ty bi'ere ! @arbiprst Channel on Telegram

ty bi'ere !


||• ORDER AM PREM MURAH : https://wa.me/6281397683148?text=mau+langganan+am+bibi

♡ ..  🫶🏻 Open Paid Promote/ PP໒꒱
♡. Open jasa edit rc : @KejaLr
♡. testimoni 800+ : @proofarbiprst

ty bi'ere ! (Indonesian)

Selamat datang di channel 'ty bi'ere !'. Channel ini dikelola oleh pengguna dengan username '@arbiprst'. Di sini, Anda akan menemukan berbagai penawaran edit bayar untuk Alightmotion, tema yang lucu, dan kontak untuk pemesanan. Jika Anda sedang mencari am premium yang murah dan terpercaya, Anda bisa memesan melalui channel ini. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi '@KejaL' di Telegram untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Segera kunjungi channel ini dan dapatkan penawaran menarik untuk kebutuhan editing Anda. Ayo bergabung sekarang dan jadilah bagian dari komunitas kami!

ty bi'ere !

30 Jan, 10:21

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/ZPBnHUoUxq-f70744c1921e2e36

ⓘxml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

29 Jan, 14:39

sp mw beli story deco gemes, pink pink

ty bi'ere !

29 Jan, 13:21

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/KGzTFIdLdK-f8b2c7e779212f98

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, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

29 Jan, 04:50

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/LnW2DNirJY-8828c84c1301f361

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, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

28 Jan, 13:09

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/FEoLylkTqC-96a82c653c6352f1

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, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

28 Jan, 09:44

sfs sini, sebut acc yang dipake join ke @Gresieras sini yaa

ty bi'ere !

28 Jan, 08:07

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/cjfrHz7p3g-eb344ef2c5603015

ⓘxml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

28 Jan, 07:25

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/mRO3Ab7iQ8-c2a9e2f0c1d21852

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, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

25 Jan, 09:16

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/kPPDyUMHtX-33838b3ae522c945

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, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

25 Jan, 08:25

ada yang punya overlay gini ga?

ty bi'ere !

25 Jan, 06:41

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/3b75WGNZpl-8e6e6f5afe45c58d

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, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

25 Jan, 03:57

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/s3UGa7AHeuVH7Wnlh9Y75wQ9r7v1/p/h53uL4EIid-72da0c0864f8550d?source=link

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, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

24 Jan, 12:29

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/s3UGa7AHeuVH7Wnlh9Y75wQ9r7v1/p/SEw6r0j5HJ-ba3181f0dca72826?source=link

ⓘxml : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vzTI1R4A7tcaJnU8s69yFAl5z3hYfe7c/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

24 Jan, 07:23

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/edEApQKP5g-1499fe63a911c26f

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dyrzC4brmXQZNZAh5SQ4YpSFpKDApsIx/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

23 Jan, 13:21

HEII HEII buat kamu 🫵🏻 yang lagi cari penghasilan tambahan walau sambil rebahan doang cuan tetep ngalir🫣👀?? LAGI PROMO JUGA NIH ONLY 15K udah dapet fasilitas yang lengkapp lohh!!🤩🤩 LANGSUNG GASS IN JOIN FREELANCE SEKARANG JUGA YUKK, freelance professional, hasil maksimal 😵‍💫💯‼️tunggu apa lagi? hubungi admin sekarang juga @Adolesceno

ty bi'ere !

23 Jan, 13:21


kamu mau penghasilan tetep ngalir walau di rumah aja? yuk join bisnis freelance yang lagi viral!💕 bisnis simpel & fleksibel yang kerjanya cuma lewat hp doang! 🥹

💌 penghasilan 50K-200K / hari
💌 pembayaran hanya sekali (diawal)
💌 balik modal berkali-kali lipat!
💌 tanpa min / max usia
💌 bisa untuk pelajar & mahasiswaw
💌 tersedia fitur fasilitas serta bimbingan
💌 udah banyak member & testie

ㅤ : emang kerjaannya ngapain aja kak?
💕 : kerjaannya cuma promosi & balesin chat-chat dari customer doang loh, gampang kan!

