@SOQQA_more 🫀
𝐈𝐑𝐅𝐗 𝐏𝐔𝐁𝐆 is a Telegram channel dedicated to the popular mobile game PUBG Mobile. With a goal of reaching 70k subscribers, this channel provides a platform for PUBG enthusiasts to come together, share tips, strategies, and engage in discussions related to the game. The channel is managed by Ega (@SOQQA_MORE) and the admin is @UZTONKEEPER. The channel also features an ISBOT @OTZIVRANDOM for added convenience. For advertising opportunities, you can reach out to the designated account. Additionally, if you're looking to buy or sell in-game items, AKK SAVDO @ is available for quick transactions. Join 𝐈𝐑𝐅𝐗 𝐏𝐔𝐁𝐆 for a community of like-minded players, where honesty and fair play are valued. Let's make the game even more enjoyable and competitive together! ✅
05 Dec, 08:37
04 Dec, 17:09
03 Dec, 16:43
01 Dec, 08:37
30 Nov, 15:44
30 Nov, 13:01
30 Nov, 11:13
29 Nov, 12:11
27 Nov, 12:00
24 Nov, 12:13
22 Nov, 18:17
18 Nov, 18:27
13 Nov, 14:34
10 Nov, 16:57
09 Nov, 07:46
08 Nov, 14:31
02 Nov, 15:45
28 Oct, 10:25
27 Oct, 16:19
26 Oct, 12:12
25 Oct, 13:30
25 Oct, 10:29
25 Oct, 06:53
24 Oct, 12:20
24 Oct, 05:14
23 Oct, 15:05
22 Oct, 18:15
22 Oct, 14:08
20 Oct, 12:30
20 Oct, 12:25