Introducing the 'BANANA MULTIVERSE' Telegram channel, managed by the username '@banana4lifee'. This channel is dedicated to all things related to trading, shilling, and personal investment opportunities. If you're looking to stay updated on the latest trends in the trading world, receive tips on which investments to make, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for the market, then this is the perfect channel for you. 'BANANA MULTIVERSE' is a space where members can share their insights, discuss potential opportunities, and engage in valuable discussions that can help everyone grow their portfolios. The channel encourages members to always do their own research (DYOR) to make informed decisions when it comes to investing. Join the 'BANANA MULTIVERSE' community today and take your trading game to the next level!
31 Dec, 17:00
17 Dec, 15:35
07 Dec, 01:44
01 Dec, 16:04
01 Dec, 15:50
01 Dec, 00:30
28 Nov, 02:55
22 Nov, 22:03
22 Nov, 17:46
20 Nov, 12:02
16 Nov, 12:20
15 Nov, 23:52
15 Nov, 00:29
14 Nov, 08:36
13 Nov, 22:03
05 Nov, 13:47
03 Nov, 05:54
31 Oct, 03:57
30 Oct, 09:55
30 Oct, 04:21
30 Oct, 03:34
30 Oct, 00:40
29 Oct, 09:28
29 Oct, 07:13
29 Oct, 06:35
29 Oct, 06:20
26 Oct, 23:12
25 Oct, 13:56
25 Oct, 08:05
24 Oct, 17:47
24 Oct, 06:24
24 Oct, 06:08
23 Oct, 04:29
22 Oct, 23:00
22 Oct, 10:53
21 Oct, 21:36
21 Oct, 02:54
20 Oct, 14:11
19 Oct, 02:15