Welcome to ANIME_WORLD, the ultimate destination for all anime lovers! This Telegram channel, run by the username @animenewe, is dedicated to providing the latest news, reviews, and updates from the world of anime. Whether you're a seasoned otaku or just starting your anime journey, this channel has something for everyone. From discussions on popular series to recommendations for hidden gems, ANIME_WORLD covers it all. Stay up to date with new releases, character analysis, and behind-the-scenes insights into your favorite shows. Join a community of fellow anime enthusiasts and share your thoughts, theories, and fan art. With regular updates and engaging content, ANIME_WORLD is your go-to source for all things anime. Don't miss out on the latest trends and discussions in the world of anime - join ANIME_WORLD today!
27 Mar, 18:18
27 Mar, 18:15
27 Mar, 17:11
27 Mar, 17:09
27 Mar, 16:54
27 Mar, 10:44
27 Mar, 09:40
27 Mar, 09:19
27 Mar, 09:03
27 Mar, 06:20