Cardiomedical group @cardiomedhod Channel on Telegram

Cardiomedical group


Under&posgraduate students,G.practitioners,especialists&consultants

Cardiomedical group (English)

Are you a medical professional with a focus on cardiology? Look no further than Cardiomedical group - a Telegram channel designed for under&posgraduate students, general practitioners, specialists, and consultants in the field of cardiology. This channel is a hub of knowledge-sharing, discussions, and updates related to all things cardiology. Whether you are looking to stay up-to-date with the latest research, connect with other professionals in your field, or simply expand your knowledge, Cardiomedical group is the place for you

Who is Cardiomedical group for? This channel is perfect for medical professionals who are passionate about cardiology. Whether you are a student looking to learn more about the field, a general practitioner seeking to enhance your expertise, a specialist wanting to stay informed about the latest advancements, or a consultant looking to connect with like-minded individuals, Cardiomedical group has something to offer everyone

What can you expect from Cardiomedical group? By joining this channel, you will gain access to a wealth of resources, including research articles, case studies, educational materials, and discussions on various cardiology topics. You will have the opportunity to engage with other members, ask questions, share your insights, and collaborate on projects. Additionally, you will receive regular updates on upcoming events, conferences, and webinars related to cardiology

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Cardiomedical group

12 Jan, 21:23

• Normal variant (Asian race)
• Obesity
• Carcinoma stomach, lung
• Lymphoma
• Cushing’s syndrome
• Acromegaly
• Insulin-resistant diabetes
• Polycystic ovary syndrome
• Androgen-secreting tumours

Cardiomedical group

12 Jan, 20:02

Acute Management of Acute Coronary syndrome.

Cardiomedical group

12 Jan, 19:51

Recommendations for initial management of Unstable Angina/NSTEMI
Manual of medicine

Cardiomedical group

12 Jan, 19:48

Ahmed Mohsen

*Maximum time allowed for thrombolytic therapy in STEMI is 24 hours
(ACC STEMI guidelines 2013)

*While Maximum time allowed for Primary PCI in stable STEMI patients is 48 hours
(ESC STEMI Guidelines 2017)

Cardiomedical group

12 Jan, 18:14

Acute inferior STEMI. Due to occlusion of RCA.because STE in lead 3>2

Cardiomedical group

12 Jan, 18:05

Flaccid paraphrasing without sensory signs:
Periodic paralysis
HIV -seroconversion
Tick paralysis
Lead poisoning
Critical illness neuropathy
د.كازل شاه

Cardiomedical group

12 Jan, 17:44

❇️Hormones increase during sleep: ∞★

👉🏾Anti-diuretic hormone
👉🏾Growth hormone

❇️Hormones decrease during sleep: ∞★

👉🏿Stress hormones (i.e. Cortisol)
👉🏿Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Joyraj Hossain
(FCPS, MD, Diploma)

Cardiomedical group

12 Jan, 17:44

Methaemoglobin has a bluish colour, therefore patients with significant methaemoglobinaemia appear cyanosed even when the arterial oxygen tension is normal
(FCPS, MRCP, MD, Diploma)
Rapid Revise

Cardiomedical group

12 Jan, 16:19

When pericardiocentesis may be harmful and associated with a high risk of the worsening of the underlying cause of tamponade:👇

➡️ Tamponade secondary to an aortic dissection
➡️Tamponade associated to a LV free wall rupture
Khaled Haj Said

Cardiomedical group

11 Jan, 23:38

It is a rare vascular peripheral pain disorder in which blood vessels, usually in the lower extremities or hands, are episodically blocked (frequently on and off daily), then become hyperemic an painfull
*Primary erythromelalgia ...could be idiopathic or genetic
**secondary erythromelalgia include the following:
_Myeloproliferative disorders
_Mushroom poisoning
Most reported cases of secondary erythromelalgia are due to myeloproliferative disorders with thrombocytosis (most commonly polycythemia vera or essential thrombocytosis

Cardiomedical group

11 Jan, 21:55

Acute inferior stemi due to LCX occlusion because ste in 11=111

Cardiomedical group

11 Jan, 21:52

1_RCA occlusion is suggested by:
*ST elevation in lead III > lead II
*Presence of reciprocal ST depression in lead I
*Signs of right ventricular infarction: STE in V1 and V4R
2_Circumflex occlusion is suggested by:
*ST elevation in lead II = lead III
*Absence of reciprocal ST depression in lead I
*Signs of lateral infarction: ST elevation in the lateral leads I and aVL or V5-6
(NB. Relative Q-wave depth in leads II and III is not useful in determining the culprit artery. Both RCA and LCx occlusion produce a similar pattern of Q wave changes, often with deeper Q waves seen in lead III)

