【以太坊】币圈行情分析频道 @btc18688 Channel on Telegram



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Crypto Wealth Insights (Chinese)

【以太坊】币圈行情分析频道nnAre you interested in gaining insights into the cryptocurrency market? Look no further than the Crypto Wealth Insights channel, also known by the username @btc18688. This channel is dedicated to providing top-notch analysis and predictions for various cryptocurrencies, with a focus on identifying potential wealth-building opportunities

The channel regularly shares information on promising coins and tokens, particularly focusing on emerging trends and leading altcoins. Whether you are a seasoned crypto investor or just starting out in the world of digital assets, Crypto Wealth Insights offers valuable information that can help you make informed decisions

If you want to take your cryptocurrency knowledge to the next level and gain access to exclusive content, consider joining the membership group. Simply send a private message to @daiydaige to inquire about membership options. If you have any urgent queries or need assistance, you can also reach out to @daige168

Don't miss out on the opportunity to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency. Join Crypto Wealth Insights today and start your journey towards financial success!


21 Nov, 00:41



21 Nov, 00:38



17 Nov, 12:09

野鸡社区大家就不要去跟了。太多垃圾了。都是坑。我们社区分红模式。先带盈利后分红。跟单认准正牌社区。 需要跟单的点右上角私信跟单


17 Nov, 11:16

从来不打嘴炮。为什么要发这个体验单出来?太多人说我吹牛逼了,说实话我也懒得理。 实力证明一切这一波最高是3164,我提醒的3160做空。


17 Nov, 11:14

止盈通知: 以太空单到达第二止盈位置。再出部分仓位。设置好保本损和第三止盈位置


17 Nov, 11:06

止盈通知: 以太3160空的按照给的点位进行止损止盈。 余仓设置好保本损和其他止盈位置


17 Nov, 09:11

以太做空信号给出 止损止盈私信即可


16 Nov, 13:41

咱们退一万步讲。 兄弟们。你去看看哪个社区敢说先带你盈利后分红的。外面那些社区。一上来都是让你直接付费多少多少的。没有实力的人敢说先带你盈利再分红。还不怕你跑路不给分红的。 你去看看。除了我们社区 你再找出来一个给我看看


16 Nov, 12:47

而你呢 还在观望。还在观望。还在跟那些垃圾社区 野鸡社区。一步一步的亏。最后亏差不多了你才想起我。这个时候都晚了 〽️😶


16 Nov, 12:46


不要觉得这是重仓。山寨我们开的是20X。3%。相当于现货都没有打满只打了60%的仓位。 如果是重仓至少翻10倍甚至更多 稳健为主!!


16 Nov, 12:35
