Are you preparing for the CLAT 2025-26 exam and looking for important study materials? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'clatexampdf'! This channel is dedicated to providing all the essential PDF files you need to ace the CLAT exam. From past year question papers (2020 to 2022) to specific subject PDFs like Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Maths, and English, this channel has got you covered
If you want to ensure your success in the CLAT exam, make sure to join @lawgical01 for expert guidance and tips. Don't miss out on this valuable resource - join 'clatexampdf' today and boost your preparation for the CLAT 2025-26 exam!
28 Jan, 18:00
24 Jan, 17:51
24 Jan, 17:50
17 Jan, 15:48
17 Jan, 15:47
17 Jan, 15:47
17 Jan, 15:46
16 Jan, 17:55
16 Jan, 17:52
12 Dec, 08:12
09 Dec, 11:23
09 Dec, 11:23
08 Dec, 06:15
02 Dec, 07:04
02 Dec, 07:03
01 Dec, 12:45
01 Dec, 12:44
28 Nov, 17:49
28 Nov, 17:49
22 Nov, 12:39
19 Nov, 13:21
29 Oct, 14:40
21 Oct, 13:44
08 Oct, 19:52
15 Jul, 06:02
01 Jul, 15:54
01 Jul, 11:39
21 Jun, 18:19
12 Jun, 17:45