امیدوارم سرحال باشید
مارکت داره سودایی که این مدت به تریدرا داده رو پس میگیره
ما همچنان آف هستیم و مشغول استراحت
تو دام نیوفتید و به استراحت ادامه بدید، چیزی رو قرار نیست از دست بدید 💙
Welcome to 𝘼𝙍𝘼𝙎𝙃 𝙒𝙃𝘼𝙇𝙀 𝘾𝙍𝙔𝙋𝙏𝙊 channel! Are you fascinated by the world of cryptocurrencies? Do you want to stay updated on the latest trends, news, and insights in the crypto market? Look no further, because this channel is tailored just for you!
𝘼𝙍𝘼𝙎𝙃 𝙒𝙃𝘼𝙇𝙀 𝘾𝙍𝙔𝙋𝙏𝙊, also known as @"arashwhalecrypt0", is your go-to channel for everything related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, trading tips, investment strategies, and much more. Whether you are a seasoned crypto investor or just starting your journey in the world of digital assets, this channel provides valuable information suitable for all levels of expertise.
Stay ahead of the curve with daily updates, market analysis, and exclusive insights shared by experienced crypto enthusiasts and professionals. Engage with like-minded individuals, participate in discussions, and broaden your knowledge about the ever-evolving crypto landscape.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to deepen your understanding of cryptocurrencies and make informed decisions in this exciting market. Join 𝘼𝙍𝘼𝙎𝙃 𝙒𝙃𝘼𝙇𝙀 𝘾𝙍𝙔𝙋𝙏𝙊 today and embark on a rewarding journey into the world of digital currencies!
27 Jan, 09:10
20 Jan, 13:00
20 Jan, 07:59
19 Jan, 11:13
19 Jan, 11:12
17 Jan, 21:30
17 Jan, 21:23
14 Jan, 19:41
02 Jan, 16:08
02 Jan, 12:06
02 Jan, 11:55
31 Dec, 20:42
28 Dec, 17:17
26 Dec, 19:09
20 Dec, 15:48