English Lamrim Vol. 1, P308
【The Origin of Suffering】- Those who have committed serious and moderate non virtuous actions
【When those who have committed serious nonvirtuous actions observe these unpleasant signs, they experience physical pain and their hair stands on end. They shake their hands and feet, void urine and excrement, reach up toward the sky, roll their eyes back, drool, and more.】
For those who have committed serious nonvirtuous actions, they will observe the signs. Therefore at death, if this person is about to fall into hell, this is how it will be. Ah! At that time, he...some people will die peacefully and others will die in extreme agony. It is just like that. Ah! The eyes would keep rolling and they would drool. They would void urine and excrement. They would be like that, die without closing their eyes. And there are also many other signs. These are indications of falling.
【If they have been moderate in their nonvirtue, then not all of these things will happen - some will and some will not. 】
Some signs will show and some signs will not. What happens if they have been moderate in their nonvirtue? There are two types of result. One type would be that they would become animals. Anyhow, one would fall into hell, to become an animal, or to become a hungry ghost.
Link to Master's Daily Dharma Discourse: