راهنمای نوشتن رزومه و کاور لتر
Welcome to 'sarapayitforward' - a Telegram channel dedicated to spreading kindness and positivity in the world! Created by the lovely Sara, also known as @applywithsara, this channel aims to encourage people to pay it forward and make a difference in each other's lives. Sara believes that even the smallest act of kindness can have a ripple effect and create a more compassionate society
Who is Sara? Sara is a passionate advocate for helping others and making the world a better place. With her background in community service and volunteer work, she has seen firsthand the impact that kindness can have on individuals and communities. Through 'sarapayitforward,' she hopes to inspire others to join in the movement and spread love and positivity wherever they go
What is 'sarapayitforward'? It is a channel where Sara shares heartwarming stories of kindness, tips on how to spread positivity, and challenges to help make the world a better place. From simple acts of kindness like buying someone a coffee to larger initiatives like organizing community service projects, 'sarapayitforward' is a hub of inspiration for those looking to make a difference. Join Sara and her community of like-minded individuals in spreading kindness and paying it forward today!
29 Jan, 23:24
15 Aug, 18:16
09 Nov, 03:23
26 Feb, 18:38
04 Dec, 17:57
08 Nov, 18:59
27 Oct, 02:23