English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms @english_vocabs07 Channel on Telegram

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms


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English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms (English)

Are you looking to enhance your English vocabulary skills? Look no further than our Telegram channel, @english_vocabs07! With a focus on providing subscribers with a wide range of synonyms and antonyms, this channel is the perfect resource for those looking to expand their knowledge of the English language

Who is @english_vocabs07? This channel is designed for anyone who wants to improve their vocabulary in English. Whether you are a student looking to excel in your studies, a professional aiming to enhance your communication skills, or simply someone who wants to broaden their linguistic horizons, @english_vocabs07 has something for everyone

What is @english_vocabs07? This channel is dedicated to providing subscribers with daily doses of English vocabulary, including synonyms and antonyms. By subscribing, you will have access to a wide range of words and their corresponding meanings, allowing you to expand your vocabulary in an easy and enjoyable way

Subscribe today to @english_vocabs07 and start your journey towards mastering the English language! Whether you are looking to impress with your writing skills, improve your speaking abilities, or simply gain a deeper understanding of the English language, this channel is here to support you every step of the way. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to enhance your vocabulary – join @english_vocabs07 today!

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

15 May, 17:32

πŸ”° Quixotic - something which is quite idealistic and not practical to implement

🟒Synonyms - impractical, unrealistic, utopian

πŸ”΄Antonyms - practical, realistic

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

15 May, 17:32

πŸ”°Ambivalent - having uncertain or contradictory feelings about something or someone

🟒Synonyms - doubtful, mixed, equivocal, conflicting, inconclusive, vague

πŸ”΄Antonyms - certain, unequivocal, sure, definite

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

15 May, 17:32

πŸ”° Repentance - action of regretting sincerely, feeling guilty

🟒Synonyms - remorse, contrition, penitence

πŸ”΄Antonyms - impenitence, remorseless

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

05 Apr, 14:45

πŸ”°Filthy - extremely dirty, unpleasant

🟒Synonyms - unclean, squalid, mucky, sordid, foul

πŸ”΄Antonyms - clean, pure, unpolluted

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

05 Apr, 14:45

πŸ”°Exacerbate - to make a bad situation even worse

🟒Synonyms - worsen, aggravate, inflame, intensify

πŸ”΄Antonyms - calm, ameliorate

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

05 Apr, 14:45

πŸ”°Nonplus - to make someone confused or puzzled that they're not sure how to react

🟒Synonyms - surprise, astound, disconcert, perplex, baffle, bewilder

πŸ”΄Antonyms - explain, enlighten, clear up

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

03 Feb, 17:45

πŸ”°Felicity - extreme happiness

🟒Synonyms - bliss, joy, euphoria, rapture

πŸ”΄Antonyms - unhappiness

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

03 Feb, 17:45

πŸ”°Laud - to praise highly or extraordinarily

🟒Synonyms - acclaim, admire, commend, compliment

πŸ”΄Antonyms - criticize, reprimand, blame, castigate

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

03 Feb, 17:45

πŸ”°Salutary - something which is quite beneficial

🟒Synonyms - Advantageous, profitable, productive, helpful

πŸ”΄Antonyms - damaging, injurious

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

31 Dec, 18:25

πŸ”°Ravage - cause severe damage to someone or something

🟒Synonyms - devastate, destroy, ruin, desolate

πŸ”΄Antonyms - help, protect

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

31 Dec, 18:25

πŸ”°Incessantly - continuing without any interaction

🟒Synonyms - constantly, ceaselessly, continually, endlessly

πŸ”΄Antonyms - occasionally

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

31 Dec, 18:25

πŸ”°Toil - to work very hard, usually physically

🟒Synonyms - hard work, labour, struggle, effort, drudgery

πŸ”΄Antonyms - rest, laze

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

03 Dec, 16:46

πŸ”°Knavish - dishonest or cunning

🟒Synonyms - unscrupulous, fraudulent, deceitful, insincere, untrustworthy

πŸ”΄Antonyms - honourable, moral, virtuous, genuine

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

03 Dec, 16:46

πŸ”°Premonition - an intense feeling that something (especially bad or unpleasant) about to happen

🟒Synonyms - foreboding, apprehensiveness, forewarning, presentiment

πŸ”΄Antonyms - unawareness

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

03 Dec, 16:46

πŸ”°Arduous - difficult and requiring lot of effort

🟒Synonyms - strenuous, onerous, burdensome, taxing, laborious

πŸ”΄Antonyms - effortless, easy, facile

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

30 Oct, 00:15

πŸ”°Discomfit - to make someone feel uncomfortable or embarrassed

🟒Synonyms - embarrass, disconcert, abash, confuse, agitate

πŸ”΄Antonyms - reassure

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

30 Oct, 00:15

πŸ”°Altruistic - selflessly concerned for the welfare of others

🟒Synonyms - unselfish, considerate, benevolent, compassionate

πŸ”΄Antonyms - selfish

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

30 Oct, 00:15

πŸ”°Menace - someone or something that is likely to cause some threat or danger

🟒Synonyms - risk, hazard, jeopardy, intimidation, peril, warning

πŸ”΄Antonyms - aid, assistance, guard

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

08 Oct, 16:31

πŸ”°Unfeigned - sincere and genuine

🟒Synonyms - unpretended, true, real

πŸ”΄Antonyms - feigned, insincere, pretended

English Vocabulary | Synonyms | Antonyms

08 Oct, 16:31

πŸ”°Dearth - shortage or scarcity of something

🟒Synonyms - deficiency, inadequacy, insufficiency

πŸ”΄Antonyms - abundance, excess, plenty, sufficiency





