they do it very quickly.

Example - She got through her work at a rate of knots.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

08 Feb, 13:15

Bittersweet (adjective) - containing a mixture of sadness and happiness

Example - The bittersweet end to the movie is just right.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

06 Feb, 16:19

Vitriolic - ​(of language or comments) full of anger and hate

Example - The newspaper launched a vitriolic attack on the president.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

04 Feb, 15:24

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English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

04 Feb, 15:18

Make someone's head spin (idiom)

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

03 Feb, 16:48


English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

02 Feb, 17:14

At breakneck speed - extremely and often dangerously fast

Example - He drove away at breakneck speed.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

31 Jan, 16:52


English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

30 Jan, 17:18

Plough one's own furrow (idiom) - to do something that is different from what other people do

Example - Dev was not afraid to plough his own furrow.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

29 Jan, 17:44

Idiom - Up someone's street

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

27 Jan, 17:36

Idiom - Have a frog in your throat

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

25 Jan, 13:56

Cloud over (phrasal verb)

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

24 Jan, 15:46

Word of the day - Pugnacious

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

22 Jan, 15:44

Word of the day - Valiant

Meaning - brave or determined, esp. when conditions are difficult or dangerous

Example - The team made a valiant effort to take the lead in the third quarter, but they were too far behind.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

19 Jan, 15:12

Make hay while the sun shines (idiom)

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

16 Jan, 15:14

Inimitable - very unusual or of very high quality and therefore impossible to copy

Example - She delivered the speech in her own inimitable style.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

15 Jan, 15:03

Helicopter parent - a parent who is overly involved in the life of his or her child

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

14 Jan, 15:32

Go the extra mile (idiom)

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

13 Jan, 15:49

The bee's knees (idiom)

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

12 Jan, 12:03

Idiom - Run the show

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

11 Jan, 13:48

All hands on deck (idiom) - said to mean that a particular situation requires everyone to work hard in order to achieve an aim

Example - We had less than three weeks to organize the wedding, so it was all hands on deck.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

11 Jan, 10:43

Word of the day - Resplendent (🗣️ rɪˈsplen.dənt)

Meaning - having a very bright or beautiful appearance

Example - I saw Megha at the other end of the room, resplendent in a red cocktail dress.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

09 Jan, 16:19

Idiom - Jump on the bandwagon

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

08 Jan, 16:09

Fall off the wagon (idiom)

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

06 Jan, 16:52

The tip of the iceberg (idiom) - the small part of a much larger problem or situation that remains hidden

Example - The recent protests are just the tip of the iceberg.


Underpin (🗣️ ˌʌn.dəˈpɪn) - to give support, strength, or a basic structure to something

Example - He presented data to underpin his argument.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

05 Jan, 13:54

Hygge - having the quality of cosiness

Example - This room is very hygge with its soft cushions and warm fireplace.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

05 Jan, 12:32

Wield (word of the day)

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

04 Jan, 16:48

Idiom - Turn over a new leaf

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

03 Jan, 16:42

A clean slate (idiom) - a state in which you are starting an activity or process again, not considering what has happened in the past at all

Example - The previous negotiations did not go anywhere, and we intend to start them again next week with a clean slate.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

02 Jan, 15:33

Clear the decks - to remove unnecessary things so that you are ready for action

Example - Let's clear the decks and then we can start cooking dinner.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

02 Jan, 01:04


English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

01 Jan, 14:55

Phrasal verb - Tell (someone) off

Meaning - to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong

Example - Their teacher told them off for chattering in the lesson.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

01 Jan, 08:16

A new chapter begins—write it beautifully. Happy New Year 2025! 🎉 🎊

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

31 Dec, 10:53

Vandalism (🗣️ ˈvæn.dəl.ɪ.zəm) - the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people

Example - Police condemned the damage as an act of mindless vandalism.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

29 Dec, 09:30

Couch potato - a lazy person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television and not doing any other work

Example - He's turned into a real couch potato since he subscribed to the sports channel.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

28 Dec, 13:48

Idiom - Full of beans

Meaning - full of energy and life

Example - When he heard the news on the radio, Dev was absolutely full of beans.

