Detectiverpw @detectiverpw Channel on Telegram



❲ Detective's Rpw ╱ The Murder ❳ “Fuckland State” Beautiful and quiet place, Many killers disguise themselves as citizens.

[𖤍]. Metropolis Town : @kotadrpw
[𖤍]. Bot official : @ofcdetektiverpwbot
[𖤍]. Bot ps : @temandrpwbot

Detective-Rpw (English)

Welcome to Detective-Rpw, the ultimate Telegram channel for all mystery and crime enthusiasts! If you have a passion for solving murders and uncovering dark secrets, then this is the perfect channel for you. In Detective's Rpw - The Murder, you will immerse yourself in the dark and intriguing world of 'Fuckland State.' A beautiful and quiet place on the surface, but underneath lies a town where many killers disguise themselves as innocent citizens.

Join us as we delve into the mysteries of this Metropolis Town, where danger lurks around every corner. Stay updated with the latest developments by following our Bot official @ofcdetektiverpwbot and join in on the fun with our Bot ps @temandrpwbot.

Don't miss out on the excitement and thrill of Detective-Rpw. Join us today and become a master detective in your own right!


15 Feb, 11:13

divisi lead sudah close yah, buat yang mau join buruan ge


15 Feb, 08:46

jadi, mari ikut hiring dan bergabung bersama kami memberantas orang alay di powen


15 Feb, 08:45

sebenarnya alasan kami hiring lagi adalah dikarenakan fown itu berisi orang alay, jadi kasihan seya yang waras harus menjadi korban. oleh sebab itu kami mengadakan hiring lagi


14 Feb, 05:26

kak kita hiring ya bukan oplink🥰


14 Feb, 04:31

gua kira dah bbulan puasa anjir 😭😭


14 Feb, 04:29

selamat puasa ya untuk yg merayakan


14 Feb, 04:28



13 Feb, 04:02

ㅤ ㅤ  ( ... 偵探 | Detective Rpw... )
BreakingNews; 🔥 The latest case has been discovered, the detectives are asked to investigate the case clearly and thoroughly. in a magnifying mirror while looking for the fingerprints of someone who is very mysterious (..&) It's not that easy to find

[ evidence──92] Detective Rpw will hold a Hiring Team with the #Own #Lead #Peja division which will be held on "February 14, 2025" Let's register to be one of us. Solve some incoming cases and investigate


01 Feb, 22:25

Channel name was changed to «Detectiverpw»


01 Feb, 13:53

masih proses acc jadi bersabar ya, kalau sudah selesai acc bakal di infoin.


01 Feb, 13:49

Information, buat yang acc nya kedeak atau kalian udah request tapi ga ke acc boleh cht ke @bot ya.


01 Feb, 12:35

Zona hijau officially closed


31 Jan, 12:02

Zona kuning officiallly closed.


30 Jan, 08:34

Zona merah officiallly closed.


29 Jan, 11:24

Zona hitam officially closed.


28 Jan, 15:50



28 Jan, 06:10

Kalau ada yang ditanyain atau butuh bantuan bisa ke, bukan buat oot. @ofcdetektiverpwbot


28 Jan, 05:48

jangan lupa join hall ini dik, sambilan kita oplink ini. nanti nimbrung disitu kita kenalan


28 Jan, 05:36

Detectiverpw pinned «»


28 Jan, 05:17

Channel name was changed to «Detectiverpw - OPLINK!!»


27 Jan, 01:03



26 Jan, 05:40

Semua boleh join, tpi pendukung Israel gblh.


18 Jan, 10:09

Channel name was changed to «Detective-Rpw»


12 Jan, 11:14

Kami akan langsung add, apabila ada yg tidak ter-add chat ke bot ofc.


12 Jan, 11:12

Hiring officially closed.


07 Jan, 13:17

Channel name was changed to «〔 招聘 ... — Detective rpw is back! We're looking for metropolis staff, Stay tuned on Thursday, January 9, 2025 ⓘ»


31 Dec, 13:34



31 Dec, 13:34

selamat buat para pemenang di event kali ini, dan segera klaim hadiahnya. see you di event-event selanjutnya, Detective's!


31 Dec, 13:33

Detective-Rpw pinned «»


31 Dec, 13:33

• The Brightest Star of the Night Penghargaan ini adalah apresiasi tertinggi, diberikan kepada peserta yang menonjol secara keseluruhan, baik dalam kreativitas, interaksi, maupun kontribusi selama acara.
✶ . Juli @sexyjulss


31 Dec, 13:32

• The Quickest Wit Award
Diberikan kepada peserta yang berhasil menjawab jumlah teka-teki Natal terbanyak atau menjawab dengan kecepatan dan ketepatan luar biasa.
✶ . Naraya @bayimori


31 Dec, 13:32

• The Most Thoughtful Giver
Diberikan kepada peserta yang memberikan hadiah Secret Santa dengan deskripsi paling bermakna dan kreatif.
✶ . Felix @sPecintaSabu


31 Dec, 13:32

• Best Storyline Contribution
Diberikan kepada peserta yang paling aktif, berkontribusi positif, dan menarik perhatian selama acara.
✶ . Zello @zeMommy


31 Dec, 13:31

• The Best Christmas Spirit
Diberikan kepada karakter yang paling kreatif dan bersemangat dalam menjawab pertanyaan di Mini-game 1: "Christmas Icebreaker".
✶ . Ayiaca @piawpaws