Buddha Dharma books @buddha_ebooks Channel on Telegram

Buddha Dharma books


Free Buddhism books, teachings, podcasts and videos from Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions

Buddha Dharma books

29 Jan, 14:06

Free Buddhism Dharma podcasts

Stream of Nectar That Cures All Diseases
By Khenpo Sodargye

Mipham Rinpoche’s Stream of Nectar That Cures All Diseases is a pithy and practical guide to transform the scourges of disease into a path to enlightenment. As Mipham Rinpoche wrote in the text, one who is tortured by illness should practice it. By so doing, one can remove obscurations, accumulate merits, and be purified from the soil of suffering from disease. This text provides powerful methods which as long as we learn and practice them diligently, we would be able to easily cope with illnesses and move forward along the path to liberation.

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Buddha Dharma books

28 Jan, 14:07

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

Visualization and Recitation of the Six Syllables Mantra of Four - arms Avalokiteshvara
By Ju Mipham Rinpoche

This simple practice of Avalokiteśvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, includes a visualisation to accompany the recitation of the six-syllable mantra, oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ, or, optionally, the seven-syllable mantra, oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ hrīḥ.

This long-life prayer was written for the fifth incarnation of the great siddha Jigme Ngotsar (Dza Kilung Rinpoche) by Ngawang Lobzang Dondrup Gyamtso (Tulku Thondup Rinpoche) at the request of disciples.

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Buddha Dharma books

28 Jan, 14:02

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

Visualization and Recitation of the Six Syllables Mantra of Four - arms Avalokiteshvara
By Ju Mipham Rinpoche

This simple practice of Avalokiteśvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, includes a visualisation to accompany the recitation of the six-syllable mantra, oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ, or, optionally, the seven-syllable mantra, oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ hrīḥ.

This long-life prayer was written for the fifth incarnation of the great siddha Jigme Ngotsar (Dza Kilung Rinpoche) by Ngawang Lobzang Dondrup Gyamtso (Tulku Thondup Rinpoche) at the request of disciples.

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Buddha Dharma books

28 Jan, 09:06

Free Buddhism Dharma ebook

The Gentle Way of Buddhist Meditation
by Godwin Samararatne

Transcripts of teachings during meditation retreats by Godwin Samararatne in Hong Kong.

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Buddha Dharma books

28 Jan, 09:06

Free Buddhism Dharma ebook

The Gentle Way of Buddhist Meditation
by Godwin Samararatne

Transcripts of teachings during meditation retreats by Godwin Samararatne in Hong Kong.

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Buddha Dharma books

27 Jan, 14:07

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

By Geshe Tenzin Zopa

"Karma" is a much used and abused word. Everyone seems to have their own understanding of it and uses this word to suit their own purposes and often - without any semblance to its true meaning as taught by the one who revealed its essence, the Buddha.

This book is therefore an essential read on this cornerstone topic of Buddhist philosophy. The teachings here are extracted from the Dharma study course led by Geshe Tenzin Zopa, the engaging, knowledgeable and straight-talking Resident Teacher at Losang Dragpa Centre.

Karma and the 12 Links of Interdependent Origination unveils how the law of cause and effect operates and worms it way into every facet of our existence, life after life. At the same time, it offers us emancipation by providing the method to attain liberation from the confusion, dissatisfac- tion and unhappiness in our lives. It presents the time-space-mind continuum and places our present and future squarely within our hands and our control.

No more misinformation about "karma". No more excuses. No time to lose. Immerse yourself into Karma and the 12 Links.

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Buddha Dharma books

27 Jan, 14:02

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

By Geshe Tenzin Zopa

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Buddha Dharma books

25 Jan, 14:06

Free Buddhism Dharma teachings podcasts and videos

Open Secret: Life, Death and Dying
By Mahamudra Master Chogyam Trungpa

Open Secret panel discussion on then-current experimental approaches to death and dying, and on traditional Tibetan views of death and dying. With Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche; Joan Halifax-Grof, then anthropologist and research fellow in psychiatry and future American Zen Buddhist teacher, ecologist, and author; her then-husband Stanislav Grof, former chief psychiatrist at Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, pioneer in use of psychedelic drugs and other non-traditional methods of working with the dying, and one of founders of Transpersonal Psychiatry. Moderated by Duncan Campbell. Grofs discuss their research and experience working with the dying aided by LSD and rites of passage ceremonies from traditional cultures, and successes they've had. Trungpa Rinpoche suggests that the constant loose ends, interruptions, hassles of our lives actually elicit fear of death. Importance of accepting impermanence, seeing richness of life along with awareness of death. In Tibet, people studied descriptions of death: what happens both physically and psychologically, as well as the after-death bardo experience, as preparation reducing shock of the experience. Traditionally the Buddhist practice of meditation, mindfulness-awareness, also seen as informing death experience. Describes bardo experience, where most shrink from brilliant visions, going toward more comfortable ones, which leads to samsara. Suggests major stumbling block being nonacceptance of undesirable things in our lives, rather than seeing life as a vehicle for learning.

