Are you a fan of Pavel Durov and want to stay updated with all the latest news and interesting facts about him? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Secrets of Pavel Durov'! This channel, with the username '@durovvvvs', is dedicated to bringing you all the most relevant and intriguing information about the co-founder of VKontakte and Telegram. From his latest projects to his personal life, you will find everything you need to know about Pavel Durov right here.
Whether you are a follower of his work in the tech industry or simply curious about the man behind the popular messaging app Telegram, this channel is the perfect place for you. Stay connected and be the first to know about any updates or announcements related to Pavel Durov.
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28 Oct, 18:41
04 Oct, 16:16
23 Sep, 14:31
06 Sep, 01:56
28 Aug, 20:21
26 Aug, 12:42
26 Aug, 07:54
26 Aug, 07:51
30 Jul, 06:15
19 Jul, 13:15