Welcome to the 'بیوگرافی کوردی' Telegram channel, also known as '@beyugrafekord'. This channel is dedicated to sharing biographies and stories related to the Kurdish culture and heritage. Explore the rich history, traditions, and achievements of the Kurdish people through inspirational and educational content. Whether you are a Kurd yourself or simply interested in learning more about this fascinating culture, 'بیوگرافی کوردی' is the perfect channel for you. Join us in celebrating the beauty and resilience of the Kurdish community. Let's come together to honor the past and shape a brighter future. Don't miss out on the opportunity to delve into the captivating world of Kurdish biographies. Join us today and be part of this enriching journey! 🌸🤍
13 Feb, 10:50
13 Feb, 07:09
13 Feb, 07:07
02 Feb, 21:47
02 Feb, 21:47
01 Feb, 20:16
28 Jan, 10:52
27 Jan, 18:00
27 Jan, 11:16
26 Jan, 07:55
21 Jan, 10:57
20 Jan, 10:37
19 Jan, 11:17
18 Jan, 15:55
17 Jan, 18:09
17 Jan, 09:57
16 Jan, 11:22
16 Jan, 11:22
10 Jan, 20:33
09 Jan, 17:46
09 Jan, 13:27
09 Jan, 13:26
06 Jan, 10:22
04 Jan, 08:49
03 Jan, 17:29
02 Jan, 21:07
02 Jan, 10:00
01 Jan, 17:49
31 Dec, 14:37
30 Dec, 10:34
26 Dec, 10:33
24 Dec, 09:44
06 Dec, 10:26
05 Dec, 16:07
05 Dec, 16:06
05 Dec, 10:57
04 Dec, 09:57
04 Dec, 09:57
04 Dec, 09:12
03 Dec, 10:51
03 Dec, 10:50
02 Dec, 10:23
23 Nov, 15:50
23 Nov, 13:53
23 Nov, 13:52
23 Nov, 13:52
22 Nov, 10:31
22 Nov, 10:31
21 Nov, 17:36
21 Nov, 10:29
21 Nov, 10:29
20 Nov, 10:36
20 Nov, 08:56
20 Nov, 08:55
19 Nov, 13:25
19 Nov, 13:25
19 Nov, 13:23
18 Nov, 16:31
18 Nov, 11:06
07 Nov, 16:17
07 Nov, 16:15
07 Nov, 16:14
07 Nov, 16:14
06 Nov, 07:24
05 Nov, 11:09
04 Nov, 20:13
04 Nov, 13:44
04 Nov, 13:44
04 Nov, 13:44
04 Nov, 07:11
04 Nov, 07:11
04 Nov, 07:11
03 Nov, 08:24
03 Nov, 08:24
03 Nov, 08:24
02 Nov, 18:24
02 Nov, 08:36
31 Oct, 11:13
31 Oct, 11:12
30 Oct, 09:32
30 Oct, 09:32
29 Oct, 09:11
29 Oct, 09:11
28 Oct, 18:32
28 Oct, 10:48
28 Oct, 07:31
28 Oct, 07:31
27 Oct, 09:31
27 Oct, 09:31
26 Oct, 21:15
25 Oct, 19:42
25 Oct, 18:26
24 Oct, 17:02
24 Oct, 08:00
24 Oct, 07:57
23 Oct, 08:58
23 Oct, 07:39
22 Oct, 18:32
22 Oct, 18:11
22 Oct, 07:15
21 Oct, 17:56
21 Oct, 17:56
21 Oct, 17:53
21 Oct, 09:07
20 Oct, 16:38