لە بەردی ڕەقدا گوڵ
Welcome to ھیچستان, a Telegram channel filled with love and positivity. This channel, represented by the usernames @emmhichstan and @intiqam_gt, is all about spreading love and connecting with others in a meaningful way. The title, which translates to 'No Place' in English, reflects the idea that this channel is a safe space for everyone to come together and share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Whether you're looking for uplifting messages, heartwarming stories, or simply a community of like-minded individuals, ھیچستان has something for everyone. The channel owner, @intiqam_gt, is dedicated to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where all are accepted and appreciated. Join ھیچستان today and become part of a community that values love, kindness, and connection above all else. Let's spread love and positivity together in this wonderful virtual space. We can't wait to welcome you with open arms. ❤️🔗
08 Nov, 08:13
21 Oct, 18:16
04 Aug, 06:07
24 Jul, 05:55
13 Jul, 21:42