ㅤ : waah gampang banget! biaya joinnya berapa kak?
💕 : kebetulan banget nih! @gYaller lagi ngadain promo dari 25K menjadi 15K aja, UNTUK 7 ORANG TERCEPAT💖

murah kan? hanya dengan biaya join 15K kamu bisa mendapatkan untung berkali-kali lipat! 🌟 tunggu apa lagi? yuk join bisnisnya sebelum promonya habis! udah banyak testie nya loh. 💕 langsung send "FIX JOIN" ke @adolesceno jika tertarik 💖

contact me for more information! bakal aku ajarin sampe kalian benar-benar paham 🐰
🐰: @adolesceno
💕: @gYaller
🗒: @testmonials

ty bi'ere !

23 Jan, 12:54

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #random

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/s3UGa7AHeuVH7Wnlh9Y75wQ9r7v1/p/Sd1eri9ItQ-d26a55e4f5d0e1fb?source=link

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZiAAQACkimiUnBtmM0yK7QxWXo0iLr3c/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

23 Jan, 11:49

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :

ⓘxml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr
@do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

23 Jan, 08:09

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/zH6cvtBA3f-d8aa11e409939be7

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eJaJNaAKzJOdnuCG_0xglSi8k9CVyZom/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

22 Jan, 12:55

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/H4TtQspE8B-2408a8dd6007546e

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fIBmX_oz5UdT2AQl8UEfepNwyYyV41UP/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

21 Jan, 12:56

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/vyuBPd6PLC-2ddbd5b0e71b8560

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fBqnl_bQ8Zf1f1oLVM0DvjRDh1GdFsAA/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

20 Jan, 12:52

yg udah send disini, ak buatin template nya aja dl yang simpel😉 cek disini https://mobile.capcutshare.com/s/Zs8DXL9Nx/

ty bi'ere !

20 Jan, 11:36

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/SOnOlzgcGx-aad8ec6950befd0f

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1doNdxcFs8891GrwQt7WWLiu-uFlZgX22/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

20 Jan, 10:14

yang mau request send link contohnya yaa..

ty bi'ere !

19 Jan, 09:43

GUYS, info store yang lagi hirmin dongg..

ty bi'ere !

19 Jan, 06:08

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/s3UGa7AHeuVH7Wnlh9Y75wQ9r7v1/p/kc49r8KaqW-4529b3cd23ac068e?source=link

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cAQNHh_jWYlxLyodOoFZ1yZDq1FfnXqc/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

19 Jan, 04:15

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #random

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/fLh7cQgypo-905ef71112c8b623

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d6iK0QruFZIqCdVvSV3UKrkBCJ6J4z6r/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

19 Jan, 02:45

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/s3UGa7AHeuVH7Wnlh9Y75wQ9r7v1/p/NKQqyJwi2B-e2015280fdc53f4f?source=link

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_foJk0sJ2_0hECsZixA64ZAeaeCJA8Z5/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

18 Jan, 10:12

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/yb7WL0r2bL-11b42945a95862af

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ciqBYKRpDT97sYM-OP07fNKXpGBRcPQm/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

18 Jan, 07:31

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/cAk2E1tXUj-1c69c91e500835f8

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1caaJ-d_q1268h2JWY4yWMO1WcQA8su26/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

17 Jan, 14:21

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/p7QUP0XgP3-c1e80d8d472eee10

ⓘxml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

14 Jan, 03:04

#FONT yang biasanya aku pake ya.

ty bi'ere !

12 Jan, 14:50

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/Q0YBvUjZcg-d2a2904ec04800a4

ⓘxml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

12 Jan, 05:38

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/6u5FXKMvYx-caa58025945aeab3

ⓘxml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

12 Jan, 02:25

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/vam5aRzO7y-97fd5dfa1fb3caf4

xml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

11 Jan, 09:42

by, beli jasa paspres di aku dong..

ty bi'ere !

11 Jan, 07:56

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/jV6RFVIPKd-773512d57bbe1297

ⓘxml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

11 Jan, 04:53

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/9GczDbH4h0-692253f2db4266a4

xml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

05 Jan, 14:08

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #random

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/w6emP8hMxv-17e7502e1bce3282

ⓘxml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

05 Jan, 09:06

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/ltK62iey1n-e2ab7dac861ab82e

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TlvooGh9gUOJUirhbEGlH_RE4E1a2RR_/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

05 Jan, 04:12

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/XRjTV4pu14-a90df0a0a00ee869

ⓘxml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

05 Jan, 03:25

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/uVfvO8Ms79-444d3a0276d4df79

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UEM8nB-TlgUG-hyDH01JbgdZdwLgHCSY/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

05 Jan, 03:16

SINII REQ, send link vt nya yaahh

ty bi'ere !

