Are you looking for a fun and engaging Telegram channel to connect with others and share your thoughts? Look no further than DISPATCH & MENFESS GX! This dynamic channel offers a platform for users to send 'menfess' (short for 'mention confession') on Fridays and Saturdays from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Whether you want to confess something, send a message to another member, report a 'cinlok' (crush), or seek help in resolving issues, this channel has got you covered! Simply use the designated bots such as @Menfesgxbot, @Galaxtordispet_bot, and @deeptalkgxbot for your specific needs. Additionally, for anonymous messages, you can visit tellonym.me/galaxtorgank. Stay connected with the vibrant community by joining @OFCGALAXTOR. Don't miss out on the opportunity to interact, confess, and connect with others on DISPATCH & MENFESS GX channel today!