东南亚求职/甩人 频道 (Southeast Asia Job/Shake-off Channel) is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing a platform for job seekers and recruiters in Southeast Asia. The channel, with the username @dny63, offers a space for individuals to connect, share job opportunities, and seek employment in the region. The channel facilitates communication among its members through various groups: @ndy222 for general discussions, @xs660 for business collaborations, @bulie668 for information dissemination, @dnybg2023 for breaking news, and @mvsfhb for sharing short videos. Additionally, members can also find specific information by joining groups based on their geographical location. Whether you are searching for a job or looking to hire someone in Southeast Asia, 东南亚求职/甩人 频道 provides a platform for networking and collaboration. Join the channel today to stay updated on the latest job opportunities, partnerships, and industry news in the region!
20 Feb, 03:35
18 Feb, 10:00
16 Feb, 04:33
08 Feb, 04:37
01 Feb, 05:46
31 Jan, 01:37
30 Jan, 10:18