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

27 Dec, 14:30

Example sentences - (1) Most of these stories are obviously just clickbait.

(2) The social media site announced a crackdown on clickbait headings such as "I saw this and I was SHOCKED!" and "You won't believe what happened next!"

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

25 Dec, 14:35

𝗜𝗱𝗶𝗼𝗺 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘆 - On the back burner

𝗠𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 - not being done now, but left to be considered in the future

𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲 - The company put the project on the back burner.

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English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

24 Dec, 10:42

Learn some useful English idioms & phrases.

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English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

24 Dec, 09:15

Channel name was changed to «English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary»

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

23 Dec, 14:09


English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

22 Dec, 17:16

Talk turkey (idiom) - to discuss something honestly and directly


English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

21 Dec, 17:09

A blessing in disguise (idiom)


English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

21 Dec, 01:22

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary pinned Deleted message

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

20 Dec, 16:42

Phrase of the day - In cold blood

English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

19 Dec, 16:19


English with DEV | Learn Vocabulary

18 Dec, 15:27

Winter Idioms & Phrases 🎅 ☃️❄️👇

Dead of Winter - the coldest part of winter

The Cold Shoulder - cold and unfriendly treatment from a person known to one

Bundle (Someone) Up - to put warm clothes on yourself or someone else

Not a Snowball's Chance in Hell - to have no chance of succeeding

Catch Your Death of Cold - to catch a very bad cold because you are not wearing dry or warm clothes, etc.


English with Dev

09 Dec, 15:30

Hot air (idiom) - words that do not really mean anything or are not sincere

Example - Her promises turned out to be a lot of hot air.

English with Dev

09 Dec, 14:33

Hoity-toity - behaving in a way that suggests that you think you are more important than other people

Example - He's a hoity-toity writer who acts like his books are too good for the rest of us.


English with Dev

08 Dec, 15:16

Hit the jackpot (idiom) - to have a big success or make a big profit, usually through luck

Example - He seems to have hit the jackpot with his new invention.

English with Dev

08 Dec, 06:58

Winter Clothing Vocabulary (with Pictures) 👇☃️❄️

English with Dev

07 Dec, 14:53

Impervious (🗣️ ɪmˈpɜː .vi.əs) - not able to be influenced, hurt, or damaged
Example -
(1) He seems to be impervious to pain.
(2) Granite is almost impervious to acid-rain damage.

English with Dev

07 Dec, 02:33


Be out of sorts (idiom)

English with Dev

06 Dec, 16:45

Dreich (word of the day) - used for describing wet, dark, unpleasant weather

"dreich weather on the Scottish coast"

English with Dev

06 Dec, 16:35


English with Dev

05 Dec, 16:29

English with Dev pinned «Travel Vocabulary👇 https://www.englishwithdev.com/2024/11/travel-vocabulary-phrases.html»

English with Dev

05 Dec, 16:23

Catch cold/catch a cold - to become ill with a common infection that causes you to cough and sneeze and your nose to run or feel blocked

Example - Let's dry our hair so we don't catch cold.

English with Dev

04 Dec, 15:57

Soft-pedal - to treat something unpleasant as less important, because you want to avoid angering or hurting people

Example - The movie soft-pedals the more sensational aspects of his life.

English with Dev

03 Dec, 14:51

Travel Vocabulary👇


English with Dev

03 Dec, 14:28

Phrase - Uphill battle

English with Dev

02 Dec, 14:57

Bargain hunting - searching hard for items at reduced prices

Example - Black Friday is the best time for some serious bargain hunting.


English with Dev

02 Dec, 14:08

Retail therapy - the act of buying special things for yourself in order to feel better when you are unhappy

Example - I needed a lot of retail therapy to help me get over my ex-boyfriend.

English with Dev

01 Dec, 18:10

Idiom of the day - It's a steal

English with Dev

30 Nov, 16:30


English with Dev

30 Nov, 01:40

Cave in - to agree to demands that you originally opposed because you have become tired or frightened

Example - She accused the university of caving in to political pressures.

English with Dev

29 Nov, 17:57

Idiom - Pull the wool over someone's eyes

English with Dev

25 Nov, 16:52

Off the beaten track (idiom) - in a place where few people go, far from any main roads and towns

Example - The farmhouse we stayed in was completely off the beaten track.

