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🔰قناة خاصة بجمع محتوى الجانب العملي للمرحلة السريرية
🔥المرجع الأول لكل محتوى العملي لجميع المواد في قناة واحدة فقط
💯هذه القناة مكملة لقناة التجميعات السريرية💯
⭐بوت التواصل والمشاركات @Clinical_Collections36_bot
🔥المرجع الأول لكل محتوى العملي لجميع المواد في قناة واحدة فقط
💯هذه القناة مكملة لقناة التجميعات السريرية💯
⭐بوت التواصل والمشاركات @Clinical_Collections36_bot
6,052 مشترك
252 صورة
189 فيديو
آخر تحديث 06.03.2025 09:28
قنوات مشابهة

3,136 مشترك
2,243 مشترك

1,177 مشترك
أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة 🔰ARM-PLUS على Telegram
سؤال جاب
Beck’s triad
اللي هن
hypotension (low blood pressure), jugular vein distention (swollen veins in the neck), and muffled heart sound
قال ايش التشخيص
وايش نوع ال shock
Beck’s triad
اللي هن
hypotension (low blood pressure), jugular vein distention (swollen veins in the neck), and muffled heart sound
قال ايش التشخيص
وايش نوع ال shock
صورة recurrent
Varicose veins
Post DVT
قال ايش clinical test
ندي اثنين
وقال ليش CI
نعمل نتدخل جراحيا
Varicose veins
Post DVT
قال ايش clinical test
ندي اثنين
وقال ليش CI
نعمل نتدخل جراحيا
Ambu bag mask
وطريقة ال head tilt
متى نستخدمها في حالة emergency
نذكر له حالة
Ambu bag mask
وطريقة ال head tilt
متى نستخدمها في حالة emergency
نذكر له حالة
اخر اختبار لنا يوم أمس للمجموعه الاخيره دفعه 36
1- imprferated anus
- what is the diagnosis
-mention Two congenital anomalies associated with it
2-Beck’s triad
hypotension (low blood pressure), jugular vein distention (swollen veins in the neck), and muffled heart sound
-what is the diagnosis
-what is the type of shock
3- reccurent Varicose veins post DVt .
-mention Two clinical test
- why surgical intervention is C.I for V. vein after DVT
4- boy 6 monthes with undescended testis .
- How to diagnose it
- when to do surgery for him to repair it
5- two pictures for (Ambu bag mask and Laryngoscope)
-name the instrument
- in emergency what is the indication of head tilt
6-central line
-2 late complications
-2 indication
7- liver hydated cyst
what is this
what is the name of operation
8- supracondylar fracture
what is this
mention Two specific complications
9- sebaceous cyst in the back with cheese material
-what is the diagnosis
-mention Two complications
10- cutaneous nerve supply of hand
1- imprferated anus
- what is the diagnosis
-mention Two congenital anomalies associated with it
2-Beck’s triad
hypotension (low blood pressure), jugular vein distention (swollen veins in the neck), and muffled heart sound
-what is the diagnosis
-what is the type of shock
3- reccurent Varicose veins post DVt .
-mention Two clinical test
- why surgical intervention is C.I for V. vein after DVT
4- boy 6 monthes with undescended testis .
- How to diagnose it
- when to do surgery for him to repair it
5- two pictures for (Ambu bag mask and Laryngoscope)
-name the instrument
- in emergency what is the indication of head tilt
6-central line
-2 late complications
-2 indication
7- liver hydated cyst
what is this
what is the name of operation
8- supracondylar fracture
what is this
mention Two specific complications
9- sebaceous cyst in the back with cheese material
-what is the diagnosis
-mention Two complications
10- cutaneous nerve supply of hand