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Publicaciones de Telegram de <CodewithDorellB/>

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El contenido más reciente compartido por <CodewithDorellB/> en Telegram


16 Sep, 14:55


MERN Stack Developer Roadmap 2024:

Step 1: 🌐 Master Web Basics
Step 2: 🖥️ HTML/CSS Proficiency
Step 3: Deep Dive into JavaScript
Step 4: 🗂️ Version Control with Git
Step 5: 🐍 Node.js for Server-Side
Step 6: 🗃️ Express.js for Routing
Step 7: 📦 NPM for Package Management
Step 8: 📚 MongoDB for Databases
Step 9: 🌟 React.js for Frontend
Step 10: 🔐 Implement Security (JWT)
Step 11: 🚀 App Deployment (Heroku, Netlify)
Step 12: 🐳 Docker Basics
Step 13: ☁️ Explore Cloud Services
Step 14: 🔄 CI/CD with GitHub Actions
Step 15: 🧪 Testing with Jest
Step 16: 📜 API Documentation
Step 17: 📢 Build a Portfolio
Step 18: 💼 Resume Crafting
Step 19: 🛑 Interview Preparation
Step 20: 🔍 Job Hunting Strategy

🚀 Launch Your MERN Journey.

Join my Telegram for daily tips and tricks 🎯💡

11 Sep, 17:30


Are you ready for the AIRDROP ?


27 Aug, 19:48


7 GitHub repos for JavaScript Developers!!🔥

1. https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS

2. https://github.com/trekhleb/javascript-algorithms

3. https://github.com/30-seconds/30-seconds-of-code

4. https://github.com/thedaviddias/Front-End-Checklist

5. https://github.com/yangshun/front-end-interview-handbook

6. https://github.com/microsoft/Web-Dev-For-Beginners

7. https://github.com/sudheerj/reactjs-interview-questions

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25 Aug, 16:27


Best YouTube Channels...

🔒 Cybersecurity - John Hammond
🌐 Networking - David Bombal
🐍 Python - Code With Harry
⚛️ React - Codevolution
🎨 UI/UX - GFXMentor
📜 JavaScript - Traversy Media
Java - kunal kushwaha
🚀 DevOps - Techworld with Nana
🔗 Blockchain - Telusko
🤖 AI/ML - Krish Naik
💻 Web Development - Traversy Media
☁️ AWS - Code With Harry

08 Aug, 08:33


Top 50 SQL Interview Questions and Answers 📚🧠 🔥

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23 Jul, 08:56


Linux Commands 📚🧠

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11 Jul, 07:07


Sql JOINS 📚🧠

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04 Jul, 07:03


Level up your coding skills for free:

🌐 HTML - w3schools.com
💅 CSS - web.dev/learn/css
🔥 JavaScript - javascript.info
🐙 Git and Github - git-scm.com
📚 API - rapidapi.com/learn
🐍 Python - learnpython.org
⚛️ React - react-tutorial.app
🎡 Laravel - laracasts.com
🌟 VueJS - learnvue.co
🔍 SQL - SQLbolt.com
🌈 Tailwind CSS - tailwindcss.com
🚀 Go - gobyexample.com
🐳 Docker - docker-curriculum.com
🦋 Flutter - flutter.dev/learn
🦀 Rust - rust-lang.org/learn


29 Jun, 23:15


10 Remote IT Job Sites👨🏻‍💻💼

These sites will help you find your dream job, working from home🏠👌



24 Jun, 13:04


Multiple Window 3D Scene using Three.js🔥 Project Source Code

🔗Tap here and Download( Drive Link)📍

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