Code for Interview @codeforinterview Channel on Telegram

Code for Interview


Code for Interview (English)

Are you preparing for a technical interview and looking to boost your coding skills? Look no further than 'Code for Interview'! This Telegram channel is dedicated to helping aspiring developers, engineers, and programmers ace their interviews by providing valuable resources, tips, and practice questions. Whether you are a beginner looking to land your first job in the tech industry or a seasoned professional aiming for a career advancement, 'Code for Interview' has got you covered. With a community of like-minded individuals sharing their experiences and insights, you can get the support you need to succeed. Don't let the fear of coding interviews hold you back - join 'Code for Interview' today and take your skills to the next level!

Code for Interview

10 Jun, 20:38

Which do you prefer: Promises or async/await?

Code for Interview

10 Jun, 20:35

Why do we need middleware in Node.js when we can write the same code in controller functions?

Code for Interview

10 Jun, 20:15

Which is more optimized for finding a value in JavaScript: using an object or a map?

Code for Interview

10 Jun, 18:33

What is memoization and how can you memoize a function in JavaScript

Code for Interview

10 Jun, 17:54

What are generators in JavaScript

Code for Interview

10 Jun, 08:57

What is the output?

var test3 = function(){return 3;}

Code for Interview

10 Jun, 08:51

What is the output?

var a = b = 1;
console.log('b', b);
console.log('a', a);

Code for Interview

10 Jun, 08:50

What is the output?

setTimeout(()=>{console.log('setTimeOut')}, 0);

Code for Interview

10 Jun, 07:03

What is Promise in JavaScript and how can you implement a Promise with .then?

Code for Interview

10 Jun, 06:59

These are some questions I faced in my recent interviews. If you're getting ready for a frontend interview, make sure to review and practice these questions. I'll be sharing more questions over the next few days.

Code for Interview

09 Jun, 13:59

What is the difference between PUT and PATCH requests?

Code for Interview

09 Jun, 13:55

Remove duplicates from a sorted non-decreasing Array

input: [1,2,3,3,4,5,5,6]
output: [1,2,3,4,5,6]

Code for Interview

09 Jun, 11:36

What is Debouncing and Throttling in JavaScript?

Code for Interview

09 Jun, 10:30

A Teacher of California institute of Technology takes people on yearly trips to museums of science and development for a mind refreshing tour. Total of children depend on their passing percentage and people appearing for the exam. For every section of the museum, the teacher always stands in line and checks if anyone is missing from the queue. All students will be standing in no order in the queue.

Write a code to find the missing child from the queue

Total Students:

Jina, Jeniffer, John, Ronald, Jacob, Joe, Ralph, Surya, Scully, Nina, Scarlet

In Applied science queue standing people

Ronald, Ralph, Scully, Scarlet, Jina, Jeniffer, Joe, Nina, Surya, Jacob

Code for Interview

09 Jun, 10:24

What will be the output?

var a = 1;
function x(params) {
if(a) var a = 9;

Code for Interview

09 Jun, 10:22

Given an integer array nums, move all 0's to the end of it while maintaining the relative order of the non-zero elements.

Input: [0,1,0,3,12]
Output: [1,3,12,0,0]

Code for Interview

09 Jun, 10:15

How react-scripts executes the start script?

Code for Interview

09 Jun, 09:28

What is WebVitals in React?

Code for Interview

09 Jun, 08:51

1. What is Event Propagation in JavaScript?
2. What are the phases of Event Propagation?
3. How can we stop Event Propagation?
4. What is Event Delegation?