Cardiomedical group

11 Jan, 21:46

inferior STEMI can result from occlusion of all three coronary arteries:
1_The vast majority (~80%) of inferior STEMIs are due to occlusion of the dominant right coronary artery (RCA).
2-Less commonly (around 18% of the time), the culprit vessel is a dominant left circumflex artery (LCx).
3_Occasionally, inferior STEMI may result from occlusion of a “type III” or “wraparound” left anterior descending artery (LAD). This produces the unusual pattern of concomitant inferior and anterior ST elevation.
While both RCA and circumflex occlusion may cause infarction of the inferior wall, the precise area of infarction in each case is slightly different:
1_RCA occlusion is suggested by:
*ST elevation in lead III > lead II
*Presence of reciprocal ST depression in lead I
*Signs of right ventricular infarction: STE in V1 and V4R
2_Circumflex occlusion is suggested by:
*ST elevation in lead II = lead III
*Absence of reciprocal ST depression in lead I
*Signs of lateral infarction: ST elevation in the lateral leads I and aVL or V5-6
(NB. Relative Q-wave depth in leads II and III is not useful in determining the culprit artery. Both RCA and LCx occlusion produce a similar pattern of Q wave changes, often with deeper Q waves seen in lead III)

Cardiomedical group

11 Jan, 21:40

Possible causes of culture negative endocarditis:
*fungal endocarditis
*marentic endocarditis
*viral endocarditis
*HACKE organisims
*Bartonella sp .
*Chlamydia psittaci
*Coxiella burnetii

Cardiomedical group

11 Jan, 21:24

A-diabetic dermopathy
B-acanthosis nigricans
C-prayer sign=cheiroarthropathy
D-fat atrophy due to insulin inections
E-necrosis dibeticorum
F-granuloma anularea
G-xanthoma of familial DLP

Cardiomedical group

11 Jan, 20:15

Large intestine
Crypt abscess
Extends proximally
Red diarrhea
Sclerosing cholangitis

Cardiomedical group

11 Jan, 17:39

🟩Side effects of thyroxine therapy:

Hyperthyroidism→ due to over treatment
Reduced bone mineral density
Worsening of angina
Atrial fibrillation
Joyraj Hossain
(FCPS, MRCP, MD, Diploma)

Cardiomedical group

11 Jan, 17:34

Acute severe headache with ptosis(unilateral)
For D/D
1- Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm (Surgical 3 nerve palsy)
3-Cluster headache
4-Complicated migraine
5-Cavernous sinus Thrombosis (third nerve affection )
6-Temporal arteritis + third nerve palsy
7-Carotid artery Dissection with Horner syndrome
د.كازل شاه

Cardiomedical group

11 Jan, 17:29

Surgical treatment of Parkinson diaease:_
1- Total Thalamotomy
3-Deep brain stimulation
4-Neural Transplantation in Subthalamic nucleus and Basal Ganglia
د.كازل شاه

Cardiomedical group

10 Jan, 00:27

is an abbarent wide qrs complexes beats that preceded a short R-R interval followed by a long R-R interval these beats have morphology of RBBB
.Clinically, it is often asymptomatic by itself and considered benign in nature.

Cardiomedical group

10 Jan, 00:23

#Managment_of_AF_in_STEMI pt:
For rate control of AF,iv beta B is indicated if pt.has no s/s of HF&hypotension
*iv amidrone is indicated if the pt.had ac.HF but no hypotension
*iv digoxin is indicated for rate control if there is concomittent ac.HF&hypotension
*immediate DC shock is indicated if rate control couldnt promptly achived with pharmacologic agent with ongoning ischemia
*in a pt.with doucmented denovo AF during acute STEMI,long term anticoagulant is recommended according to CHADVASC score
*early revascularization is indicated

Cardiomedical group

10 Jan, 00:22

*Recently diagnosed
*long standing persistant

Cardiomedical group

10 Jan, 00:22

*at serum potasuim level>5.5meq/l
1-peak t-waves (the earliest sign)
*serum potasuim level>6.5meq/l:
1-p waves widens and flattenes
2-pr segement lengthens
3-p waves evantually disappear
*potasuim level>7meq/l:(conduction abnormalities and bradycardia):
1-prolonged qrs intervals with bizzar qrs morphology
2-high grade a-v block
3-ventricular escape rhythem
4-sinus bradycardia or slow at.fibr,
5-devlopment of sine waves appearance(a preterminal rhythem)
*potasium level>9meq/l:cardiac arrest occur due to:
1- asystole
2-ventricular fib.

