Welcome to ۦــٱشـٱۦڪومــإيبٱ, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing content related to Libya and specifically Benghazi. Our channel aims to bring back the true essence of our culture and values, reminding everyone of who we truly are. With a mix of emojis such as ☠️ and 🔥, we add a touch of modernity to our traditional roots. Join us as we explore life in Libya, its traditions, and the vibrant city of Benghazi. Our channel is a platform for learning and sharing experiences from afar. So come and be a part of our community, where you can benefit and enjoy the rich heritage of our country. Stay tuned for updates, stories, and insights that will keep you engaged and informed. Follow ۦــٱشـٱۦڪومــإيبٱ on Telegram today and be part of our journey to rediscover and appreciate our culture and history. 🌚🔪
07 Feb, 14:12
07 Feb, 14:07
07 Feb, 13:21
02 Feb, 18:20
20 Jan, 15:56
17 Jan, 18:29
09 Jan, 09:59
26 Dec, 04:00
25 Dec, 15:30
20 Dec, 09:14
18 Dec, 17:09
17 Dec, 22:15
17 Dec, 16:35
16 Dec, 13:48
16 Dec, 09:26
29 Nov, 13:14
28 Nov, 18:38
25 Nov, 20:47
25 Nov, 20:46
25 Nov, 20:46
25 Nov, 20:46
25 Nov, 20:46
25 Nov, 20:46
25 Nov, 20:46
22 Nov, 02:55
22 Nov, 02:45
22 Nov, 02:41
22 Nov, 02:40
22 Nov, 02:37
22 Nov, 02:34
22 Nov, 02:31
22 Nov, 02:29
22 Nov, 02:26
18 Nov, 18:48
18 Nov, 18:37
18 Nov, 18:37
18 Nov, 18:29
18 Nov, 18:29
12 Nov, 22:06
12 Nov, 14:35
10 Nov, 16:15
30 Oct, 23:31
30 Oct, 23:31
30 Oct, 23:31
30 Oct, 23:31
30 Oct, 23:31
30 Oct, 23:31
30 Oct, 23:28
26 Oct, 16:30
26 Oct, 16:30
22 Oct, 17:31
22 Oct, 17:31
21 Oct, 21:08
21 Oct, 21:07
16 Oct, 00:22
16 Oct, 00:21
16 Oct, 00:20
15 Oct, 17:07
13 Oct, 15:15
11 Oct, 23:14
09 Oct, 02:49
08 Oct, 22:27
08 Oct, 22:27