CrackWatch Games @crackwatchgames Channel on Telegram

CrackWatch Games


Here you can find the latest cracked games and some various info about them.
Cracks data from /r/crackwatch
(Previously from

CrackWatch Games (English)

Are you a gaming enthusiast looking for the latest cracked games and information about them? Look no further than the CrackWatch Games channel on Telegram! With a focus on providing the most up-to-date cracked games and various info about them, this channel is a must-have for any gamer.

CrackWatch Games collects its data from the popular /r/crackwatch community, ensuring that you are always in the know about the newest releases and updates in the world of cracked games. Previously known for its data from, this channel has a strong reputation for providing accurate and timely information to its subscribers.

Whether you're looking for a new game to try out or want to stay informed about the latest developments in the cracked games scene, CrackWatch Games has got you covered. Join the channel today and start exploring the world of cracked games like never before!