Al-Qalam Institute @alqalamleicester Channel on Telegram

Al-Qalam Institute


Al-Qalam Institute (English)

Welcome to the Al-Qalam Institute, a channel dedicated to promoting Islamic education and knowledge. Our goal is to provide a platform for individuals to learn more about the teachings of Islam and to deepen their understanding of the Quran and Sunnah. Through our channel, you will have access to a wide range of educational resources including articles, videos, and live lectures from renowned scholars. Whether you are a beginner seeking to learn the basics of Islam or a seasoned student looking to delve deeper into Islamic studies, Al-Qalam Institute has something for everyone. Join our channel @alqalamleicester and visit our website to start your journey towards spiritual growth and enlightenment. Let us guide you on your path to a better understanding of Islam and its teachings. Join us today and embark on a journey of knowledge and self-discovery with Al-Qalam Institute.

Al-Qalam Institute

17 Nov, 12:34

Al-Qalam Institute

11 Nov, 20:11

Now available in German.

First Steps to Understanding Balagah (German)

Al-Qalam Institute

28 Oct, 05:06

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Insha'Allah, we will be holding our monthly program which will also include the announcement of exam results from the exams of Term 1.

Everyone is warmly invited to attend and participate.

*Date: Friday, 1st November*
*Time: 6:15 to approximately 7:15*

Isha Salah and food will follow the program, Insha'Allah.

Al-Qalam Institute

19 Oct, 20:55

Al-Qalam Institute

14 Aug, 18:22

From Hashim Mohamed


My mother passed away in Madeenah Munawwarah this morning.

Everyone is requested to make dua and send thawab on her behalf.

Al-Qalam Institute

09 Jul, 20:13

Al-Qalam Institute

19 Oct, 21:55

Our WhatsApp Channel

Al-Qalam Institute

16 Oct, 17:29

نخبة الفكر

An important work covering the science of Usool alHadith written by Hafidh Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani in the 8th/9th century Hijri. This is a series of lessons which covers the text of Nukhbatul Fikr.

The text, PowerPoint slides and YouTube series are all available here

Al-Qalam Institute

09 Oct, 13:19

المنظومة البيقونية

A famous poem of hadith terminologies written in the 17th century.
In this series we cover the basic Usool alHadith terms as a primer in order to facilitate study of more complex texts in this field.

The text, accompanying PowerPoint slides and YouTube series are all available on our website.

Al-Qalam Institute

02 Oct, 09:02

قطر الندى وبل الصدى

A classical Arabic book of nahw written in the 14th century by Ibn Hisham alAnsari.
The text of the book is available on our website.
PowerPoint slides, past papers and the YouTube series accompanying a large proportion of the book are also available on our website.

Al-Qalam Institute

25 Sep, 15:14

هداية النحو

The YouTube series, PowerPoints and exam papers covering this popular Arabic textbook on grammar are all available on our website.

Al-Qalam Institute

18 Sep, 12:08

الوسطی في النحو
An intermediate level Arabic book on Nahw written as the second part of a series following on from الصغرى في النحو. The book gathers together further detailed concepts on Nahw from other notable works.
Also included are footnotes explaining the I'rab of the examples in the text.

The text, the slides, past papers and YouTube series are all available free on our website.

Al-Qalam Institute

11 Sep, 12:11

As-Sugra fi an-Nahw

A foundation book of Nahw written in Arabic and based on Imam Birkwi's book, Awamil alBirkwi. It forms the first part of a series of 3 books on Arabic Grammar.
The text of the book, the slides, past exam papers and links to the YouTube series are all available free on our website.

Al-Qalam Institute

04 Sep, 08:10

Mabadi al-Usool (مبادئ الأصول)

Written by Mufti Saeed Palanpuri on the subject of Usool al Fiqh. This book is a very helpful Arabic primer for studying Usool al Shashi.
PowerPoints and YouTube lessons for this book are available here

Al-Qalam Institute

28 Aug, 12:26

First Steps to Understanding Nahw.

This is a succinct but very useful introduction to Nahw covered in 32 pages.
It is available to purchase from our retailers.

The PDF of the book is also available to view on

And the YouTube series accompanying the book is available on

Al-Qalam Institute

21 Aug, 14:01

دروس البلاغة مع مزجاة البضاعة
Durus ul Balagha, with Sharh by Hashim Mohamed, will soon be available to purchase from our retailers.

A preview of this forthcoming release is available as a non-downloadable PDF on

Al-Qalam Institute

14 Aug, 10:59

View our soon to be released book First Steps to Understanding Logic as a PDF on our website.
This book is an innovative approach to learning the science of Logic (Mantiq) and combines both the traditional mantiq primers studied in madaris and further logic studied outside of madaris.

Al-Qalam Institute

07 Aug, 13:59

The PDF of our book, First Steps to Understanding Balagah, is now available to download for free.

If you'd like to purchase a hard copy please visit the retailers page on our website.

Al-Qalam Institute

31 Jul, 14:00

The PDF of our book, First Steps to Understanding Sarf, is now available to download for free.

Al-Qalam Institute

26 Jul, 20:38

The PDF of our book, First Steps to Understanding Arabic, is now available to download for free.