We live in a world where privacy has been slowly and systematically removed from society. It is no secret that spoken words are silently captured by our cell phones without consent and used to deliver targeted ads. Our locations, contacts, searches and spending habits are meticulously harvested and used for purposes left to the imagination. The news relentlessly alarms us of major security breaches, leading to stolen private data, trade secrets and money. Is there any hope to restore privacy?
You are cordially invited to an immersive presentation on the state of surveillance and how to defend against it (see below). Please RSVP to
[email protected] for this event as there is limited capacity.
If you are not local to the Okanagan and want to attend, please let us know. An online Jitsi presentation will be organized if there is interest.
Please do not bring cell phones to the event. If you must, please power it down.
Alan Ilicic & Marty Lizotte