04 Jan, 10:54

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/lgIHFF40oO-f2019e21c3b0952c

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T_5Mvdodtz6Ymc6hVwljfYRSXam3KcUM/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

04 Jan, 06:27

GUYS, saran nama bwat cewe centil dongg, muse wonhee yups!

ty bi'ere !

04 Jan, 05:01

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/GPIhiAMGAt-40a8904bb0e10414

ⓘxml :

•ver blur : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/ZaBOWApBfR-b0e0f68831e22810

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ty bi'ere !

30 Dec, 03:48

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

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, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

29 Dec, 08:37

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #random

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ty bi'ere !

29 Dec, 07:40

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :-

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, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @pweetysoulsw on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

29 Dec, 04:21

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

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ty bi'ere !

29 Dec, 00:22

request sini, send link contohnya vid nya

ty bi'ere !

28 Dec, 10:46

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

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ty bi'ere !

28 Dec, 06:18

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

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ty bi'ere !

27 Dec, 10:30

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/OEfAZI3lJnQGZghP57hYxl2eLHM2/p/8GWSIotUQp-a6b34110b21acafa

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ty bi'ere !

27 Dec, 08:36

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

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ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nqq8uGeGX9g4PW-IyNlO0kISIauDoXMy/view?usp=drivesdk

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ty bi'ere !

27 Dec, 05:16

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

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ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P6oaz2VzFPv6K1hcRhHrIw5Lxa0KZDgA/view?usp=drivesdk

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ty bi'ere !

27 Dec, 01:02

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚  ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪  #bucin

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ⓘxml : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q0b_2S7h41fapc6_oa6zP7DYYhH7GkZS/view?usp=drivesdk

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ty bi'ere !

27 Dec, 00:32

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #random

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ⓘtemplate : https://www.capcut.com/t/Zs8AKDy5N/

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ty bi'ere !

06 Dec, 11:59

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

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ty bi'ere !

06 Dec, 09:03

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/cKzdjceZo0-0d82105695b9c6fb

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DbVnC9jkzGHdhEi_qGKiyRrjAOl_lhKw/view?usp=drivesdk

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ty bi'ere !

05 Dec, 09:56

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/BfMOug1y31-78a4f50022067a41

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CLzvCVdQjevCtshKJDXftu3GoeNT5_QB/view?usp=drivesdk

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ty bi'ere !

05 Dec, 07:17

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/XaY9U0fGnB-c09b31bfdefb18de

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Bpt1pt-OBcwsn_Bh5-eZokF8NVCEMS6h/view?usp=drivesdk

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ty bi'ere !

04 Dec, 09:50

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #random

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ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cjv9opj_TCIfAcAw6UbNH0t5cjcFbxz1/view?usp=drivesdk

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ty bi'ere !

04 Dec, 06:27

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/yqIyM3Igo5-ab70cc8ea6c23131

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ty bi'ere !

03 Dec, 09:14

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/47PkwABpXu-5339beb5a0cf7e81

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BWhT_XS-mU9QSknRpZ0ZJfGLMfT4XcSf/view?usp=drivesdk

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ty bi'ere !

29 Nov, 04:43

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/o8UqMTcJrv-1a68bb9d2a94eb01

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ty bi'ere !

28 Nov, 08:36

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/4gPG0XHxiM-eac06d4d676294a9

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/19SXsEaiMUOLSoxw9ule7oKjH76EXAME2/view?usp=drivesdk

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ty bi'ere !

28 Nov, 08:28

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/2TaAPWSHIbaq5v6ygsPnOBXRW4K3/p/GOLRNows52-f1e049c5ac1c289d

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ty bi'ere !

27 Nov, 10:25

req dongg, kirlink ia

ty bi'ere !

