أسماء وعناوين (Arabic)
Welcome to the Telegram channel 'أسماء وعناوين' managed by the calligrapher Mohammed Al-Husseini Al-Mushrifawi, known as @almushrifawi92. This channel is dedicated to showcasing the commercial works of the talented calligrapher, including book titles, personal names, and institutional addresses. If you are looking for beautifully crafted calligraphy for any purpose, this is the place to be. To get in touch with Al-Mushrifawi, you can reach out at (07819707817) or connect with him on Telegram using the link provided below. Don't miss out on the opportunity to add a touch of elegance to your projects with the unique calligraphy of Mohammed Al-Husseini Al-Mushrifawi. Join the channel now and explore the world of beautiful designs and exquisite craftsmanship. Click on the link to join: https://t.me/almushrifawi