Welcome to OFC . BAJIGUR 🇦🇱, a Telegram channel that is dedicated to defending the injured and standing up for justice. The channel, with the username @b4jigurofc, is a platform where like-minded individuals come together to support those in need. The title of the channel, 'OFC . BAJIGUR 🇦🇱', reflects the commitment to advocating for those who have been wronged and ensuring that their voices are heard. Who is OFC . BAJIGUR 🇦🇱? It is a community of individuals who believe in standing up for what is right and defending those who have been injured or unjustly treated. Whether it's through sharing information, providing support, or raising awareness, members of this channel are dedicated to making a difference in the world. What is OFC . BAJIGUR 🇦🇱? It is a platform for individuals who are passionate about social justice, human rights, and creating a more equitable society. The channel provides a space for discussion, collaboration, and action, with the goal of bringing about positive change and advocating for those who need it most. Join OFC . BAJIGUR 🇦🇱 today to be a part of a community that is dedicated to making a difference and defending the injured. Together, we can stand up for justice and create a better world for all. Follow @b4jigurofc and be a part of the movement. Partnership opportunities are also available through @partnership_bajigur. Join the bajigur family at @thisis_bajigur and be a part of a community that cares. Let's make a difference together. Join OFC . BAJIGUR 🇦🇱 today!
16 Feb, 16:50
16 Feb, 16:45
16 Feb, 16:44
16 Feb, 16:43
16 Feb, 16:43
16 Feb, 16:42
16 Feb, 16:41
16 Feb, 16:35
16 Feb, 16:33
26 Nov, 10:56
10 Sep, 11:01
04 Aug, 18:04
10 Jul, 06:34
Salam Jancøx Family
🇦🇱 01 Jun, 05:33
01 Jun, 05:31