27 Nov, 08:42

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/s8UibDxUf6cHxGroRkjB70ppakY2/p/Hkeuv14ayF-d7e33c61ee8c3e90

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/18tHRqMASBPdoBCOiw1ezMNMBXyTjzhzZ/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

26 Nov, 10:18

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb : https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/2TaAPWSHIbaq5v6ygsPnOBXRW4K3/p/J9zmlchIFZ-d7e61bb5e0aa8f5d

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/18dyi02IIqF0_yXqY4mBLqlv39sC28tPh/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

26 Nov, 06:13

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/2TaAPWSHIbaq5v6ygsPnOBXRW4K3/p/alYydeIQbK-1b92ce4e26735844

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/17lMiB113O1C7zk6kA7dh2VIfRMJMIMA3/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

23 Nov, 08:53

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/2TaAPWSHIbaq5v6ygsPnOBXRW4K3/p/bLZZOk7Wws-98e73a82747ed050

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1798pT6nP8t1X4bYRIi-rZsSADkF7hKSG/view?usp=drivesdk

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ty bi'ere !

23 Nov, 04:19

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/2TaAPWSHIbaq5v6ygsPnOBXRW4K3/p/fWLUEC0Foc-ae62b2c5d9b00211

ⓘxml : https://drive.google.com/file/d/170FYg3OySo8yHtmo9jntOkUCDq_nQXDL/view?usp=drivesdk

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ty bi'ere !

23 Nov, 03:10

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/2TaAPWSHIbaq5v6ygsPnOBXRW4K3/p/7cQV2IasSQ-2d61d774154fa37f

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/16mLFTR2yORiJuAEa7tBEYlpnCGM96Eux/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

22 Nov, 12:38

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/2TaAPWSHIbaq5v6ygsPnOBXRW4K3/p/A05NRRff1H-a66df0430b00fef6

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/16ThI742xFA-Z90gtxlLOtP24F4uSi7w5/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

22 Nov, 11:51

hihi lagi semangatt up akk, takut mingdep ga sempet edit lagi, soalnyaa udah mulai exam🤚🏻🤚🏻, mff yahh jadinya spamm T__T

ty bi'ere !

22 Nov, 11:18

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/2TaAPWSHIbaq5v6ygsPnOBXRW4K3/p/ShoS9BGDQb-f35485f36daa68ce

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/16hvHYJMhArnlNEudJB-QOXj1AH0EwGlt/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

22 Nov, 08:12

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/2TaAPWSHIbaq5v6ygsPnOBXRW4K3/p/p3uXD3wOnh-bca4f2df72958eca

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/166LzS4Tzb8G4Rm0Sb3-L-55UJF_ZeQNW/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

19 Nov, 12:19

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/13g-TiLRzEP3c3fK8YU4qUa2JmymKLDI1/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

19 Nov, 09:40

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/rQhAv1DcAj-4271d476cba3f4b8

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/14ESBsXCNKJblRDPruhzKi0mUlOUFXnd7/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

18 Nov, 09:42

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/kraPxj26d5-e5e415523fc8ca12

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/13rHPZKNxrewtGaWdIFHDyrhQ9nRqwLv0/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

18 Nov, 08:28

guyss, mff menganggu waktu kaliyan, boleeh minta saran muse gaaa, aku bingung pls mw make apaa t____t

ty bi'ere !

17 Nov, 11:26

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #random

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/JGZDHHwUm0-c980e329fa531136

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/13FKIXBzFFnVnDgC0i9WBluybjaxQyx2w/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

17 Nov, 08:20

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/e4H9O4IKnYSc4oYXnwnsULdlKus2/p/acxrKU429k-def226f3419fab70
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, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

16 Nov, 13:12

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/12y2aEZVJzIPBxL2JhAS8zpa9DwVFF6E1/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

16 Nov, 10:01


ty bi'ere !

16 Nov, 09:44

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/wTwADPQKlaWD5scN6rCFYAM2QGN2/p/kVBlayQTTR-da1cdeb2824b8b9c

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/12myM6NUXyGZB5uZY0HLkOuZ3Q0l5r3kA/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

16 Nov, 07:27

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/wTwADPQKlaWD5scN6rCFYAM2QGN2/p/mSB2FMbsOJ-90e546d5145843c2

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/12aeTC2PtGzAtylhCM0nFmGS5-HDhVchn/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

16 Nov, 04:01

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/wTwADPQKlaWD5scN6rCFYAM2QGN2/p/4ISIVVkw14-da6061a8af84e9ef

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/12NEZITHzZRDZjatfuLrTUkKxahmG3pAh/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

15 Nov, 13:07

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb : eror

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/12MIaBTPBlUlCBsQzLsrQbNJiov6ymB3w/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

15 Nov, 10:34

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb : eror

ⓘxml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

14 Nov, 11:43


ty bi'ere !