English with Dev

24 Nov, 13:45

Snowplow (UK snowplough) - a vehicle or device for removing snow from roads or railroads

Example - "A snowplow clearing a street can block a driveway."

English with Dev

24 Nov, 12:52

Gelid - very cold, icy, or frosty

Example - The gelid wind made it difficult to walk outside.


English with Dev

23 Nov, 15:01

Word - Flak (also flack)

Meaning - strong criticism or opposition

Example - She took some flak from her parents about her new dress.

English with Dev

23 Nov, 10:19

Idiom of the day - Read the room

Example - "I became an expert at an early age in reading the room."

English with Dev

21 Nov, 17:50

"Winter Idioms | Snow & Cold Weather Phrases" 👇🌨️❄️

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English with Dev

21 Nov, 14:53

Word of the day - Profligate

English with Dev

20 Nov, 17:08

Idiom - Throw someone to the dogs

Meaning - to allow someone to be criticized or attacked, often in order to protect yourself from being criticized or attacked

Example - I really felt as if I'd been thrown to the dogs just to save other people's reputations.

English with Dev

20 Nov, 01:55

Phrase of the day - Call the shots (also call the tune)

"After her promotion, she called the shots of every single employee in the company."

English with Dev

20 Nov, 00:42


English with Dev

19 Nov, 04:04

Have a dog in the fight (idiom) - to be involved in or affected by a situation personally

Example - We don't have a dog in this fight — we're just here to fix a problem.

English with Dev

18 Nov, 16:28

Dendrophile - a person who loves trees

English with Dev

17 Nov, 15:26

Useful Christmas Phrases 🎄🎅👇

English with Dev

17 Nov, 15:14

Fancy-free (also footloose and fancy-free) - free to do what you like because you are not emotionally involved with anyone

Example - It could be a lot of fun - especially if you are young and fancy free.

English with Dev

16 Nov, 15:26

Incessantly - in a way that never stops, especially when this is annoying or unpleasant

Example - She talked incessantly about the most trivial things.

English with Dev

15 Nov, 13:53

Be snowed under - to have so much work that you have problems dealing with it all

Example - I'm absolutely snowed under with work at the moment.

English with Dev

14 Nov, 15:56

Idiom - A flash in the pan

English with Dev

12 Nov, 16:37

Idiom - Keep one's chin up

Meaning - to stay cheerful and hopeful during difficult times

Example - She's still keeping her chin up despite all her health problems.

English with Dev

12 Nov, 03:16

Pay lip service to something - to say that you agree with something but do nothing to support it

Example - She claims to be in favour of training, but so far she's only paid lip service to the idea.

English with Dev

10 Nov, 11:18

🎄Christmas Vocabulary Words🎅👇

English with Dev

09 Nov, 06:39

Scoff (🗣️ skɒf) - to laugh and talk about a person or idea in a way that shows that you think they are stupid or silly

Example - Years ago people would have scoffed at the idea that cars would be built by robots.

English with Dev

08 Nov, 14:34

Ghostwriter - someone who writes a book or article, etc. for another person to publish under his or her own name

Example - A growing number of professional ghostwriters are widely available.

English with Dev

07 Nov, 17:18

Potty mouth - someone who uses a lot of rude language


English with Dev

06 Nov, 16:46

Tantalize - to make someone feel excited or attracted by an offer or a suggestion of something that is, in fact, unlikely to happen

Example - The boy would come into the room and tantalize the dog with his feed.

English with Dev

05 Nov, 03:23

Dwell on/upon (phrasal verb)

English with Dev

04 Nov, 17:21

English with Dev pinned «Follow the English with DEV channel on WhatsApp: 👇🔗 https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VajejKF0rGiUnpwR0m1R»

English with Dev

04 Nov, 17:21

Elude (🗣️ iˈluːd) - to not be caught by someone

Example - They eluded the police by fleeing.

English with Dev

04 Nov, 16:56

A roll of the dice - a risky attempt to do or achieve something

Example - Opening a new restaurant is always a roll of the dice.

