स्वेदन, मर्दन, मूर्च्छन, उत्थापन, पातन, रोधन, नियमन, दीपन, गगनभक्षण, चारण, गर्भद्रुति, बाह्यद्रुति, जारण, रञ्जन, मारण, संक्रामण, वेध, शरीरयोग
Ref. - Ayurved Prakash
Welcome to AYURMUDDA™, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing MCQs related to Ayurveda PGET exams. Whether you are a student preparing for these exams or someone interested in learning more about Ayurveda, this channel is the perfect resource for you. We provide last year's solved question papers as well as study material to help you ace your exams. If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to message us on our Ayurmudda discuss group. Join us on Telegram through the following link: t.me/Ayurmudda and start your journey towards mastering Ayurveda knowledge today!
02 Feb, 16:29
02 Feb, 03:54
14 Jan, 04:18
14 Jan, 04:07
01 Nov, 05:31
29 Oct, 08:44
28 Oct, 08:50
21 Oct, 01:57