Cardiomedical group

10 Jan, 00:20

#Non invasive investigation for myocarditis ?
*Echocardiography: to exclude other causes of heart failure.

*Antimyosin scintography: to identify myocardial inflammation
*Cardiac angiography to rule out coronary ischemia.
*Gadolinium enhanced MRI to assess the extent and cellular edema.

Cardiomedical group

09 Jan, 23:19

A large hyperlucent area with no lung markings, involving the lower & mid zone of right hemithorax. The transverse fissure is displaced upwords nd there is a linear band like opacity extending from the right heart border to the right costophrenic collapsed lung border seen & no mediastinalshift=a giant pulmonary bulla+

Cardiomedical group

09 Jan, 22:18

Incidence of myocarditis is usually estimated at 1-10 cases per 100,000 persons

Cardiomedical group

09 Jan, 22:15

*fulminant myocarditis
*acute myocarditis
*chronic active myocarditis
*chronic persistant myocarditus

Cardiomedical group

09 Jan, 22:06

*Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy
*Cardiac Tamponade
*Cardiogenic Shock
*myocardial ischemia/infraction
*Chagas Disease *(American Trypanosomiasis)
*unstable angina
*Cocaine-Related Cardiomyopathy
*Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis
*Dilated Cardiomyopathy
*Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
*Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
*Restrictive Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomedical group

09 Jan, 22:05

Endomyocardial biopsy is the standard tool for diagnosing myocarditis. However, the use of routine endomyocardial biopsy in establishing the diagnosis of myocarditis rarely is helpful clinically,

Cardiomedical group

09 Jan, 21:58

Fever isn't always an indication to start antibiotic or culture of anywhere.
since there are many noninfectiuos causes of fever

Cardiomedical group

09 Jan, 21:50

Sarowar Hossain
During the first 48 hours of Acute Ischemic Stroke, BP up to 220/120 mmHg is allowed as PERMISSIVE HYPERTENSION.

Cardiomedical group

09 Jan, 21:31

Anticoagulation with sever thrombocytopenia
Khaled Haj Said
Anticoagulation is generally contraindicated when platelet count <50000
But in practice we can order anticoagulation even when it's less than 50000
If>50000: full dose anticoagulation
In between 30000 and 50000: half dose
If less than 30000: we should hold or ovoid anticoagulation
In case of acute thrombosis, full anticoagulation is often indicates with platelet transfusion to maintain the platelet count above 50000

Cardiomedical group

08 Jan, 21:01

Chest X-ray pa veiw showing the 1-2-3 sign or Garland Triad or Pawnbroker's Sign, consisting of:
1-right paratracheal nodes.
2-right hilar nodes.
3-left hilar nodes.
This triad has been described in Sarcoidosis.

Cardiomedical group

08 Jan, 20:58

*prolonged QTc.
*Atrial and ventricular ectopy,
*atrial tachyarrhythmias& *torsades de pointes are seen in the context of hypomagnesaemia,
#Whether this is a specific effect of low serum magnesium or due to concurrent hypokalaemia is *evertheless, correction of serum magnesium to >1.0 mmol/L (with concurrent correction of serum potassium to >4.0 mmol/L) is often effective in suppressing ectopy and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, while a rapid IV bolus of magnesium 2g is a standard emergency treatment for torsades de pointes.uncertain.

Cardiomedical group

08 Jan, 19:18

in caecal volvulus which describestorsion of the cecum around its mesentry that often resultsin obstruction. Multiple sir fluid levels in small bowel also seen due to obstruction caused by the volvulus.

Cardiomedical group

08 Jan, 18:48

Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) are also recommended over low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), unless VTE is associated with malignancy, in which case LMWH is preferred over VKAs or any direct oral anticoagulants.

Cardiomedical group

08 Jan, 18:46

is a risk stratification score and clinical decision rule to estimate the probability for acute pulmonary embolism (PE) in patients in which history and examination suggests acute PE is a diagnostic possibility. It provides a pre-test probability which, if deemed unlikely, can then be used in conjunction with a negative D-dimer to rule out PE avoiding imaging
*Symptoms of DVT (3 points)
*No alternative diagnosis better explains the illness (3 points)
*Tachycardia with pulse > 100 (1.5 points)
*Immobilization (>= 3 days) or surgery in the previous four weeks (1.5 points)
*Prior history of DVT or *pulmonary embolism (1.5 points)
*Presence of hemoptysis (1 point)
Presence of malignancy (1 point)
Score > 6: High probability
Score >= 2 and <= 6: Moderate probability
Score < 2: Low Probability