Le dernier contenu partagé par Catholic Traditional Forward sur Telegram
Catholic Traditional Forward
27 Jan, 04:15
•God did not create a human family made up of segregated, dissociated mutually independent members. No He would have them all united by the bond of total love of Him and consequent self-dedication To assisting each other to maintain that bond intact•
Catholic Traditional Forward
26 Jan, 13:25
Have a blessed Sunday! And go to holy Mass today!
Catholic Traditional Forward
25 Jan, 18:49
🇻🇦🇬🇧 - Contrary to misinformation report by Regina Martyrum House, Bishop Richard Williamson has not yet passed away and is still alive in bed according to witness.
In your charity, please still pray for his health and soul.
Follow: @ThermopylaeNews
Catholic Traditional Forward
25 Jan, 14:27
NEW - Joe Biden, inducted into "historically black Masonic Lodge," becomes a "Master Mason" Freemason.
Catholic Traditional Forward
22 Jan, 13:02
Pfarrkirche Heiligenblut (heilige Vinzenz) , Heiligenblut , Austria 🇦🇹
Catholic Traditional Forward
20 Jan, 20:43
JUST IN - Trump says there're only 2 genders: "Male and female."