Confession pilahdelphia is a Telegram channel created for members of the University of Pilahdelphia to share their deepest and most personal thoughts anonymously. Whether you've got a secret crush on someone in your class, a guilty pleasure you need to get off your chest, or just want to vent about your day, Confession pilahdelphia is the perfect platform for you. The channel provides a safe space for students to express themselves without fear of judgment or repercussions. This community allows members to connect with each other on a deeper level and feel understood and supported in their experiences. Join Confession pilahdelphia today to be a part of this incredible community where honesty and vulnerability are celebrated.
02 Oct, 14:16
11 Dec, 07:01
11 Dec, 04:01
11 Dec, 00:02
10 Dec, 10:36
10 Dec, 10:28
10 Dec, 09:28
10 Dec, 09:22
10 Dec, 09:22
10 Dec, 09:22
10 Dec, 09:22
10 Dec, 09:21
10 Dec, 09:21