*John Keats*
A few important works of Keats -
1. *Endymion* :
It is in *four books*. The story deals with Mr. Latmos (a prince) and Cynthia, (the moon goddess). The line, "A thing of beauty is joy forever" occurs in this poem.
2. *Hyperion*:
The theme is struggle between two gods Saturn and Hyperion with Apollo. It is in blank verse.
3. *Isabella or the Pot of Basil*:
The subject matter of *Isabella* is derived from a tale of Boccaccio. The poem deals a murder of a lady's love by her two cruel brothers. The lover is Lorenzo. The poem is in the spenserian stanza.
4. *Lamia*:
The source of the story is Burton's *Anatomy of Wit*. The story deals with Lamia, a witch who transforms Hermes from a serpent into beautiful girl. Corinthian Lucious and Appolonius are other characters in the poem. The work is in heroic couplet.
Thank you.
A few important works of Keats -
1. *Endymion* :
It is in *four books*. The story deals with Mr. Latmos (a prince) and Cynthia, (the moon goddess). The line, "A thing of beauty is joy forever" occurs in this poem.
2. *Hyperion*:
The theme is struggle between two gods Saturn and Hyperion with Apollo. It is in blank verse.
3. *Isabella or the Pot of Basil*:
The subject matter of *Isabella* is derived from a tale of Boccaccio. The poem deals a murder of a lady's love by her two cruel brothers. The lover is Lorenzo. The poem is in the spenserian stanza.
4. *Lamia*:
The source of the story is Burton's *Anatomy of Wit*. The story deals with Lamia, a witch who transforms Hermes from a serpent into beautiful girl. Corinthian Lucious and Appolonius are other characters in the poem. The work is in heroic couplet.
Thank you.