14 Nov, 11:23

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alightcreative.com/am/share/u/TG6makUmg8VsqFu76y8IJTQQPpl2/p/BZ8zm0psHa-8c7406888067351

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wqfK9jg5soFaYDYkwT_M5b0D_tyKdzSG/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

13 Nov, 10:45

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/VUQc4KXYcG2GVgzD7

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vsTyEKAjvutJM7voBleeICYBKM3-SrRr/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

12 Nov, 13:15

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/AinF65Z1Rwg1bcRm9

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vdM5f_7bxSSnOp_nMXR9AhPHlZWBuUCf/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

12 Nov, 00:35

cocok bangett buatt yang baru mau jadii freelance nihh🤩🤩‼️‼️YUKK JANGAN LUPA JOINN🫶🏻🫶🏻

ty bi'ere !

12 Nov, 00:33

ty bi'ere ! pinned «»

ty bi'ere !

11 Nov, 11:49

ada yg mau request ga? send link contohnya/ vidio nya

ty bi'ere !

11 Nov, 11:35

EHH YANG BENER AJAA 1 TAHUN FULL CUMA 10K AJA NIHH?? mana testimoni udah banyak juga nihh, gass kenn euyyy diorderr🤩🔥‼️

ty bi'ere !

11 Nov, 11:35

‼️ open order am premium private ‼️

Hi!! lagi cari am premium private murah? gas order di @lieluvstores deh!! kapan lagi dapett 1 tahun full cuma 10K aja nih, udah pasti amanah + trusted own nya juga fastresp, pengerjaan nya langsung satset!

— 1 TAHUN FULL : 10K
payment : Dana & qris e wallet .

— format order here —

☎️ contacts order : @lieluv
Testimoni :
1. https://t.me/lieluvstore/272
2. https://t.me/lieluvstore/272
3. https://t.me/lieluvstores/8

note : email harus fresh (tidak ada verifikasi 2 langkah) Jika menggunakan email dari seller +1k

ty bi'ere !

11 Nov, 09:33

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #random

ⓘ5mb :

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v8CoLC6ZB26LIBuxKo1f0Rx2A26W7sNc/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

10 Nov, 14:31

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #random

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/QNmzZx7ekcDe2ZfF8

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v18TEvDBN3lR5dKsdEKNVng1BJHMxIu4/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

10 Nov, 13:39

ini font nyaa, yang biasa aku pake yg monoscript ya

ty bi'ere !

10 Nov, 13:05

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ukZc8Xwx_GClHYfAwNysKsmElu__9P0I/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

03 Nov, 07:41

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/kZwQqdemDG9iSRgM6

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t10ghhhl-lXXoZX8c8JhvXYKlikpF-3h/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

03 Nov, 01:03

gass euyy MURMERR BGTT NIHH gini yakin ga mau orderr😵‍💫😵‍💫❤️‍🔥👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻

ty bi'ere !

03 Nov, 01:00

ty bi'ere ! pinned «»

ty bi'ere !

02 Nov, 11:36

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/7FNyq8aJDJzcvx5h6

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ssCvGdS2fwDnA5c1kotBbUfZTltcyIm_/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

02 Nov, 02:40

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/eKr7QosBTiJe9VA47

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1smDOarDd3sDVQp1xwi16nkcjXRnHLqPf/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

31 Oct, 13:57

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/foRocvgV6LLKzH4T7

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ric0VmyKZ3gO_1oO3VfTfR3QCNuySraZ/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

31 Oct, 10:35

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/RGQD71UzyWLJuhuaA

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rmz6w-uXAAcPwTSNybjwVdCaVc7tVMrj/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

29 Oct, 12:00

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/5K5qp1QUNwYafzu2A

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rcD-j2c1q1dbNW_5P6Q97OdtfFnR1XbF/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

28 Oct, 12:45

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/HxdR7HnEmd3uSokW6

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rJRp8uq_4z0WVjeO7jPy2HgaV-R76Nrf/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

28 Oct, 10:45

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/Gr4mbjRwEbsa2SC1A

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r9rNUc3f24o1sJ4bVID0NnNujwM1RZvK/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

28 Oct, 10:08

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/ffUJ8RWAghWhenNe9

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qh29yfY-cyKtBIxwYvXN4SyuBIBwHX2r/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

