انا بخير والكتابات الحزينه is a Telegram channel that focuses on sharing heartfelt and emotional writings. The channel username, @elvru, reflects the essence of the content curated for the audience. With a mix of melancholic stories and touching narratives, this channel aims to evoke deep emotions and provide a space for individuals to connect with their feelings. The channel creator, who goes by the name INST: @fhwd, uses their platform to share personal experiences and insights through captivating prose and poetry. Whether you are looking for a source of comfort, inspiration, or simply enjoy reading emotional writings, انا بخير والكتابات الحزينه is the perfect channel for you. Join the community today and immerse yourself in the world of heartfelt storytelling. Remember, sometimes the saddest stories can touch our hearts the most. 🖤
20 Apr, 18:33
01 Apr, 22:09
22 Mar, 22:01
12 Nov, 21:23
12 Nov, 21:20
12 Nov, 21:14
04 Nov, 02:43
04 Nov, 02:43
04 Nov, 02:43
04 Nov, 02:43
03 Nov, 04:22