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منشورات Business tips, analysis على Telegram

Business tips, analysis
We provide tips

- How to start your own business
- Startup life, business, marketing innovations and automations.
- We want to help you start your business

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أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة Business tips, analysis على Telegram

Business tips, analysis

01 Dec, 13:31



Business tips, analysis

23 Nov, 14:50


⭐️ Financial lifehacks to save money

1️⃣ Make a budget - before you start saving money, you need to understand how much you spend and on what.

2️⃣ Set aside 10% of your income - this will help you create a financial cushion in case of unforeseen situations.

3️⃣ Use cashback services - this is a great way to get additional savings.

4️⃣ Buy items in bulk , especially if they have a long shelf life. This will save you money on future purchases.

5️⃣ Use public transportation - this can save money on gas, insurance and maintenance.

6️⃣ Avoid buying things at full price - try buying things on sale or on the secondary market.

Business tips, analysis

15 Nov, 11:03


📌 Mayonnaise production

Where to start?

📌 Before purchasing equipment, you should decide on production volumes. The complex for making mayonnaise depends on this.

Raw materials for production
📌 To make mayonnaise, you will need the following raw materials: vegetable oil, egg powder, dry milk, potato and corn starch, salt, sugar, acetic acid, water, drinking soda.

Preparation of mayonnaise consists of the following steps:
⚪️ Preparation of components
⚪️ Production of mayonnaise paste
⚪️ Preparation of mayonnaise emulsion
⚪️ Packaging, packing, labeling.‌‌

Business tips, analysis

03 Nov, 13:34


📌 Mistakes That Kill Startups

Business tips, analysis

28 Oct, 06:23



Business tips, analysis

22 Oct, 07:28


🟢3 Types of income ....

Business tips, analysis

10 Oct, 06:13


🤵 If he could do it, so can you.

Walt Disney was rejected 302 times before he found an investor

He was fired from the newspaper for lack of imagination

His first company went bankrupt

📔 History of success:

Step by step, overcoming failures, he created the Walt Disney company, which is now valued at billions of dollars. He is also the winner of 32 Oscars.

“Dreams come true if you have the courage to follow them”

Business tips, analysis

02 Oct, 18:17


👥️ Forget people who:

• They deceive you

• They don't respect you

• Taking advantage of you

• Humiliate you

• Not happy for you

Believe me, you don't need them ...

Business tips, analysis

26 Sep, 13:14


Do you want to become successful

• Study while others are sleeping

• Decide while others hesitate

• Start while others are putting off

• Work while others are willing

• Save while others spend

• Listen while others talk

• Smile while others frown

• Persist while others quit.

Business tips, analysis

21 Sep, 05:14


🚀 How to understand that your life is changing for the better

It becomes easier for you to show firmness and purposefulness.

There are more and more positive people around you.

You have learned to enjoy being alone.

You are no longer afraid that others may not like you.

You have learned to enjoy your work.

You get high from life in all its manifestations.

You accept yourself for who you are.

🟢You show care and love first of all to yourself, and only then to everyone else.
