BSC_Computer_science (BCA / BCS) @bsc_computer_sciencee Channel on Telegram

BSC_Computer_science (BCA / BCS)



➡️ FY SY TY 2019 pattern
➡️ All Sem Study materials.
➡️ SPPU University.

#BSC #BCS #computerscience
Study material collected from other students and whatsapp forward. Please check before use.

BSC_Computer_science (BCA / BCS) (English)

Are you a student of BCA or BCS looking for study materials related to computer science? Look no further than the BSC_Computer_science Telegram channel! This channel, with the username @bsc_computer_sciencee, caters to students following the FY, SY, and TY 2019 pattern at SPPU University. You will find a treasure trove of study materials on this channel, ranging from notes to question papers, all carefully curated to help you excel in your computer science studies. Whether you are preparing for exams or simply looking to enhance your knowledge, this channel has got you covered. The materials shared on the channel are sourced from fellow students and WhatsApp forwards, ensuring that you have access to a wide range of resources that have been tried and tested by your peers. However, it is always recommended to verify the accuracy and relevance of the materials before using them for your studies. Join the BSC_Computer_science Telegram channel today and take your BCA or BCS studies to the next level! Stay updated with the latest study materials and ace your exams with ease. Don't miss out on this valuable resource for all things computer science. #BSC #BCS #computerscience