🥀грyстныe cтaтyсы🥀 is a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing sad statuses, paired avatars, songs to get into the mood, photos, sad stories, and quotes. If you enjoy diving into the world of melancholy and introspection, this channel is perfect for you. Whether you need some relatable content to connect with or simply want to immerse yourself in the emotional landscape of sadness, 🥀грyстныe cтaтyсы🥀 offers a variety of content to suit your mood. For any inquiries, you can contact the channel admins @xaxaxa_xx or @miyagi_mur. You can also connect with the community on VK at https://vk.com/dddmmmkk. Join us for a somber journey, and don't forget to check out our second channel at https://t.me/hhhppjj.
25 Dec, 19:58
25 Dec, 19:51
24 Dec, 11:06
05 Dec, 20:24
05 Dec, 18:41
01 Dec, 07:34
09 Nov, 05:07
08 Nov, 16:25
08 Nov, 03:54
07 Nov, 21:16
07 Nov, 06:26
06 Nov, 23:29
30 Oct, 07:57
28 Oct, 23:39
28 Oct, 08:23
27 Oct, 00:06
26 Oct, 05:31
25 Oct, 20:16