27 Oct, 10:11

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #gacin

ⓘ5mb :

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pvkruynJo-GijleNrnVQT_hvBQgrSunS/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

27 Oct, 10:11

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #random

ⓘ5mb :
ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1poUT-6Eo0A9YTDMnQMDqGcn8gi8uDzfz/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

27 Oct, 01:48

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ6,3 mb with sound :https://alight.link/jRgMGTywd5kgRX2X8

ⓘ dibwah 5mb no sound: https://alight.link/iPpugQXej7W32rxQ9

ⓘxml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

25 Oct, 12:22

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/svYZi2eELhzx1gpe7

ⓘxml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

25 Oct, 09:34

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #random

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/eCefTqZ4nnzpiMBaA

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ort8fFAJQT_3Rv9mDoePbtZcmzd9Jh-2/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

25 Oct, 06:54

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/1UUzVe3jgPCLp8KK9

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pBSXF_Kbami0iC72YA12WOO2oQukk0zR/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

24 Oct, 13:03

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/q1oEx1hmvhxffjDs5

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oEY7OgGYfVQNsDee22JduDXUApkOg-L5/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

24 Oct, 13:03

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/42rJ9DmTSnU73WcdA

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oncb0vXVjV6fIZ2d-9h3TO8yAC3v49oA/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

23 Oct, 12:25

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/LjsmjxDC36JAuty28

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oezS1-WWFnOvE-ODjwufzuA3I7-2_zTr/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

22 Oct, 10:38

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/SsapGsP3N1Gi14T36

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nsG7vnvt-m108wf3Ana7GIkR2_T9jwpV/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

22 Oct, 10:01

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/uMNsfvjcEoVLn5KT7

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nf7gHSoU-KGv-n7sdPmLQ16g34xMcqfu/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

21 Oct, 15:50

hi, selamat malam! disini aku cuma mau bilang, kalian klo mau pake preset dari aku pake aja, asalkan jangan sampe ngambil shake or cc tp ga kasih cr. maaf sampe bilang kaya gini, udah dari lama aku diemin, tapi lama kelamaan risih juga ya wkwkwk. please really appreciate it, don’t claim it’s yours, thankyou for your attention! have a nice rest ..

ty bi'ere !

21 Oct, 10:28

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/YxDUF3TG4sQRDgoR9

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nhK-0jD0YPKqRlM1lMztkqBcabfdKY0U/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

21 Oct, 09:38

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nwjWuHor3RMHPwA8uSncBkiSbVXX6dCT/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

21 Oct, 06:29

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #random

ⓘ5mb : -

ⓘxml :

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @pweetysoulsw on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

19 Oct, 14:22

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/Ngshna1qGEG9cmq9A

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nR9C8NzAK1UoODdKehJJKAQsTBi2A09T/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

19 Oct, 03:56

ada yg mau request? yang bucinn minimal ah biar ga galau terus yaa🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️ send link contoh nya aja yap!

ty bi'ere !

19 Oct, 03:55

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/eSTCbrt4ow5FGG7F9

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nOEfT7J3VP-qXJSDCFJ-UQ2YOHVSpx18/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

19 Oct, 02:34

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #bucin

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/w5fjb9FYXJVgFX7G9

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1msif8C3Yt5vZhhQ-C8kGi8tmVSDb44dP/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

19 Oct, 01:27

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/HDhG1pWLH3x2eYbP9

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mf7rt2pDJcYkLfwBPIOoq3fdp7pYNeb7/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

18 Oct, 10:32

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/u4J39RfGxwVDgaK56

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mzoo8qPuSK9-iYO8y154Uup2UJPNDccd/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

17 Oct, 13:39

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/f5iEz8ydKMZxrpPf6

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m_7YQ7IuWmu-Cp5Ppf-axCChUFTfxxYY/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!

ty bi'ere !

17 Oct, 10:37

៸៸ 🩰 new preset Alightmotion 🧷 ⬚ ₊ 𝑜𝑓 ࣪ #galau

ⓘ5mb :https://alight.link/8u5HWo4Q6VAWxgza8

ⓘxml :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mXK-yTwZdnLfjh2M_hOQ-KpIg6Y2YmkM/view?usp=drivesdk

, 𖠗 ˖ ֹ ִ 🎀 please give cr @do0luve on tiktok / @arbiprst on tele! Thank You. ♡︪︩!