𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑ @dxrkpuffvs Channel on Telegram

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑


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🕷️ ֪ @dvreamcorev , @cieloaf 𖠌
┃ㅤぅ🕸️ ៸ ៸ s e α r c h ι๋ n g 𖦆
🕷️ ֪ s e α r c h ι๋ n g 𖠌
┃ㅤぅ🕸️ ៸ ៸ @cweampvffs_bot 𖦆
🕷️ ֪ @cweampfp_bot 𖠌
┃ㅤ 𓏲 f 𖦹 r ꭑ 𓄹
┃♡♡♡ @pqixiedust 𖦆
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dxrkpuffvs (English)

Welcome to the mysterious world of dxrkpuffvs! This Telegram channel is a hub for all things related to dark and mystical themes. If you are a fan of the supernatural, the occult, or just enjoy exploring the unknown, this is the channel for you. With a focus on dark poetry, art, music, and more, dxrkpuffvs offers a unique and immersive experience for its members. Join a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for all things dark and intriguing. Stay updated on the latest trends and discussions in the world of darkness with regular updates and exclusive content. Don't miss out on this opportunity to dive deep into the shadows and unleash your inner darkness with dxrkpuffvs. Join now and embrace the darkness within!

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

24 Nov, 15:02

wish me luck 🫶🏻 and i love yall <3

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

24 Nov, 15:02

tmrw mark my 1st final exam

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

24 Nov, 15:02


𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

24 Nov, 15:01

but i want to work in chemistry related area

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

24 Nov, 15:01

idk what i want to be now

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

24 Nov, 15:01

i dreamt to be a psychologist once

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

24 Nov, 15:01

then i will have to do my deg

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

24 Nov, 15:01

however im already at pre uni and stuck here for 2 years :)))

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

24 Nov, 15:00

i miss managing this lil channel 😓

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

24 Nov, 15:00

aint coming back for a longggg time :))))

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

20 Nov, 15:45


entertainment me

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

13 Jun, 18:50

a little life update :

i finished my final exam on the last day of febuary and waited a few months for the result . i already finished school by then . the result are out by may 27th .

out of 9 subjects i took , i ace 3A , 1A- , 2B , 2C+ and 1D . honest speaking i am proud of myself . last two years of high school was full of tears and sweat and stress .

i am expected to pursue my study by the start of july . its not confirmed yet but by any chance if i get a two year offer to matriculation then i am going there . its been my dream since last two years .

help a girl out ! what should i bring for dormitory ? i have never live outside of my home for more than 3 days , apparently im not smart enough for some goverment / half government funded boarding school .

how was life after school ? it was great i get to sleep all i wanted without worrying waking up early for school . im about to go to driving class too !

last but not least , free Palestine 🇵🇸

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

28 Jan, 23:03

06 liners 🔛🔝

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

28 Jan, 23:02

and for my malaysian batch 06 liners , goodluck ! lets us all slay this spm together !

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

28 Jan, 23:02

i would like to apologise for any miscommunication , misunderstanding and mischief that i mightve overlook during my time managing this channel

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

28 Jan, 23:01

today is the start of my final exam .

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

31 Dec, 03:17

📝 one level up !
its my BIRTHDAY 🙈 positive encouragement for my upcoming final exam is very much appreciated <3

👤 happy birthday cantikkk, sehat selalu okeyyy, panjang umurrr lup luppp🐣💨🐥💨🐤

👤 Happy birthday awak, semoga sentiasa jaga solat dan sentiasa dikelilingi org yg baik baik aamiin

👤 biar sakit , penat dan lelah sebelum SPM dan insyaallah awak akan bahagia , seronok dan bangga selepas SPM ! ❤️

👥 3 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

21 Oct, 04:05

hello peeps ! so sorry thαt ꪱ๋ hαven't been αble to post αny theme sꪱ๋nce lαst Mαy , ꪱ๋ αm currently undergoꪱ๋ng α set of mock test to prepαre for my upcomꪱ๋ng fꪱ๋nαls stαrtꪱ๋ng ꪱ๋n December for scꪱ๋ence experꪱ๋ment prαctꪱ๋ce , follow by speαkꪱ๋ng αnd lꪱ๋stenꪱ๋ng ꪱ๋n both Englꪱ๋sh αnd my nαtꪱ๋ve lαnguαge αnd wrꪱ๋tten exαm from 3O Jαnuαry 2O24 untꪱ๋l 29 Februαry 2O24 .

to αdd on, stαrtꪱ๋ng from O1 Mαrch 2O24 , ꪱ๋ αm offꪱ๋cꪱ๋αlly school free ! meαnꪱ๋ng ꪱ๋ wꪱ๋ll hαve α lot of tꪱ๋me untꪱ๋l my SPM result ꪱ๋s αnnounce , but αs long αs ꪱ๋ αm not ꪱ๋nvolve ꪱ๋n PLKN ( god forbꪱ๋d ꪱ๋ ꪱ๋nvolve wꪱ๋th PLKN ) ꪱ๋ mꪱ๋ght be αble to provꪱ๋de themes lꪱ๋ke usuαl before ꪱ๋ stαrt focusꪱ๋ng more on my educαtꪱ๋on , thαt ꪱ๋f ꪱ๋ decꪱ๋de to not doꪱ๋ng αnythꪱ๋ng durꪱ๋ng the perꪱ๋od for my SPM result .

ꪱ๋ hope thꪱ๋s explαꪱ๋ns every questꪱ๋on αbout my αbsence ꪱ๋n hαndlꪱ๋ng thꪱ๋s chαnnel these dαy . thαnk you 🫶🏻

wꪱ๋th lurve , αstelle <3

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

02 May, 14:42

𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫

𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚 - 𝗗♡𝗡𝗚 ꐑꐑ
𝗔 smαll , cute αnd αdorαble pαrcel wαs delivered to our lovely dαrkeu todαy !
𝗟𝗘𝗧'𝗦 αpply the pαrcel together , shαll we ?
𝗧𝗔𝗣 this linkie αnd voilα , αnd now you αre using the pαrcel serve by us !
𝗧𝗔𝗣 #pudding for more !

𓆩 🥋 ⋆ ࣪ @dxrkpuffvs ❦ 𓆪

𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

22 Apr, 07:27

eid mubαrαk to αll muslims αll αround the world ! wishing you α merry celebrαtions with your love ones <3

— αstelle / owner

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

08 Apr, 15:12

𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫

𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚 - 𝗗♡𝗡𝗚 ꐑꐑ
𝗔 smαll , cute αnd αdorαble pαrcel wαs delivered to our lovely dαrkeu todαy !
𝗟𝗘𝗧'𝗦 αpply the pαrcel together , shαll we ?
𝗧𝗔𝗣 this linkie αnd voilα , αnd now you αre using the pαrcel serve by us !
𝗧𝗔𝗣 #cαke for more !

  𓆩 🥋 ⋆ ࣪ @dxrkpuffvs ❦ 𓆪

𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫ ֢ ⌯ 𓍲 ۫

𔔀 🕸ﹴd︩︪ׄαִrׄkׄpּ͠υׂ𝔣𝔣ׅvִִsׅ ⌑

03 Apr, 13:17

1.3k subs 🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