ALIYASINI.SETII is a Telegram channel dedicated to exploring and discussing the life and teachings of Ali Yasin, a prominent figure in Iranian history. The channel was started on 1400/12/23 and aims to create a community where individuals can come together to learn and engage with the rich cultural heritage of Iran. With a focus on intellectual discussions and thought-provoking conversations, ALIYASINI.SETII provides a platform for members to explore different aspects of Ali Yasin's legacy. To join the conversation, you can visit the GP chat at @aliyasiniseti. Join us on this journey as we return to the world of Siti Pedia with laughter and camaraderie! Please come with an open mind and a willingness to engage. For more information and updates, check out the channel's page for anonymous contributions at
24 Nov, 19:54
24 Nov, 19:54
24 Nov, 19:52
24 Nov, 19:48
24 Nov, 19:11