Welcome to the ๐ฟ ALWAYS GREEN ๐ฟ Telegram channel, managed by the user @alwaysgreen99. This channel is dedicated to providing football and basketball predictions, with a focus on parlay, parjal, single, and bojal bets. The owner of the channel, @AlwaysGreen69, shares their insights and tips to help you make informed decisions when placing your bets. It's important to note that the predictions shared are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate, but they aim to provide valuable information to assist you in your sports betting journey. Whether you're a seasoned bettor or just starting out, this channel is a great resource for anyone looking to enhance their sports betting experience. Join today and start maximizing your winning potential with ๐ฟ ALWAYS GREEN ๐ฟ!
07 Feb, 05:05
27 Jan, 02:16
07 Jan, 06:09
07 Jan, 03:30
07 Jan, 02:28
06 Jan, 23:49
04 Jan, 11:27
04 Jan, 10:21
03 Jan, 05:57
03 Jan, 04:08
31 Dec, 05:58
06 Dec, 04:29
28 Nov, 07:31
21 Nov, 06:00
20 Nov, 12:38
20 Nov, 04:48
01 Nov, 15:00
31 Oct, 09:59
29 Oct, 04:45