Free streaming video/podcast here:


Buddha Dharma books

25 Jan, 14:02

Free Buddhism Dharma teachings podcasts and videos

Open Secret: Life, Death and Dying
By Mahamudra Master Chogyam Trungpa

Free streaming video/podcast here:


Buddha Dharma books

25 Jan, 04:06

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

Not for Sure: Two Dhamma Talks
By Ajahn Chah, translated from the Thai by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Two Dhamma talks by Ajahn Chah "Supposition and Release" and "Still Flowing Water".

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Buddha Dharma books

25 Jan, 04:06

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

Not for Sure: Two Dhamma Talks
By Ajahn Chah, translated from the Thai by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Two Dhamma talks by Ajahn Chah "Supposition and Release" and "Still Flowing Water".

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Buddha Dharma books

25 Jan, 04:06

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

Not for Sure: Two Dhamma Talks
By Ajahn Chah, translated from the Thai by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Two Dhamma talks by Ajahn Chah "Supposition and Release" and "Still Flowing Water".

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Buddha Dharma books

23 Jan, 14:07

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

Advice from the Lotus Born
A Collection of Padmasambhava Advice to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal

The teachings included in the Advice from the Lotus-Born were spoken directly by Padmasambhava to his close disciples in Tibet. Primarily they were given in response to questions from Lady Tsogyal, the princess of Kharchen, who wrote them down and concealed them as a precious terma treasure to be revealed many centuries later. Almost every chapter mentions that these instructions were given for the benefit of practitioners of future generations, and often they include the words: “May this meet with all worthy and destined people in the future!”
Advice from the Lotus-Born is a companion volume to Dakini Teachings (Shambhala Publications, 1989), and part of an ongoing effort to present the teachings of Padmasambhava for application by modern-day practitioners. Padmasambhava is the great master who established Buddhism in Tibet during the latter part of the eighth century. The Lotus-Born contains the details of his life.

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Buddha Dharma books

23 Jan, 14:02

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

Advice from the Lotus Born
A Collection of Padmasambhava Advice to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal

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Buddha Dharma books

22 Jan, 05:29

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

The Debate of King Milinda
By Bhikkhu Pesala

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Buddha Dharma books

22 Jan, 05:29

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

The Debate of King Milinda
By Bhikkhu Pesala

The Milinda Panha is, with good reason, a famous work of Buddhist literature, probably compiled in the first century B.C. It presents Buddhist doctrine in a very attractive and memorable form as a dialogue between a Bactrian Greek king, Milinda, who plays the ‘Devil’s Advocate’ and a Buddhist sage, Nàgasena. The topics covered include most of those questions commonly asked by Westerners such as “If there is no soul, what is it that is reborn?” and “If there is no soul, who is talking to you now?”
This abridgement provides a concise presentation of this masterpiece of Buddhist literature. The introduction outlines the historical background against which the dialogues took place, indicating the meeting of two great cultures, that of ancient Greece and the Buddhism of the Indus valley, which was a legacy of the great Emperor Asoka.

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Buddha Dharma books

22 Jan, 05:29

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

The Debate of King Milinda
By Bhikkhu Pesala

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Buddha Dharma books

21 Jan, 14:07

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

Life, Death and After Death
By Lama Thubten Yeshe

"Tibetan Buddhism teaches us to understand the death process and trains us to deal with it so that when the time of crisis arrives and the various illusory visions arise, instead of being confused, we’ll know what’s going on and will recognize illusions as illusions, projections as projections and fantasies as fantasies."

Drawn from Lama Yeshe's teachings in London, October 1982 and Geneva, September 1983, the essence of this book is a weekend seminar on death, intemediate state and rebirth. The book also includes an introductory talk by Lama Zopa Rinpoche on cultivating a peaceful mind and Lama Yeshe’s 1982 talk on transference of consciousness.

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Buddha Dharma books

21 Jan, 14:02

Free Buddha Dharma ebook

Life, Death and After Death
By Lama Thubten Yeshe

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