English with Dev

03 Nov, 14:52

Graveyard shift

English with Dev

03 Nov, 14:41

Follow the English with DEV channel on WhatsApp: 👇🔗

English with Dev

01 Nov, 16:22

Ghost someone - suddenly end communication with someone without warning

English with Dev

31 Oct, 08:18

Word of the day - Doggedly

Meaning - in a very determined way, even if something is very difficult.

Example - She doggedly refused all offers of help.

English with Dev

30 Oct, 05:42

Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31st. It's a festival of candies, costumes, ghostly decorations and spooky tales, enjoyed across many parts of the world.

40 Halloween Vocabulary Words & Phrases 👇


English with Dev

26 Oct, 14:53

Witching hour - 12 o'clock at night : midnight : the time when witches are said to appear, usually twelve o'clock at night

Example - We arrived home shortly before the witching hour.

English with Dev

25 Oct, 14:42

Stir the pot - to cause trouble or controversy, esp deliberately

Example - Please don't invite the marketing director to this meeting. He's very critical and always tries to stir the pot.

English with Dev

22 Oct, 17:05

Unrivalled - having no equal; better than any other of the same type

Example - The museum boasts an unrivalled collection of French porcelain.

English with Dev

22 Oct, 17:04

Idiom - Leave a bad taste in someone's mouth

Meaning - to make someone feel bad or disgusted

Example - The whole experience left a bad taste in my mouth.

English with Dev

17 Oct, 03:04

Additive - a substance that is added to food in order to improve its taste or appearance or to keep it fresh and stop it from decaying

Example - Strict safety tests are carried out on food additives.

English with Dev

16 Oct, 17:01

Word of the day - Stumble

Meaning - to step awkwardly while walking or running and fall or begin to fall

Example - Running along the beach, she stumbled on a log and fell on the sand

English with Dev

14 Oct, 16:05

Idiom - Grasping at straws

Meaning - trying to find some way to succeed when nothing you choose is likely to work

Example - She offered to take a pay cut to keep her job, but she was just clutching at straws.

English with Dev

13 Oct, 16:37

Learn the ropes - to learn how to do something

Example - "Once I learn the ropes at my new job, I won't be so nervous and I'll be very good at the work I do."

English with Dev

11 Oct, 08:58

Hindrance - something that makes it more difficult for you to do something

Example - I've never considered my disability a hindrance, but other people have.

English with Dev

11 Oct, 07:04

Disdain - the feeling that somebody/something is not good enough to be respected

Example - Megha felt that her boss always treated her ideas with disdain.

English with Dev

07 Oct, 18:45

Blabbermouth - a person who talks carelessly, often telling secrets to other people

English with Dev

04 Oct, 18:08

Itinerary - a detailed plan or route of a journey

Example - The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your itinerary.

English with Dev

03 Oct, 14:41

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English with Dev

03 Oct, 14:40

Take up - to start doing a particular job or activity

Example - He's taken up the position of supervisor.

English with Dev

01 Oct, 17:32

Eloquent - able to use language and express your opinions well, especially when you speak in public

Example - When required, he could be an eloquent speaker, but preferred talking to small groups.

English with Dev

29 Sep, 11:53

Wean someone off something - to make someone gradually stop using something that is bad for them

Example - The doctor tried to wean her off sleeping pills.

English with Dev

27 Sep, 16:05

Worn-out - too old or damaged to use any more

Example - My shoes are completely worn-out.

English with Dev

26 Sep, 16:24

A nip in the air (idiom)

English with Dev

24 Sep, 15:37

Go off on a tangent (idiom) - to suddenly start talking or thinking about a completely new subject

Example - It's hard to get a firm decision out of him - he's always going off on a tangent.

English with Dev

23 Sep, 15:18

Tootle - to go, especially to drive, slowly

Example - The car in front was just tootling along through the beautiful scenery.

English with Dev

22 Sep, 14:44

Instantiate - to represent or be an example of something

Example - He seems to instantiate a new type of masculinity.

English with Dev

21 Sep, 17:06

Idiom - Have butterflies (in your stomach)

English with Dev

20 Sep, 01:59

By and large - when everything about a situation is considered together

Example - There are a few small things that I don't like about my job, but by and large it's very enjoyable.